Monkeypox virus According to foreign media reports: A brand-new "monkeypox" virus has appeared in European and American countries one after another. It is worth mentioning that this virus, according to historical records, appeared in the 1970s, but at that time The outbreak was o

Monkeypox virus

According to foreign media reports: A brand-new "monkeypox" virus has appeared in European and American countries one after another. It is worth mentioning that this virus, according to historical records, appeared in the 1970s, but The outbreak at that time was only a small sporadic outbreak, and the epidemic did not cause serious consequences. Most patients infected with the virus slowly recovered.

What is the source of infection

It is worth mentioning that these people infected with monkeypox virus have not been to Africa, where monkeypox virus often occurs, so the source of infection is not yet known.

A close relative of smallpox

Monkeypox virus is a close relative of smallpox virus . Monkeypox is almost similar to smallpox and chickenpox viruses. However, it is worth mentioning that the smallpox virus has long since disappeared in the long river of history. I believe everyone is familiar with the smallpox virus. After all, although it has been completely extinct, its reputation still affects the world.

Smallpox Plague

The smallpox virus caused hundreds of millions of infections and deaths as soon as it appeared. It can be said to be very terrible. Because of this, the plague caused by this virus is still ranked among the top ten plague diseases in the world. The deterrent effect of Black Death and is equal.

The earliest appearance of the smallpox virus can be traced back to ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. However, in modern times, its outbreak has a lot to do with wild animals. With the development of human civilization, a large number of humans began to explore the mysterious primitive forests, and these primitive forests not only hide various rare birds and exotic animals, It also hides ancient viruses that may have existed earlier than humans.

This is the case with smallpox. The smallpox virus is inseparable from the contact between humans and wild animals. Coupled with the carcasses of wild animals and the spread of small rodents , this huge plague began to spread in human society. , at the beginning of the spread of smallpox, basically as long as you got it, it was equivalent to being marked by death. However, later, a famous doctor invented the cowpox vaccine, which completely eliminated smallpox.

Although smallpox has been eradicated, its virus samples are still stored in biological laboratories in the United States and Russia for scientists to study. Although monkeypox virus is a close relative of smallpox, its contagiousness and spread are incomparable to that of smallpox.

African jungle

The monkeypox virus was first discovered in monkeys and primates animals in Africa. At first, people thought that this virus was not contagious. However, after a long period of elimination, this virus was discovered. The virus is zoonotic and its symptoms are similar to those of smallpox, but its fatality rate and spread rate are much lower than those of smallpox.

Where is the source?

So, why are people infected with monkeypox virus inexplicably infected with monkeypox virus despite not having been to Africa or affected areas? In fact, scientists believe that although monkeypox virus has been found in primates and It is transmitted among monkeys, but they may also be transmitted to new virus intermediate hosts, which are rats.

Scientists believe that from the extinct smallpox virus, plague and Ebola virus , most of the transmission hosts of these viruses are rodents. Therefore, rodents carry the monkeypox virus, and then the host does not pay attention. In some cases, the virus is transmitted to humans, and then the virus continues to spread among humans.

Transmission Channels

Research has found that monkeypox virus can be infected not only through close contact with patients, but also through aerosols in the air. However, what is different from new crown is that the channel of aerosol infection is Very limited, and the virus spreads very slowly in the air unless there is prolonged exposure to virus-containing aerosols.

In other words, this virus will not spread on a large scale, but it will spread in small groups, and scientists have denied this view. They said: Originally, we thought that we could prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in the human world by developing a vaccine, but we found out later.

The speed at which we develop vaccines is not as fast as the virus mutates. So, what we have to be careful about is that if the monkeypox virus spreads on a large scale among the human population, it is very likely that new mutations will appear in a short period of time.

Summary of this article

If this is true, then the world will stage a monkeypox plague that coexists with the new crown. However, the mortality rate of the monkeypox virus is much higher than that of the new crown, so we must not underestimate it. The threat that poxviruses pose to the world. What do you think about this? #Monkeypox virus threatens the world? Expert analysis #

This article is only a personal analysis!