A reporter from the Huashang Daily learned from the Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention that from January to October 2018, medical and health institutions at all levels in the city conducted a total of 1.733 million HIV antibody screenings.

December 1st is World AIDS Day . A reporter from the Huashang Daily learned from the Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention that from January to October 2018, a total of 1.733 million HIV antibody screenings were conducted in various medical and health institutions at all levels in the city. Starting from early November, Xi'an has launched online appointment testing services.

On the eve of the 31st World AIDS Day on December 1, a reporter from the Chinese Business News came to the AIDS Consultation Room of the Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention. There were people coming and going in this small room, and there were calls one after another.

Consultant Dr. Zhao said that around December 1 every year, the consultation phone number at 029-85525625 has not stopped. Many people see the publicity in various channels and want to get tested for peace of mind.

AIDS cases 1

Established a "love relationship" with a man in high school

A freshman boy was diagnosed positive one month into school

20-year-old Xiao Zhang is a newly admitted freshman. One month into school, he was diagnosed as HIV positive. Although he is a boy, he has discovered that he likes men since he was a child. During high school, he established a "love relationship" with a man outside school. When he was a freshman, the school's AIDS lecture gave Xiao Zhang the idea of ​​testing. This was his first HIV test. However, God did not favor him. "We have known each other for a long time. I am the only one with him, and he also said that I am his one and only..."

Although Xiao Zhang was unfortunately infected with HIV, fortunately, due to early discovery, he received antiviral treatment in time. Zhang's current physical condition is not bad.

Internet pictures

AIDS cases 2

Curiosity killed the cat

He came into contact with the gay social networking site

Xiao Zhao is the school darling, and his handsome appearance makes him more dazzling in this school with many girls. After dating three girlfriends, he learned about a gay social software by chance. Driven by curiosity, he came into contact with the group and became a celebrity in the circle. Under the dual stimulation of physical and psychological factors, he frequently changed his sexual partners, and sometimes he did not even know the other person's real name.

Two years passed like this. Once, Xiao Zhao had a fever for a week and a rash on his body. On the advice of the doctor, he took an HIV test and was finally diagnosed. At this time, his CD4 cell count had dropped to only 20/ul (500-1500/ul for a healthy person), so his physical condition had been poor.

These students coming and going from the AIDS consultation room made Dr. Zhao very heartbroken. She reminded that those with a history of high-risk sexual behavior must be tested in time. At the same time, we call on young people to understand AIDS knowledge, master prevention and treatment skills, prevent AIDS, stay away from high-risk behaviors, and cherish and protect themselves.

There are currently 13,129 HIV-infected people and patients living in Shaanxi.

The incidence rate in 2018 has increased compared with last year.

According to the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission, the first case of HIV infection was reported in our province in 1992. As of October 31, 2018, the report There are currently 13,129 HIV-infected and AIDS patients alive, of which 2,196 HIV-infected and AIDS patients were discovered and reported from January to October 2018, an increase of 2% over the same period last year.

At present, the AIDS epidemic in our province shows the following characteristics:

First, the rise of the AIDS epidemic in the province is slowing down. In recent years, the annual increase in the number of people reported to be infected with HIV has shown a downward trend. Among them, the month-on-month increases in 2015, 2016, and 2017 were 27.3%, 13.2%, and 8.9% respectively. This year, the month-on-month increase continues to decline, and the AIDS epidemic in the province continues Control at low epidemic levels.

Second, sexual transmission has become the main way. Among HIV-infected and AIDS patients reported this year, 98.2% were infected through sexual contact, of which 38.8% were infected through sexual contact with men.

Third, the AIDS epidemic affects a wide range of areas and has large regional differences. Guanzhong area has a higher number of reported cases, and the growth rate is too fast in northern Shaanxi; Tongchuan There are more infections among men who have sex with men than infections through heterosexual sexual contact.

Fourth, the disease is mainly concentrated in young adults, with a tendency to spread to both the younger and older ages. Among the cases reported this year, those under 20 years old accounted for 3.6%, and the number of reports was 1.4 times that of five years ago; those over 60 years old accounted for 10.9%, and the number of reports was 4.3 times that of five years ago.

It is understood that as of now, the number of testing sites and laboratories with HIV testing qualifications in the city has increased to 284, of which 53 voluntary consultation clinics can provide free AIDS consultation and HIV antibody screening services. The disease control department reminds high-risk groups to test in time.

In order to promote testing to understand the infection status and then take treatment and preventive measures, the Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention launched an online appointment testing service in early November. The public can scan the QR code with their mobile phones, log in to the official website of the Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and follow the public on WeChat Make a reservation via number. There are currently 5 reservation outlets open, including the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chang'an District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Marie Stopes, Zhitong Charity Group, and the Red Ribbon Volunteer Association.

Who needs to be tested?

Experts said that the following five categories of people need to be tested in time:

(1) Those who have unsafe sex. Unsafe sexual behaviors include anal sex (the most dangerous, because the rectal wall is more susceptible to damage than the vaginal wall), multiple sex partners and other sexual behaviors; (2) intravenous drug users and those who use new drugs; (3) syphilis, gonorrhea, and other sexually transmitted diseases Patients; (4) Infants and young children of HIV-infected mothers; (5) Illegally collecting and donating blood or using blood products from informal sources, etc.

What should I do if I am infected with AIDS?

As my country's free antiretroviral treatment policy continues to improve, the threshold for free AIDS treatment continues to decrease. In 2016, the National Health and Family Planning Commission adjusted the standards for antiviral treatment and stipulated in the "National Free HIV Antiviral Drug Treatment Manual (4th Edition)" that antiviral treatment should be actively provided to all infected people with their informed consent. . Although AIDS is still incurable, current antiviral treatment drugs can effectively inhibit viral replication in the body and partially or even completely restore the damaged immune function of the body, thereby delaying the onset of disease and prolonging life.

Currently, Xi'an's free anti-viral treatment for HIV/AIDS is designated at Xi'an No. 8 Hospital, which provides free anti-viral treatment drugs and medical follow-up to treatment patients. Free follow-up testing items include tuberculosis screening, CD4 cell and viral load testing, etc.

How to apply for free antiviral treatment?

Infected persons or patients with local household registration or long-term residence in Xi'an City should bring HIV antibody confirmation report form, ID card (residence permit) and other materials to the district (county) Center for Disease Control and Prevention where their current address is to issue a referral card, and then hold The above materials should be treated at the AIDS and Antiviral Treatment Clinic of Xi'an No. 8 Hospital.

The AIDS infection rate is about 9 per 10,000 people

According to the latest data released by the National Health Commission, the current AIDS infection rate for the entire population in China is about 9 per 10,000 people, and sexual transmission is the main route of transmission. As of the end of September 2018, 850,000 surviving infected people and 262,000 deaths had been reported across the country. By the end of 2018, it was estimated that there were approximately 1.25 million surviving infected people. Open online shopping platforms such as , Taobao, and other online shopping platforms and search for "HIV test strips". Some stores sell more than 40,000 monthly sales and have a cumulative review of nearly 60,000. Comments include "Thank God for not killing" and "In the future, we must respect ourselves, love ourselves, and protect ourselves." Phrases such as "I must study hard in the future" and "I must treat my wife well from now on".

Huashang Daily reporter Li Lin

Reprinted from:Huashang Daily