According to Taiwanese media reports, the Kuomintang held a press conference today on "Security has deteriorated, the Tsai administration has engaged in double standards, and Kaohsiung has become the capital of 'Qing Ji'". It questioned the deterioration of security in Kaohsiung

According to Taiwan media reports the Kuomintang held a press conference today on "The deterioration of public security, the Tsai administration's double standards, Kaohsiung has become the capital of 'Qingji'", questioning the deterioration of public security in Kaohsiung with the proliferation of guns, even quarreling couples and bakers They can all buy guns. However, when faced with the security issues in Kaohsiung City under the administration of former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu and current Mayor Chen Chi-mai, the Tsai administration clearly adopts double standards and cannot break away from the blue-green stance.

Wang Yumin, chairman of the Kuomintang Cultural Affairs Bureau, said that the public security in Kaohsiung City has deteriorated. In January and February this year, 17 major criminal cases occurred in a row, making Kaohsiung people's lives uneasy. The authorities and local governments need to work together to rectify it, but the Tsai authorities are very outrageous and even the public security They can all have double standards. Compared to the time when Han Kuo-yu was in power, there were security incidents in Kaohsiung City. "Minister of the Interior" Xu Guoyong and "Director of Police" Chen Jiaqin went south to take command with concern. The media asked the head of the administrative agency Su Zhenchang whether the battle was too big. , but Su Zhenchang said there was nothing wrong with it, but now Xu Guoyong went to the temple to worship and gave instructions over the phone instead. Su Zhenchang also said that killings for love and vendetta are inevitable. Is it possible that Su Zhenchang is telling everyone that the deterioration of public security is inevitable and takes it as normal and natural?

Kuomintang Kaohsiung City Councilor Chen Meiya pointed out that many Kaohsiung citizens are asking what happened to Kaohsiung? There have been many shooting cases recently, and a fire broke out in Pier 2 (an area in Kaohsiung) a few days ago. The air quality is terrible. Citizens are asking Chen Qimai that he worked hard for 2 years and 4 years, but what did he achieve? Where is the mayor who lets citizens live in fear? Even a quarreling couple and a baker can buy guns, and guns are everywhere.

She said that three shooting cases and one bank robbery occurred in Kaohsiung City within a week, which has hurt the overall image of Kaohsiung City. Chen Qimai has made Kaohsiung City an object of ridicule.

Kuomintang Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Shaoting asked Su Zhenchang, where is the domineering power of Kaohsiung City Police Chief who has been replaced twice in the past? This time, a major shooting that killed two people occurred in Kaohsiung City. Su Zhenchang actually said that it was inevitable, which made the citizens of Kaohsiung extremely embarrassed. Su Zhenchang owed the citizens of Kaohsiung an apology.

Huang Shaoting also said that Chen Qimai proposed a plan to rectify public security yesterday, but he wanted to tell Chen Qimai to do practical things and not to be official. Chen said that he would eliminate guns and trace their sources. Didn't these tasks have been done in the past? Why could a baker who was subject to a protection order take out a pistol at home and shoot two innocent people to death?