On June 20, as the exam bell rang, the 2022 high school entrance examination came to an end. Candidates in the examination room successfully completed the exam. Police officers outside the examination room did their best to "protect" the smooth handover of papers. In order to ens

June 20th

As the exam ended, the bell rang

The 2022 high school entrance examination came to an end

Candidates in the examination room

Successfully completed the exam

The police officers outside the examination room tried their best to "protect" the smooth handover of the paper.

In order to ensure that the three-day high school entrance examination went smoothly, Actively creating an orderly, quiet and comfortable examination environment for candidates, the Qidong County Public Security Bureau's patrol and anti-riot brigade strictly implements the county bureau's high school entrance examination security plan, and sets up police forces at test sites within the jurisdiction to serve candidates, actively perform their functions, and make every effort to Go and take the initiative to fully implement safety precautions at the test site and surrounding areas to ensure that the safety and security of the high school entrance examination is foolproof.

First, stand up for the exam and make every effort to create a good exam-taking environment. The patrol and anti-riot brigade has intensified patrol prevention and control efforts. The brigade has focused on the periphery and surrounding areas of each examination site. Civilian auxiliary police on duty carry out armed patrols to prevent idle people from causing trouble around the examination sites and to prevent student fights. The largest Squeeze the space for illegal crimes to the maximum extent, and effectively enhance the deterrence and control of society and the ability to prevent, detect and control existing illegal crimes.

The second is to make a good combination of punches and work closely with the police. The patrol and anti-riot brigade police officers cooperated with the traffic police and police station police at the examination site. They arrived at their posts in advance, set up cordons, put up temporary traffic control signs, and promptly assisted in diverting traffic on site. Sufficient police personnel were deployed to ensure the safety and orderly conduct of the high school entrance examination. We strive to create a safe, orderly and safe environment for candidates.

The third is to strictly enforce police appearance and conduct and perform duty in a civilized manner. During the security duty for the high school entrance examination, all civilian auxiliary police officers were well-dressed, fully equipped, and arrived at their posts on time. They made every effort to maintain public order in and around each examination site, strictly abided by discipline, and conscientiously performed their security duties, creating good social security for the candidates. environment to ensure that the exam is conducted safely and smoothly.

During the high school entrance examination, all the civilian auxiliary policemen of the patrol and anti-riot brigade continued to carry forward the fine style of not being afraid of hardship and fatigue, and were not afraid of wind and rain. They established a good image of Qidong Police as dedicated to the people, and won unanimous praise from teachers, students and parents.