As the machine moved back and forth on the left forearm, it made a "dong-dong" sound, and soon blood seeped out of the skin bit by bit. This boy from Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, has 50% of his upper body occupied by black lines - patterns of a dragon, a unicorn, and a cros

When the machine moved back and forth on the left forearm, it made a "dong-dong" sound, and soon blood seeped out of the skin bit by bit. Since he couldn't take anesthesia, the burning pain made Junzhe (pseudonym) almost pass out. He was lying on a single bed, his legs raised, lowered, raised again, lowered again... He rubbed his face back and forth with his right hand, anxiously trying to relieve the burning pain.

"It hurts so much, it's killing me." Even though almost two years have passed, Junzhe still clearly remembers the feeling when he had his tattoo cleaned for the first time. He felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, but to completely get rid of the tattoos on his body, he would have to wash them at least 50 times.

This young man from Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, has 50% of his upper body occupied by black lines - patterns of shoulder dragons, unicorns, and crosses are successively outlined on his chest and back, and his fingers and ankles are covered with The article is about spiders and ghost faces.

If he doesn't get rid of them, Junzhe won't be able to return to the classroom, and he won't be able to look at others normally. His family members said that if he didn't wash off his tattoos, he "wouldn't even be able to marry a serious wife." Only by returning to being the "clean" kid could he become what his parents expected him to be.

Mother Zhou Rongjuan is afraid of the looks that outsiders will look at her son. When she takes her son out for dinner, she doesn't know how to answer every time someone asks, "Why does her son have so many tattoos?" "There is an indescribable feeling in her heart."

Most of Junzhe's tattoos are hidden in his clothes, but the one on his left forearm The tattoo of "Guanyin Stepping on the Dragon" completely exposed him to the sun. At that time, he didn't know what to tattoo, and the owner of the tattoo shop recommended this pattern to him. That year, Junzhe was 14 years old. The boy only saw tattoos as a means of expressing himself. He never imagined that his youth and life would be defined by these black lines.

Zhou Rongjuan remembered that her son used to be a "very well-behaved" child. She was 43 years old, and she was a little scared when she thought that her son had become "so naughty", so she gave birth to a second child. Whenever she sees her second son, she says her heart is filled with sweetness.

She said that 17 years ago, she fell in love with Junzhe in the same way. At that time, they never thought about having a second child. However, on the path of growth, the "very well-behaved" boy slowly entered a fork in the road and was pushed step by step into the thorny land.


The process of cleaning a tattoo is like peeling off a layer of skin. Just one tattoo on my left forearm needs to be cleaned seven or eight times. After each cleaning, it takes time for the wound to recover, so it can only be cleaned once or twice a year, and each cleaning costs almost 9,000 yuan. This means that it will cost 60,000 to 70,000 yuan and several years to wash off just this exposed tattoo.

What cannot be measured is the physical pain. After each wash, Junzhe's arm doubled in size. When he was about to wash a tattoo on his finger for the second time, he paid all the money. Junzhe's father, Xu Jiangping, relented. "(He) said with tears, Dad, I won't wash anymore. It hurts so much. It hurts so much. Seeing how pitiful he is, I didn't wash him."

But if you can't bear this kind of If he is in pain, Junzhe will run into obstacles everywhere in his life. One day in September 2017, Xu Jiangping received a call from Junzhe’s second grade teacher, asking him to take his son home and clean his tattoo before returning to school. At that time, Junzhe's left forearm was full of tattoos. This boy, who looked thin and had average grades, suddenly became the center of attention.

Since he couldn't finish washing at once, he had to put on two pairs of sleeves prepared by his mother to cover his bare arms before going back to school. "Try not to let the tattoo affect other children."

After graduating from junior high school, Junzhe's high school entrance examination results Unable to attend a regular high school, Xu Jiangping asked for help to send his son to a vocational high school. At that time, the school signed an agreement with Xu Jiangping out of "concerns about subsequent enrollment". If Junzhe showed his tattoo more than three times, he would automatically drop out of school.

In the past, the school had accepted students with tattoos, but they were all "a little bit on the arms." This was the first time such a large area of ​​tattoos was seen. Considering that bathing and sleeping in the dormitory will expose the tattoo, the school teacher advised Xu Jiangping that it is best to let Junzhe go home and stay, "After all, your child is different from others."

