01. Cao Jun and Lan Yingying broke up, and the flower shop closed, but the flowers continued to bloom. Cao Jun and Lan Yingying’s breakup shocked many netizens. Everyone left messages: What a sweet couple they were. I thought they were about to get married. Sorry, it's such a pit

01. Cao Jun Lan Yingying broke up. The flower shop was closed, but the flowers continued to bloom.

Cao Jun and Lan Yingying broke up. Many netizens were shocked by the breakup. Everyone left messages:

What a sweet couple they were. I thought they were about to get married, which is such a pity;

You are both my favorite actors and a couple that I am very optimistic about, but I didn’t expect that they would break up so suddenly;

I’m really sorry that I didn’t leave. In the end, I thought you would get married. Love is so fickle.

Yes, love is so capricious.

I originally thought that people who love each other can last a lifetime, but I didn't expect that they would break up just as we walked. The feeling of this beautiful love suddenly disappearing in front of our eyes is really heartbreaking and regrettable.

However, love is like this, capricious, the only thing we can do is to cherish love when it comes, and learn to let go when love is lost, no matter how reluctant it is.

Cao Jun and Lan Yingying did a good job in this regard:

They were really sweet when they fell in love. They worked out, sang, played guitar, and learned English together... and ate a lot of dog food for netizens.

When love was lost, Cao Jun wrote a breakup letter, thanking the two for having a memorable time. Although they broke up due to work and less time to spend together, he still supported and blessed Lan Yingying.

Lan Yingying later posted a message thanking Cao Jun for his three years of companionship, and chose to continue the journey as a friend.

Since ancient times, where there is love, there is hatred, but Cao Jun and Lan Yingying broke up so decently, it can be regarded as a warm ending of love.

​It’s true when you think about it, the feelings in the world are divided and reunited. When we meet, we are separated. Since we don’t love each other, why not get together and break up?

Although we broke up and the flower shop closed, the flowers continued to bloom. The love with someone ends, but you yourself are still blooming.

I just hope that we all learn to cherish love when we are in love, and learn to let go in time when love is lost, because there are still many beautiful things in life waiting for you.

02. When love is gone, we must learn to accept the loss.

Speaking of this, I naturally think of the recent divorce of Gu Hye Sun Ahn Jae Hyun.

Goo Hye Sun is beautiful, can act, write books, and be a director. After falling in love with Ahn Jae Hyun, the two appeared in variety shows, and they were sweet one after another.

Gu Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun entered into marriage because of their love for each other. However, after only three years, Ahn Jae Hyun fell out of love and wanted to divorce Ku Hye Sun.

Gu Hye Sun couldn't accept it. She posted several times crying and complaining that Ahn Jae Hyun disliked her for being unsexy, saying that he had changed his mind and was talking to other women...

Because he couldn't let go, he kept making trouble. As a result, Ahn Jae Hyun insisted on divorce. Because of Shan Ye's frequent crying, netizens resented her and called her "Xiang Lin's Wife" endlessly and ridiculed her.

Women, sometimes they are so affectionate, but they don’t know that being too affectionate is also harmful to themselves. Perhaps, when time passes and Gu Hye Sun calms down, she will also regret her abnormality.

Think about it carefully, when love comes, we love each other well and enjoy the sweetness of love, but when love is lost, why can't we let go in time?

Love is no longer there. It won’t help if you don’t let go. What’s the point of holding on to an empty shell? Instead of struggling so hard, it is better to let others go and redeem yourself at the same time.

I saw a story that touched me deeply. There was a psychologist who was working hard on a certain research. It wasn’t until one day that he became paralyzed and he suddenly realized:

“I have been studying how to face death better all my life, until this day.” It took me a moment to realize that what I should study most is how to face loss, and then how to live well after loss. "

In fact, life is a process of constant loss. If there is gain, there will be loss. We may lose wealth and love. , lost family ties, lost a lot.

The psychological gap from possession to loss is the most tortured. Maybe we will fall into pain, but as long as you don't lose yourself, learn to accept loss, and live well, you can be saved.

03. Even if you are reluctant to leave, you must learn to wave goodbye

Not long ago, a pair of Internet celebrities who had been in love for 10 years broke up. The girl was beautiful and cute, and the boy was handsome and talented. The two fell in love since they were students, and later After backpacking around the world together and earning fame and wealth, they were never able to get married and eventually broke up.

However, they did not criticize each other. Instead, they spent several months recording a breakup video while crying countless times. They cried, laughed, laughed, cried again, and just like that, they said goodbye. past love.

I think, There are probably only two people who have truly loved, sacrificed, and gained from each other. In the end, they really can't love each other anymore. Even if they are reluctant to leave, no matter how sad they are, they cry and laugh, they must also try to learn to wave goodbye, okay Let's get together and part ways .

Just as Hayao Miyazaki said: "Life is like a train bound for the grave. There will be many stops on the way. It is difficult for someone to accompany you from beginning to end. When the person accompanying you wants to get off, even if you don't She should be grateful and wave goodbye. "

Life is a long road and things are unpredictable. Who dares to guarantee that you will be with whom until the end? Who can guarantee to love each other forever?

When one day, the other person really doesn’t love you anymore and is no longer willing to accompany you, even if you are reluctant to leave and there are tears in your eyes, you must learn to say goodbye:

Thank you for accompanying me through the journey, and the rest of the journey, I will go on well, goodbye, my love, farewell, my lover.

04. Only by learning to let go can you have a better future.

When I was young, I was very moved when I saw Feng Jicai’s "Choose a city to live in old age, and live with one person forever", because this is also my inner hope and hope, but later, I read a lot of After experiencing the joys and sorrows of separation, I finally understood:

Love really cannot be forced at all. Only when two people's hearts are together can they be in love and love for a long time until they grow old.

Once love is lost, the other person no longer loves you, or both parties no longer love each other, and continuing to be entangled will really only cause torture and harm. Instead of doing this, it is better to let go freely, let the other person go, and save yourself at the same time.

There is such a passage in Jay Chou's "The Secret That Cannot Be Telln":

" Chopin's favorite woman, they were together for ten years, and finally separated, but ten years is a long time. "

Yes, Ten years is already a long time. "Having" means that you have truly loved, felt, and gained. As long as you have gone through this process, even if you are separated in the end, you are still worthy of gratitude.

Gui Lunmei and Dai Liren broke up after 14 years of dating. Someone once asked her, "What is the most desperate thing you have ever done for a relationship?"

Gui Lunmei answered frankly: "To do something desperate for a relationship is to love well. "

Yes, in love, the most correct attitude is to love well when we are in love, but when we no longer love, let go simply and love ourselves well. This is a kind of magnanimity and Be open-minded.

Gao Xiaosong said in " Wonders about " that when you are young, you will feel that love is bigger than the sky, bigger than the earth, and more important than life. Slowly, you will feel that life is more important than love, and the kind of person you will become is more important.

Therefore, when we lose love, we must learn to let go no matter how reluctant we are. Only by letting go will you find:

The world is very big, and only by letting go can we free our hands to cherish the present and embrace a better future. .

(Xi Xi Nuan Qing text | Xi Xi picture | Internet)