Falling in love with a well-known Malaysian Internet celebrity, thinking that they were in love, a Singaporean man spent about RM96,000 on gifts on the live broadcast platform. Only then did he realize that he was just one of the "lovers" and called the police after waking up.

fell in love with a well-known Malaysian Internet celebrity, thinking that they were in love. Singaporean man went shopping for gifts on the live broadcast platform and spent about 96,000 ringgit. Only then did he realize that he was just one of the "lovers" and called the police after waking up.

Mr. Chen (41 years old, salesman) revealed: He started following a female internet celebrity one or two years ago and became a fan. It was not until November last year that the female internet celebrity opened a link on IG social media to interact with fans. Mr. Chen tried Say hello and received a reply not long after on January 14th this year, which I was very happy about.

He said that the two of them talked very happily, chatting almost every day, and the female internet celebrity would also send selfies, and their relationship gradually heated up.

female Internet celebrity later successfully became the anchor of a live broadcast platform, and also invited Mr. Chen to support her online.

female Internet celebrity said: company asked her to collect 100 "full of love" gifts. If she does not meet the standard, she will not be able to continue to be an anchor. She hopes to spend about 160 ringgit to give her a small gift.

live broadcast from Monday to Friday, from the initial audience of more than 100 people to 2,400 fans.

Mr. Chen said: The two finally confirmed their relationship on March 1, and the female internet celebrity even posted a long "heartfelt" confession.

"The 14th of every month is Valentine's Day, and she would ask me to give her gifts. During the live broadcast, if the gifts I gave were not as good as those of other fans, she would get upset, and she gave me a total of RM90,000."

Later, Chen The husband found that the conversation between the two people was completely wrong, and he realized that he was not the "right one."

"I am very disappointed. Although I know I can't get my money back, I hope no one else will be like me. I also called the police and hope the police can investigate."

It is understood that the female internet celebrity is from Malaysia to Taiwan, China. develop.

Mr. Chen pointed out: currently has five fans who have suffered the same situation, three of them are in Singapore, and the other two are in Malaysia and South Korea.

Another victim from Malaysia, Mr. Lin (32 years old, technical staff), received a notice from Mr. Chen last Saturday and found out that he might have encountered the same situation, so he went to the police with Mr. Chen.

"We compared the text messages sent by female Internet celebrities. The contents are exactly the same, and they were even sent at the same time. I believe the system sent them uniformly."

Mr. Lin said: It is unethical to do this. I spent about 9,000 ringgit. I will do it in the future. very careful.

Senior lawyer Lan Guoqing said: In fact, the relationship between men and women in the online world can be measured by the communication standards in real life. He gave an example: If a woman simply says "I love you" to a man, it cannot be considered cheating.

However, if the woman confesses her love and also uses it to ask the man to give gifts, it may be regarded as a love scam.

"There are many factors to consider, such as whether the girl keeps making requests or inducing the other party to do things that are against her own interests."

Lan Guoqing said: Money transactions in this type of relationship are often a gray area in law. .