This kind of "signing and stamping" method is difficult for Xu Jiangping to accept. "He sometimes lifts up his clothes just for fun." It is difficult to really comply. Sometimes, when he returned home, Junzhe said to his father, "I was arrested again this time." arrive. "

Junzhe studied in the employment class of this private vocational high school. He studied for two years and could be recommended for employment. But after studying for nearly two months, he stopped going to school and did not take the final midterm exam.

A teacher said , Junzhe loves to sleep in class, is often late, and likes to smoke alone in the toilet or the back garden. “It’s not that we expelled him. He didn't want to read it, so he didn't read it. "But Xu Jiangping felt that his son also encountered pressure at school because of his tattoo.

Another vocational high school teacher who is responsible for monitoring Junzhe's situation at school said that Junzhe "except for smoking and getting a tattoo, his thinking is not bad." He felt This child’s “overall performance in school is pretty good,” but large-area tattoos are expressly prohibited from appearing in the school regulations. “Perhaps if something explicit is taken out, it will give people a different feeling. ”

In Xu Jiangping’s view, because of the tattoo, his son’s life suddenly turned downhill and began to fall at an accelerated rate. The couple’s original plan for their son was to wait until he graduated from high school to join the army, and then enter a state-owned enterprise, step by step. Starting from the grassroots level... However, this road has been completely blocked.

Xu Jiangping privately asked a classmate working in a state-owned enterprise whether his company has accepted employees with tattoos. The other party said, "Our company will not accept any employees with tattoos." He took his son to meet his business partner, who told Junzhe, "When you grow up, come to me to discuss business. If I see someone with a tattoo like yours, I won't discuss it with you." "

All the tattoos cost only more than 1,000 yuan. Junzhe did not expect that these would become important factors in determining his life.


The tattoos crawling on Junzhe's body were like monsters with claws and teeth, almost occupying his life In the beginning, it was just a small area on the right upper arm, which "a short sleeve could just cover."

It was the summer vacation of 2016, and Junzhe, who was still in the first grade of junior high school, made some friends who "don't study." After watching the movie "Young and Dangerous" with his friends, Junzhe felt that tattooing was "very majestic", so he spent more than 100 yuan to get a ghost face tattoo on his friend's recommendation. At that time, he only told the tattoo shop owner, "It needs to be more handsome." "

Because the tattoo can be hidden by clothes, Zhou Rongjuan never noticed it. Her son always slept in a separate room, and he and she did not see each other often.

At that time, Zhou Rongjuan ran a beauty and health salon, and Xu Jiangping was doing business in Jiangxi and came home every month. Several times. Most of the time, Junzhe wants to spend time at home alone. He likes to play games after school and then stay alone in his small room. There was a single bed and a rectangular table that was as high as his knees. There were very few things related to this boy found in the empty room. The only items with distinctive marks were a basketball and a third-place medal from Glory of Kings

. Once, Zhou Rongjuan accidentally discovered the tattoo on her son. After persuading the mother, Xu Jiangping beat her son and warned him not to get another tattoo.

Junzhe verbally agreed to his father, But not long after, he went to get tattoos again.

Most of the tattoos on his body were done at a tattoo shop called Fanlong Tattoo Parlor. He said to his father, "The more you hit me, the more I get tattooed." The more you want the text. "He couldn't understand the punches and kicks thrown by the people closest to him, so he went to complain to the owner of the tattoo shop and told his distress.

This tattoo parlor, which has been operating in the local area for more than ten years, is located opposite Junzhe's house. In a dense residential area, it only takes 3 minutes to walk from Junzhe's house. This tattoo parlor is located on a small road next to the main street. You can see it at a glance. It is directly opposite the road and its main business is hairdressing. The other compartment we walked through was the tattoo room. In the noisy center of the town, we would occasionally pass by young people holding cigarettes in their hands, smoking in groups, walking through the bustling streets of the city.In this palm-sized town, there are not many places for teenagers to spend their time. Most of the places they go to are similar: an Internet cafe, a hotel where you can play games, a card parlor in a billiards hall, and this tattoo shop.

