Zhu Lilun also said that the head of the "Representative Office in the United States" of the Chinese Kuomintang, which was established after he took office, will be taken by Huang Jiezheng, the current director of the party's International Department and former deputy head of the

Ke Wenzhe (left), Zhu Lilun (right). (Pictures from the Internet)

China Taiwan Net, April 7th, China’s Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun announced at the party’s Central Committee Meeting on the 6th that he plans to “visit the United States” with Vice Chairman Xia Liyan in late May. Zhu Lilun also said that the head of the "Representative Office in the United States" of the Chinese Kuomintang, which was established after he took office, will be taken by Huang Jiezheng, the current director of the party's International Department and former deputy head of the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council. In addition, Taiwan People's Party Chairman and Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe, who has long revealed his intention to challenge the 2024 Taiwan leadership election, also communicated with so-called "friendly Taiwan" people in the United States through video connections. According to people from the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe plans to actively Strengthen "external connections" in the hope of reversing his negative impression on the United States.

Zhu Lilun announced plans to "visit the United States" in late May

According to comprehensive media reports, Zhu Lilun's trip to the United States has been attracting attention since the Chinese Kuomintang announced the official establishment of the "Representative Office in the United States" in January this year. It was originally scheduled for March. The trip has been postponed due to the epidemic.

html On the 6th, the Chinese Kuomintang held a Central Standing Committee meeting. Zhu Lilun announced to the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China during the meeting that he would go to the United States with Xia Liyan at an appropriate time, possibly in late May. The relevant visit schedule is currently being arranged.

Huang Jiezheng concurrently serves as the representative of the Chinese Kuomintang's "Representative Office in the United States"

Zhu Lilun, who always values ​​"relations with the United States," has been hesitant about the candidate of the party's "representative in the United States." After some debate and wrestling, he adopted "a set of people. In the "two signatures" model, the director of the International Department, Huang Jiezheng, also serves as the representative of the "Representative Office in the United States", and the deputy director, Huang Yujun, concurrently serves as the "deputy representative in the United States" and is permanently stationed in the United States.

Previously, Huang Jiezheng said in an interview that the Chinese Kuomintang's line is the so-called "pro-US and Taiwan protection, stabilizing the mainland and protecting Taiwan." Zhu Lilun's planned visit to the United States was also interpreted by party insiders as a declaration of pragmatic foreign-related policies on behalf of the Chinese Kuomintang.

Ke Wenzhe had a video chat with US congressmen to express his willingness to "visit the United States"

According to reports, Ke Wenzhe had a video chat with US House of Representatives "Taiwan Connection" co-chairman Siris on the evening of the 5th. Ko Wenzhe also mentioned that the United States is Taiwan's so-called "most important partner" in terms of Taiwan's security.

Ko Wenzhe said that he has not "visited overseas" for two years due to the new crown epidemic, but as the mayor of Taipei, he hopes to strengthen the so-called "Taiwan-US relations" through city exchanges. If he has the opportunity to "visit the United States" in the future, he would like to visit Siris in person. and other so-called "friendly Taiwan" legislators.

Ko Wenzhe carefully planned his "visit to the United States" to reverse the negative impression

html Ko Wenzhe, who will step down as mayor of Taipei at the end of 2000, has long revealed his intention to participate in the 2024 Taiwan region leadership election. It is reported that he is actively strengthening ties with the outside world, interacting with people in Taiwan from the United States, Japan, Singapore, Canada and other countries as chairman of the People's Party, and publishing so-called "foreign affairs policies" and concepts.

Ke Wenzhe once "visited the United States" in March 2019, but his last "visit" plan was "blocked" by the United States. This time he was extra cautious, but it was postponed due to the impact of the epidemic. At the beginning of this year, Ke Wenzhe also said that if the epidemic continued to spread, he would cancel his plan to visit the United States. However, according to people within the People's Party, Ke Wenzhe's "visit to the United States" is still being planned, hoping to reverse his negative impression on the United States.

Huang Jiezheng: People on the island actively maintain relations with the United States for votes

All parties on the island actively maintain "relations with the United States." Huang Jiezheng once explained this, whether it is the "visit" of politicians on the island to the United States or the policy If you want to get closer to the United States or create a "friendly image" with the United States, the real key factor is Taiwanese voters, because they believe that the United States is the only country in the world that can provide weapons to Taiwan, and a good relationship with the United States means maintaining a "friendly image." "The key to peace in the Taiwan Strait". Therefore, in order to win votes, candidates from any party must prove that they have a good relationship with the United States.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council : Cross-strait affairs are the domestic affairs of compatriots on both sides.

Regarding questions related to Zhu Lilun’s "visit to the United States", the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council once responded by pointing out that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, and cross-strait affairs are the domestic affairs of compatriots on both sides.We believe that the Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are fully intelligent and capable of solving their own problems. We hope that the country with which we have diplomatic relations will uphold the one-China principle and properly handle Taiwan-related issues.