Lam Ching-ying created a beautiful era of classic zombie films, and his contribution to Hong Kong zombie films will never be forgotten. His image as a zombie priest is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but unfortunately he died of terminal liver cancer in 1997. His death

Lam Ching-ying created a beautiful era of classic zombie films. Lam Ching-ying's contribution to Hong Kong zombie films will never be forgotten. His image as a zombie priest is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but unfortunately he died of terminal liver cancer in 1997. His death also marked the end of a glorious era of classic golden zombie movies in Hong Kong movies. Next, let’s review the big bosses in Uncle Ying’s film and television dramas.

" Yimei Taoist " The vampire

was first sealed and then resurrected. Then, Yimei Taoist killed him again, and then resurrected him. How about it, all the efforts were in vain

"Yimei Taoist" Banana Essence

appeared very beautiful, but unfortunately the strength is not very good

"Mr. Zombie" Mr. Ren

A very unlucky person, he was bitten to death by Mr. Ren, and then was eliminated ,

The female ghost who likes Uncle Ying's apprentice in "Mr. Zombie"

Just because you put on a candle of incense and said a pity, you fell in love with her. Alas, when feelings come, even people and ghosts have to take different paths. Have a relationship with you. How romantic. . .

Mr. Ren in "Mr. Zombie"

couldn't take a breath after death, which harmed others and himself, so we must remember what Uncle Ying said The zombie couple in " Zombie Family "

It's true It reflects the nature of zombies

The Japanese cult girl in " Exorcist Police "

The representative of the cult. The moves are good and the feeling is very beautiful, but in the end it is too evil

"New Mr. Zombie" The infant spirit

is always the resentment of aborted children, and cute children will be angry again and again, teaching us not to do wrong things

The robber queen in " Mr. Phantom "

The warlock and his like are evil and crooked. I admire him for dying to save his comrades. Although he did bad things, he valued his comrades.

The zombie king in " Zombie Supreme " was a bandit leader when he was alive. A wave of resentment formed a bacterium and was used as a robber. The tool that killed Uncle Jiu, the miserable Zombie King Shi Shaojian in "Zombie Supreme"

had evil intentions and was tricked by Uncle Jiu's two apprentices. He died because his master, that is, his father, used magic He was saved, but he is already a monster

Shi Jian in Zombie Supreme

is more powerful. His apprentice is his son. In the end, he avenges his son and becomes a bad guy The fat zombie in " African Monk "

sentence Words: As timid as a mouse. There is a good zombie in the play The African zombie in "The African Monk"

In one sentence: Nothing is as it seems. Not as good as our zombies

The red-robed fire ghost in "Human Ghosts and Gods"

Because Xiaoshuang disfigured her, he chased Xiaoshuang and his daughter for revenge, but was taken away, and later released, and fell in love with the female ghost Body, very powerful The Gu Master in "Ghost Bites Ghost"

The contest between the Gu Master and Uncle Jiu certainly knows who is powerful

The Nitiantong in "Tan Zong Weilong "

goes against the will of heaven and wants to use Evil overwhelms good and seizes the divine palace. The reincarnation battle with the soul boy. Geshe

in "Spirit World Storm" wanted to seize the highest power, seize the relics, and committed the crime of disrespect. The final result was the most deserved. The little ghost who loves singing in " scares ghosts "

is a little ghost who loves singing. He is not scary, but quite cute.

The old monster in "People Scare Ghosts"

is a ghost bully, not a good ghost, and deserves to be eliminated

The two foreigners in " The Golden Taoist "

took a fancy to the gold in the yard and pretended to be preachers, pretending Borrowing a house, and finally being exposed, he came with a machine gun
The blood demon in "Ghost Cadres"

The blood demon got into the body of a senior leader and controlled his thoughts. This film was set during the Cultural Revolution and reflected the Cultural Revolution

" The dragon slayer in "The Conjuring in Blood " is shameless, and he ends up harming others and himself

The vampire in "The Conjuring in Blood"

Because the priest insisted on reopening the church and resurrecting him, he was eliminated by combining Chinese and Western methods

Jinsha and Naimi in "Monster City "

Although the two people are in love, they are really the most disgusting couple Sister Xia in "Human Skin Brocade"

I am Sister Xia, you dare to touch me , believe it or not, I will find two hundred people to hack you to death in one minute. She must be a very pitiful woman. After all, she was skinned by that one.

Zombie Taoist I》Zombie King Xuankui

Xuankui: His name is Aixinjueluo Xuankui. He was originally a noble of the Qing Dynasty, but he was killed unfortunately. Became a zombie. The father-son relationship between Otaru in the play is very touching. Getting along with Otaru was the happiest moment after his death. The farmers in the territory were very good, but everything was robbed in the end, and the fiancée he loved also died, so he was very cruel to the Lord he believed in. After his death, he turned into a vampire and almost destroyed the whole world.

"Zombie Taoist I" 》Yang Feiyun

The most hidden big bad guy in "Zombie Taoist I", needless to say, you know who it is, it is Yang Feiyun. He seemed to be a gentle and gentle person when he first appeared. Who knew that the original one was so good at hiding? Mao Xiaofang was so kind to him, but he was so kind to Mao Xiaofang. After his death, he even planned to resurrect, so bad.

Zombie Taoist priest Ⅱ》Lei Gang

had a bad mind and was kicked out of Fuxi Hall by his father. He lived in Nanyang. He failed in competition with others. He was subjected to the technique of lowering his head. There were blood marks on his neck and he was blind. I adopted a daughter, Axiu, and I feel very fond of her. The reason he returned to Fuxi Hall was to compete for the leader's token. He pretended to be a good guy first and then framed Mao Xiaofang. It was extremely abominable. However, in the end the evil was eliminated and he helped Mao Xiaofang collect the blood demons together.

"Zombie Taoist Ⅱ" After the death of the Ghost Empress Cixi, she designed someone to rob her tomb, turned into a zombie and was resurrected. Because Xiao Xiami looked like her grandson, she loved him very much. In the end, she realized that Xiao Xiami was not her grandson. She had no idea of ​​​​living and asked Mao Xiaofang to kill her before the sun came up. In the play, the relationship between her and Xiao Xiami is very touching.

"Zombie Taoist II" The three Yao'e sisters, Yingying, Susu, and Qingqing

The three moth sisters, Yingying, Susu, and Qingqing, practice together to become immortals. It has been thousands of years, and he only needs to surrender to one more master to become an immortal. But the sad thing is that they met Mao Xiaofang and attacked him, so they were subdued. The love between Yingying and Song Zilong in the middle is quite deep, but it is impossible for a shemale love to have any consequences.

"Zombie Taoist Ⅱ" Yi Xiaolong

is a person with a very bad character, so I don't like it. He did something wrong to his friends while he was alive, and then he did evil again after his death. He was really bad and very ambitious.

Zombie Taoist Master No. 2, Phasipa Living Buddha, had a noble status in Tibet, but he broke the precepts. There is an illegitimate daughter Luosang. In order to make his daughter a spiritual child, he resorted to all means, and finally died to protect his daughter. People can't help but feel that everything has a cause and a result.

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