The spider and ghost faces on Junzhe's two fingers were also tattooed here. When Xu Jiangping discovered these two patterns on his son's hand, he suddenly became angry. "I had to take off a piece of fleshy skin on his (finger)." At that time, Xu Jiangping asked his son if he had tattooed it elsewhere. Jun Zhe hesitated and refused to answer.

Xu Jiangping felt something was wrong. He lifted up his son's clothes and saw that there were patterns all over his chest and back. He became more and more angry and slapped Junzhe, "his mouth was crooked" and he was sent to the emergency room.

After beating his son, Xu Jiangping regretted it. But he hated his son for not listening to the warning, and he also hated getting tattoos. In Xu Jiangping's eyes, people with tattoos are lazy "social gangsters". He ran a chemical company, and when workers were easy to find, he would reject anyone with a tattoo.

"There is nothing I can do about my son. He is my biological son." Faced with his son's disobedience, Xu Jiangping used violence to solve the problem. Xu Jiangping told his son that it was okay to have tattoos on his body, as they could be covered up by his clothes, and he wanted him to stop there.

But one month before the start of the summer vacation for the second grade of junior high school, Junzhe got another Buddha face tattoo on his left forearm. When Xu Jiangping found out, he beat her again, "stomped on the ground and beat her half to death." Junzhe was so angry that he went to a tattoo parlor the day after he was beaten and had the arm above his left forearm tattooed.

At this point, the tattoo that could have been covered by clothes can no longer be covered.

Xu Jiangping and his wife went to the tattoo shop and blamed Wu Yuliang. Because of the tattoo on his arm, his son "cannot even enter the school gate." Wu Yuliang's lover replied, "It's not that I don't think about others. There are really many people who came together... We are doing business."

Wu Yuliang said that he consulted a lawyer, and the lawyer said, "There is no provision in the law for minors. No tattoos." Xu Jiangping felt that Wu Yuliang was just making money, so he took Wu Yuliang to court.

In the end, the Jiangshan City People's Court ruled that Wu Yuliang should bear 50% of the compensation liability, and Wu Yuliang should bear half of the cost of cleaning Junzhe's tattoos in the future. But Xu Jiangping was "not satisfied at all" with the verdict. Xu Jiangping felt that Wu Yuliang should bear the main responsibility, not equal responsibility.

However, Xu Gencai, the presiding judge of the case, felt that “parents cannot shirk their responsibilities.” Xu Gencai believed that just as the defendant could not shirk responsibility by saying that when the law did not stipulate that minors could not be given tattoos, they could do so without prohibition. He was supposed to be a friend with whom his children could communicate on an equal footing, but he resorted to beating and scolding, which led Junzhe to continue to enlarge the tattoo area, and he was also at fault for the damage.

However, no matter who is more at fault, in this social system, the tattoo is like a scar that will never fade away, piercing the boy's body and cannot be washed or erased.

"Bad Boy"

After leaving the vocational high school, Junzhe has not been home for nearly a month. In June this year, he met his girlfriend Lili (pseudonym) on Kuaishou. One night at 1 o'clock late at night, this 15-year-old girl took a car for more than 2 hours and came here from a small town in Xuzhou. They are in love.

Zhou Rongjuan thinks this is puppy love. She clearly opposed this and did not allow Junzhe to take his girlfriend home. So Junzhe decided to take Lili to stay in a hotel. When she goes home depends on Junzhe's mood. Zhou Rongjuan feels that she can't pull her son back.

Junzhe said that he didn’t think he was wrong about getting a tattoo. “I just feel that they are very feudal.” Junzhe believed that he should live his own life, “My parents always wanted me to live like that, study. , serve as a soldier, and be a good kid. I feel like I’m letting myself go.”

Junzhe never talks about tattoos when he’s with his friends, it’s normal for them.

The "Fanlong Tattoo Parlor" he frequents is filled with eye-catching photos of adult tattoos. Beautifully dressed boys and girls appear from time to time. Wu Yuliang, who wears a large gold chain and whose arms are covered with golden cicadas, spiders and lotus flowers for fortune, promises. , bring a friend and get a tattoo at a discount or even for free.

Sometimes friends will ask Junzhe to get a tattoo, and he has also brought a dozen friends here. This is one of the gathering places for teenagers, and it satisfies many of Junzhe's imaginations about the world.

