Image Network News (Reporter Huang Xiangyang, trainee reporter Feng Zhanhua, correspondent Zhu Yuan) In order to effectively protect the health and life safety of students and build a herd immunity barrier, on December 7, Xiping County Zhuantan Primary School launched the new cro

Image Network News (Reporter Huang Xiangyang, Trainee Reporter Feng Zhanhua, Correspondent Zhu Yuan) In order to effectively protect the health and life safety of students and jointly build a herd immunity barrier, on December 7, Xiping County Zhuantan Primary School started to educate students aged 3 to 11 years old. The second dose of the new coronavirus vaccine.

In accordance with the relevant requirements for vaccination, the school held a second vaccination arrangement meeting in advance. A working group was established at the meeting, led by principal Ma Junli and vice principal Yang Li, who led the teachers of the school to cooperate with the township health center to carry out vaccination related work. .

On the morning of that day, the vaccination work at Zhuantan Primary School officially began. In order to ensure that the vaccination work is carried out safely and orderly, the school adopts a time-based and class-based method to efficiently carry out the vaccination work for school-age students to ensure that all personnel are available. Students in each class who need to be vaccinated will go to the township health center under the leadership of the class teacher and accompanied by their guardians. After the vaccination is completed, the students will follow the guidance of the teacher volunteers and stay in the observation area for 30 minutes to deal with possible physical discomfort after vaccination. situation. Teacher volunteers actively cooperated with medical staff in epidemic prevention and control work to ensure that the vaccination site was orderly.

Ma Junli, the principal of Zhuantan Primary School, said that the successful completion of the vaccination work benefited from the close cooperation of all parties. All teachers in the school will continue to conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of superior epidemic prevention and control and work together to build a safety wall for children. .

(Yingxiang Zhumadian news hotline: 0396-3599908, submission email Yingxiang "Elephant Assistant" phone number is 18003719699)