Xia Long has been influenced by the artistic atmosphere since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he fell in love with the films of Hou Hsiao-hsien and Wong Kar-wai. Now he has become a new generation in the Chinese film industry. There has never been a shortage of mixed-race

Xia Long has been influenced by the artistic atmosphere since she was a child. When she was a teenager, she fell in love with the films of Hou Hsiao-hsien and Wong Kar-wai. Now she has become a new generation in the Chinese film industry.

There has never been a shortage of mixed-race stars in the entertainment industry to enhance the overall appearance. A new member of the mixed-race army is Xia Long from Paris, France. Xia Long got involved in the Chinese entertainment industry after filming Jam Hsiao's music video. When she was a teenager, Xia Long became obsessed with directors such as Hou Hsiao-hsien and Wong Kar-Wai. She loved watching old movies from the 30s and 40s. Underneath her youthful appearance, she looked like an out-and-out old man. soul.

Netizens often say, "Appearance is justice." Xia Long is of French descent. Her mother is French and her father is Hakka Chinese. Her facial features are exquisite, and she is not afraid of walking even if the camera takes a close-up of her face; Some French girls are elegant and charming, but also have a natural and casual temperament. No wonder Xiao Jingteng and Zhou Xingzhe are vying for her to be the heroine of their music video.

became known in the industry for filming two MVs of Jam Hsiao (left). Later, Xia Lu (right) and Jam Hsiao shot mobile game advertising theme songs. (Reproduced from the MV of the theme song "Fu Sheng" of the mobile game "Fu Sheng Wei Qing Ge")

Artistic influence fell in love with movies

The beautiful appearance of mixed-race children will be envied in Asia, but in the white world, looking like Asians is a disadvantage. Xia Lu admitted that he was bullied when he was growing up. After he aspired to be an actor, he even wanted to go to Asia to develop his career. "When I was in France, they said I looked too Asian. I thought there might be more job opportunities in Asia. I originally planned to come to Taiwan for 2 months to learn Chinese, but after filming Jam Hsiao's MV and meeting my current manager, I stayed here. Here it is."

Zhou Xingzhe (right)'s first self-directed and self-acted MV also stars Xia Lu (left) as the heroine. It seems that she has a special affinity with the king. (Provided by Sony Music)

Xia Long, who has been taken to museums by her parents since she was a child to cultivate her artistic atmosphere, laughed and said that she felt very impatient at the time, but she gradually developed her interest in art. She participated in school drama performances and fell in love with watching movies. When I was 16 or 17 years old, I started to be fascinated by the films of three Chinese directors Hou Hsiao-hsien, Wong Kar-wai and Jiang Wen.

Xia Long said: "I like Jiang Wen's sense of humor. Even if it is an entertainment movie, there is still a deep meaning behind it; Wong Kar-wai's "Chungking Express" also left a deep impression on me, especially some small details; as for Hou Hsiao-hsien's movies It moved me so much!"

Because she was considered "too Asian", Xia Lu came up with the idea of ​​coming to Asia to develop her career. Originally she only wanted to study Chinese in Taiwan for two months, but she decided to stay because of fate.

It’s hard to give up on drama with a master’s degree in business

Xia Long specifically mentioned, “In Millennium Mambo, I saw young people’s confusion about the future. I was able to integrate into that atmosphere and sympathize with them. Especially the films of Edward Yang and Hou Hsiao-hsien, they are different. Everyone has different opinions depending on their age. "

Xia Long is obviously not a person who came to the entertainment industry because of her good looks. She is more like a literary youth. Her master's degree is in business. Maybe she can find a good job with this diploma, but drama is her favorite. "I don't want to go to work on weekdays and act on weekends. If I want to do something, I will do it 100% well." So Xia Long also Entered drama school.

drama school gave her a more open-minded inspiration and professional actor training. Unfortunately, she was about to complete her studies, but she failed to get her diploma because she took on the role of "Jie Da Huan Xi" starring with Guo Xuefu and others. , she also felt sorry. In the two or three years since he came to Asia, Xia Long has learned about Taiwanese culture while continuing to accumulate performance experience on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, adding more dazzling color to his dream of becoming an actor.

In the movie "The Great Joy", Xia Long (left) and Guo Xuefu (right) play a pair of cousins. In the movie, the two interact a lot and even touch each other.

Old Soul New Generation Xia Long

  • Real Name: Camille Chalons
  • Birthday: July 2, 1992
  • Height/Weight: 166 cm/49 kg
  • Education: ESSEC Grande Ecole, L'école Du Jeu Theater School
  • Experience: "Exercices de Style" adapted into a stage play, the short film "Kat" won the Best Actress in the Short Film Category at the Los Angeles Film Festival, Jam Hsiao's "Discovery" "Where Would You Be?" 〉MV, movie "Jie Da Huan Xi"

According to Duomi Entertainment report