Junzhe’s friends Xiaolong (pseudonym) and Lingjian (pseudonym) both got tattoos here. Xiaolong was “fooled” by Junzhe.

"Over there, the boys and girls my age basically have flowery arms and legs. Many people are like this, and I'm used to it." Lili also wanted to write, but gave up because she was afraid of being beaten by her mother.

they are the same kind. Xiaolong likes to wear a printed outfit, a T-shirt, big pants, and slippers. He is 1.8 meters tall and swings from side to side when he walks. Several young people walked together, saying something to you and me, and smoke surrounded them. Night is their paradise, and the Internet cafe is their entertainment center. After playing games, the teenagers return to the hotel and continue playing cards for fun. When they are tired, they squeeze into two beds and fall asleep soundly, leaving a takeaway meal on the floor. , cigarette ashes.

When they wake up, they like to go in groups to a 30-meter-deep reservoir on the outskirts of the city. It is like a natural canyon with clear water. The teenagers put on swimming trunks and swimming rings, and go in with a bang, and stay in it for a long time. Some people don't know how to swim at all, but they can't help but get into the water. There are many people swimming here, and it's free.

Lili couldn't swim, so she wiped a square brick with paper, placed it on the wet shore, sat on it, and swung in the water with her feet.

Junzhe thinks this kind of life is quite "free" and he likes to make friends. Since the second year of junior high school, his social circle has expanded rapidly. "Friends know friends" and he has met many people older than him.

Parents are worried about this. Once, at 1 o'clock in the night, Xu Jiangping received a call saying that Junzhe had been killed. Two groups of people had a fight at night. The other party took three kitchen knives, an iron rod, and wore a mask. Junzhe rushed forward with his bare hands, blocked it with his arm, and made a big red gash. A more serious stab hit his leg, exposing the bones. Several children present scraped together, and finally only got 200 yuan. There was no choice but to call Xu Jiangping.

According to Xu Jiangping, his son stepped forward for his friend’s girlfriend. This incident made Junzhe feel cold about the friendship he once deeply believed in. In the end, he was the only one who rushed forward, "I went to help him, but no one helped me." The plot in the movie failed to be realized in reality. During the performance, when he was being chopped down, some people were watching, and some ran away directly. He was very angry, "There are still such people?"

He called his friends "cousin" and "cousin", but sometimes , "cousins" and "cousins" are not reliable either. Junzhe rented a friend's house. "He asked me to pay 550 yuan a month." Junzhe gave him 350 yuan. He stayed up for three days and was told that he had to pay another 200 yuan. He felt that this behavior was very inappropriate. Loyalty.

Money broke the initial romantic imagination of the world. Junzhe felt that people in society are very realistic, "He will be with you only when it is beneficial."

"When he entered society, his favorite thing was money." Zhou Rongjuan wanted to buy clothes for her son. , but Junzhe said he didn't want clothes, "Just give me money."

"I always feel that he looks very big, and everything he does is bigger than an adult." Zhou Rongjuan feels that her son is getting farther and farther away from her. , when he was a child, "his father would scare him to death when he glared at him."

"It was really funny and obedient at that time." Xu Jiangping has many photos of his son saved in his mobile phone, one of which is of Junzhe He was eating with bowls and chopsticks in hand, half leaning on the sofa. At that time, his son's arms were clean. "Where did he have these things on his hands?" He stared at the photo, as if he had returned to the past.

Zhou Rongjuan did not want others to define her son as a "bad boy." She brought a thin notebook and asked reporters to take pictures, "Look at Junzhe. Junzhe's handwriting is very good."

In fact, in Junzhe In the eyes of Zhe's primary school Chinese teacher Jiang Mintao (pseudonym), although Junzhe doesn't like reading, he is "very sunny" and "generous". "He doesn't quarrel with the teacher or bully others."

Junzhe's friend Xiaolong summarized, Jianghu Most of the teenagers in the school were forced out. "Some are because they are poor, and some are because they have been bullied for too long."

