In order to conscientiously fulfill the main responsibility of supervision and promote the implementation of various security work measures of the public security organs, the Dunhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau Police Inspectorate Brigade gives full play to the role of the

In order to conscientiously fulfill the main responsibility of supervision and promote the implementation of various security work measures of the public security organs, the Dunhuang Public Security Bureau Police Inspectorate Brigade gives full play to the role of the "woodpecker" of the police force, plans and deploys in advance, fully activates the inspection mode, and supervises the implementation of various security measures measures to ensure the overall stability of social security.

Plan and deploy and tighten the screw of security inspector responsibility. In accordance with the security requirements of the Ministry of Public Security, provinces and cities for the Winter Olympics, the Police Inspection Brigade plans and deploys in advance, formulates inspection work plans, details the content of security inspections, and clarifies the person responsible for security inspections, the responsibilities of inspectors, and the scope of inspections. Inspection methods and work requirements further consolidate inspection responsibilities and tighten the ideological switch, laying a solid foundation for security inspection work.

innovative ideas and implement new "bundled" inspection measures. During the inspection period, a "bundled" joint mechanism of inspection, dispatching of discipline inspection teams, and petitions was implemented. The duty team leader led the "bundled" inspection mechanism of the police to conduct full-coverage inspections in designated departments, checkpoints, isolation points, and duty points. Pay close attention to the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, the Ministry of Public Security's "six strict prohibitions", prison safety, duty preparation, housekeeping, internal management and other measures, supervise and inspect more than 20 inspections, discover and correct existing problems. Through multiple inspections, we continuously channel pressure, consolidate work responsibilities, and fully promote the in-depth implementation of various security measures.

normal supervision, online inspections and patrols are constantly carried out. The police inspectors conduct online inspections every day, mainly focusing on checkpoints, police station duty preparation, special patrol patrols, traffic police street duties, etc., discover existing problems in a timely manner and correct them, and compile and distribute 10 reminder messages for It has played a positive role in promoting the implementation of security measures, and online inspections have achieved practical results. The policemen on duty at the Yadan Public Security Checkpoint overcame difficulties and persisted in performing their duties despite strong winds, low temperatures, and few vehicles and personnel. They were commended by the Ministry of Public Security's online inspection team.