Zhao Nan, female, Han nationality, born in December 1990, college education. ① Do a good job as a traffic coordinator. For example, on the afternoon of May 19, 2016, when she and two police officers were diverting traffic at the three-way intersection in the back yard, they saw a

Zhao Nan, female, Han nationality, born in December 1990, college education. From July 2012 to August 2019, he served as a traffic coordinator in the Security Squadron of the Zhidan County Traffic Police Brigade. From August 2019 to the present, he was transferred to the Xinghe Police Station by the Zhidan County Public Security Bureau as a household registration management police officer. Since joining the workforce, she has always kept her responsibilities and mission in mind, enforced the law strictly, served enthusiastically, and faithfully performed her duties as a people's policeman with a high sense of responsibility for people's lives and property.


Focus on business learning and improve one's own quality

As an auxiliary police officer, she constantly enriches herself, improves her ability to adapt to and control new situations, solve new situations and problems, and strives to maintain peace. In her daily life and work, she insists on using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to guide her work, enriches her political mind with the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, firmly establishes a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and works hard to learn business Knowledge, humbly ask colleagues for advice, learn from each other's strengths, and continuously enhance business knowledge and skills.


Perform your duties conscientiously and do your job well

With her infinite loyalty and enthusiasm for the party, the people and the security cause, she has been staying at her post in obscurity for many years, performing her duties diligently, and leaving her "shine" everywhere. "The footprints.

Do a good job as a traffic coordinator. In the seven years since she became a police officer, she has stuck to her post every day, regardless of severe cold or scorching heat, using standard, powerful and smooth commands to divert traffic and protect the people's safe travel. Although front-line work is boring, has few holidays, and it is difficult to achieve results, she does not complain at all and always devotes herself to her daily work with full passion. When dealing with traffic violations, we assist the official police in enforcing the law. We will investigate and deal with every case we find and do not eliminate the violations or let them go, so that the parties involved will realize the dangers of traffic violations and improve their awareness of traffic safety. For example, on the afternoon of May 19, 2016, when she and two police officers were diverting traffic at the three-way intersection in the back yard, they saw an old man sitting in a wheelchair basking in the sun on the sidewalk 100 meters away. No family members were around him. For a while, a beggar stopped next to the old man. He danced and looked like a mental patient. After standing in the wheelchair, he repeatedly pushed the wheelchair off the road. The incident happened suddenly. She didn't care that she was only a 20-year-old. The girl quickly ran to the old man and took control of the wheelchair. Without irritating the mentally ill patient, she controlled the old man's safety, prevented the situation from deteriorating further, and finally took the beggar away.

Carry out household registration management work in a solid manner. In the position of household registration management at the police station in At the same time, convenience service cards are issued so that the people can understand the procedures required for handling business at a glance and avoid unnecessary mistakes. In particular, door-to-door services are provided for the "old, weak, sick, disabled" in the jurisdiction who cannot handle business in person. For example, Wang Yongqiang, the son of Chang Aixue from Beizhuang Village, Xiaogou Administrative Village, Xinghe Town, lives in a remote area and is severely disabled. He has difficulty moving and has not yet applied for an ID card. After learning about the situation, she and her colleagues drove for an hour and a half on the mountain road to Chang Ai's home to collect photos and apply for ID cards for Wang Yongqiang on November 6, 2019.


Stick to the front line of the fight against the epidemic and be a brave "rebel"

html At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, a raging new coronavirus ravaged Wuhan and swept across the country. Faced with the sudden epidemic, Zhao Nan gave up the opportunity to reunite with her family, took the initiative to volunteer, and stayed on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. She visits villages and households to assist the police, actively cooperates with the Xinghe Town Government and the Health Center to conduct thorough investigations of people returning from Wuhan and Hubei areas, and implements control measures in strict accordance with the requirements; she is stationed on the front line, publicizing epidemic prevention and control knowledge, and conducting inspections on people entering and exiting the community. Personnel and vehicles are strictly registered and controlled; she sticks to her post, does not forget her job, and adopts a one-on-one appointment method to apply for certificates for the masses.She sacrificed her family for everyone, and her busy figure shuttled through the streets and alleys, becoming a brave "rebel" in the prevention and control of the epidemic.


She is strict with herself and establishes a good image

She always pays attention to the awareness of integrity, strictly abides by laws and regulations, strictly observes organizational disciplines, adheres to principles, and holds the bottom line. We must adhere to the rules and regulations, act impartially, and distinguish between public and private matters. She strictly demands herself at all times, in everything, and everywhere, uses organizational discipline to restrain her words and deeds, and uses system regulations to guide work practice. She always reminds herself that she is a people's policeman, keeping in mind the great trust given by the party and the people, being an upright person, and doing things down-to-earth. Serve the people wholeheartedly and use youth and sweat to establish a good image of the people's police.