Junzhe said that he was often bullied in elementary school.Until the first grade of junior high school, he was still a small man of 1.4 meters, sitting in the first row of the class. When others criticized him, he couldn't beat him, so he would scold him behind his back, "Back then, people were more cowardly and talkative." Occasionally, Zhou Rongjuan would find that her son was injured when he came home. Xu Jiangping heard his son say, "Don't dare to be bullied." Said", but it doesn't seem to be a big deal. After getting a tattoo, Junzhe felt that he had a protective shield, "Others will be afraid of you."

The teenagers summed up their survival experience. They will not care about you in school, playing or studying, "As long as you don't follow Just let the teacher quarrel." After being beaten, Dongdong felt that there was no point in reporting it to the teacher. "The teacher believes in learning well. If it is my fault, the teacher will scold him. If it is his fault, the teacher will say it. "Lili didn't like the teacher either. She thought she would be scolded by the teacher. "She wanted to provoke me and said if you don't want to read, then stop reading." She said. , then don’t come this semester.” So, she really stopped going to school.

Over the years, Jiang Mintao has taught many "bad kids". Tattooing is the most obvious form of rebellion. She has also seen various "abnormal" behaviors. Some like to take off their pants in front of classmates, and some cry when touched. , rolling ground, and some like to run wildly on the playground with a cape in hand.

Jiang Mintao discovered that such children don’t care about being criticized or laughed at, they only care about being seen. She remembered that she once taught a boy who was like a hedgehog always on defense. He talked to the teacher and tilted his head, "(He said) What do you want to do? The teacher didn't dare to do anything to me before!" Until he was in sports! Winning a gold medal sheds that aggressive shell.

Jiang Mintao has known Junzhe’s mother for many years. She feels that the real motivation hidden in the child’s heart is to “find a sense of existence.” “(Mom and Dad) spend too little time with him, and he wants to find another way to make him happy. ."

Go home

Over the years, Xu Jiangping has been busy making money and has never held a parent-teacher meeting for his children. When his son was in primary school, he followed the villagers to Jiangxi to start a firefighting equipment business. When he returned to Jiangshan, he started a chemical business. Zhou Rongjuan often has to wait until 10 o'clock in the evening to open a health center.

This made Junzhe's first grade teacher feel that he was just like a "left-behind child". Sometimes, Junzhe goes to bed at night, but his mother hasn't come home yet. In elementary school, Junzhe became obsessed with playing games. At that time, he was ranked in the middle of the class. Jiang Mintao found that he often failed to complete his homework, so he called home. He secretly blocked the teacher's phone number. Afterwards, when the teacher asked, he did not deny it and said with a smile, "I did it."

He named himself "Mr. Lonely" in the game, but his parents did not let him play. He asked his friends to keep the computer at home and shut it down when his parents came. In the first year of junior high school, his grades began to rank in the lower middle range. At this time, Zhou Rongjuan discovered that her son kept taking friends to the health center and "brought back the children with those things on their hands to dye their hair."

It was these friends who introduced her son to the world of tattoos. Zhou Rongjuan often blames herself for this. She always feels that her son is like this because she opened a beauty and health shop. "To this day, I feel ashamed of our family. I feel that if I didn't open a shop at that time, I might not be able to do this." Looks like that. But I don’t regret the medicine.”

After giving birth to her second child, she decided not to work and take care of the child full time, not wanting her second child to become the next Junzhe.

But what Junzhe lacks is not just companionship. He said that what remained in his memory were scenes of his parents quarreling.

He remembered that once, because of a quarrel, his father punched a hole in the door. He still remembers that his mother cried for the first time because of a quarrel. "It was raining heavily and I had a high fever. My parents quarreled and my father went to Jiangxi. My mother kept chasing his car, but my father still left."

Sometimes When his parents quarreled, and he tried to stop them, his fist would be swung at him.

He has a complicated emotion towards his father. He mentioned his father angrily, but he always showed his protection for his father, "After all, he is my father. Blood is thicker than water. If someone beats me, I will remember it. He beat me." I won't, there is no overnight feud."

He remembered that his father often took him to a star-rated hotel for dinner. He remembered that his father taught him how to play billiards and how to recognize various famous cars. He liked to shout "My dad, my dad" and even kept a little boy's. Innocent admiration, "I think my dad is so handsome. "

heard his parents taking reporters to dinner, and he suddenly said, "Really? "My parents never took me to eat." "The eyes suddenly darkened.

He cared about his parents' opinions and his position in their parents' hearts. With his younger brother, he joked with his friends that his parents had "abandoned the big one and practiced the trumpet." But he couldn't bear it. Regarding the love gained through competition, “I have a younger brother now, and my dad prefers my side. I feel like my mother is a bit doting on me, and she has been like this since I was a child. "

"I haven't gone home to eat for a long time. "He said.

The teenage

son was getting older and taller. The father admitted that there was nothing he could do. The rough education method at that time was even more inappropriate. "People say that children are praised, not scolded. out, but I don’t have the patience. "

's violent yelling will still appear at certain moments, but Xu Jiangping began to adjust the way he got along with his son. He took his son to see a friend, and the friend advised Junzhe, "Next time when you are 18, aunt will take you to Beijing. A unique and artistic piece of writing can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. "He hopes to use this method to persuade his son not to get tattoos for the time being. He feels that when his son reaches adulthood, he will naturally give up tattoos.

His son was naughty and bought two counterfeit banknotes from Taobao. He stopped fighting with each other and turned to A prison warden friend who went to visit his son in Jiangxi told his son how bad things were, “I felt like he listened. "

He still has expectations for his son, imagining that one day his son may become an entrepreneur. "Many teachers will invite him to give lectures and regret why he did not study hard before. "But he was also prepared to accept that his son might accomplish nothing. He left an old house for his son to ensure that his son could marry and start a family.

In any case, Xu Jiangping still needs to face the tattoo left on Junzhe, and Xu Jiangping plans to continue to give him When my son washes, he has to wash off at least the exposed half of his arms.

But Junzhe doesn’t want to wash anymore. “I just feel that if you don’t study, there is only one way left. All roads lead to Rome. "

The intersection of the two generations is still full of gaps. Junzhe wanted to be a DJ in a bar, but his parents did not agree. Xu Jiangping planned another path for his son's future: to join a friend's factory, learn chemical engineering technology, and work in After two or three years, you can make a living by crafting. If you learn well, you can inherit your father's business. Xu Jiangping believes that generally speaking, "sensible children (will be obedient)." "

But Junzhe is not interested. He feels that his father does not understand what he is thinking, "Young people should do young people's things. "He wants to be an internet celebrity, "I feel like internet celebrities can make money quickly. " asked the reporter if he could "explode" his Douyin Weibo, "Maybe if you report it, I will become an Internet celebrity. Damn it, I will make more money than him, right? "

Junzhe felt that he could prove himself to his father by making money," he said, "Xiao Xu, give me some money." He waved his hand and threw his arm, "I'll give it to you, give it to you! I'll give him a red envelope, 8888!"

His quick call was "Xu Junzhe". Junzhe had seen two very popular ones. Kuaishou wants to imitate them: post jokes, be funny in the front, and spread positive energy in the back. For example, give things and love to sanitation workers. “Just... witness the transformation of the tattooed boy, because I am not a very bad boy. In the minds of those who read my news, I’m not that bad!”

Junzhe feels that as long as he succeeds, “Others will feel that what you write is a work of art.” "

He wants to be recognized in his own way. In his plan, "In a few years, I may have to make changes. I will go to bed early and get up early, and not be as idle as I am now. "

The teenagers around him are also looking forward to some kind of change. Lili said, "I don't know where I went wrong, but I know I was wrong. "Lili felt that her parents didn't take care of themselves. Her mother scolded her while her father secretly gave her money. "(You should) beat me hard. It's too indulgent. My father dotes on me too much.""Xiaolong told reporters that his father had never held his hand once. That day, his brother got a low score in the exam. His mother said it was because of his influence and told him to "die." "I was so stupid. "

Junzhe said, "I don't even understand myself, and I can't remember what I was like before. He was playing with his phone, showing a sad and careless mood, "Maybe my mother knows." "

Zhou Rongjuan naturally knows. In her memory, her son was very well-behaved when she was a child. Once when her son passed by the night market, he saw a pair of beautiful shoes and bought them. "He said, Mom, I will buy them for you. Zhou Rongjuan took a look and saw that they were a pair of rose-red sneakers. They were bought by her son with the pocket money he had saved as a gift to himself.

China Youth Daily·China Youth Network trainee reporter Yin Haiyue Source: China Youth Daily