China News Service, Yinchuan, June 12th: Title: Taiwanese coach promotes "Happy Baseball" in mainland China: I hope more people will feel the charm of sports. Recently, on a rooftop in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, Taiwanese baseball coach Lin Zhixun was instructing students to practic

China News Service Yinchuan June 12th title: Taiwanese coach from mainland China promotes "Happy Baseball ": I hope more people can feel the charm of sports

China News Service reporter Yang Di

Throwing the ball, swinging the bat, catching the ball... Recently , on a rooftop in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, Taiwanese baseball coach Lin Zhixun is instructing students to practice basic baseball moves. At the end of 2021, Lin Zhixun began to promote baseball locally, letting more people feel the charm of this sport through the "relaxed and happy" teaching concept.

Lin Zhixun was originally a Taiwanese professional player. After retiring, he came to Yinchuan in 2016 to work in the fitness industry. At that time, Lin Zhixun discovered that Yinchuan was still an "uncultivated land" in the field of baseball. "There was no one playing baseball around at all." This made Lin Zhixun feel quite lonely. Without any friends, he usually had to use the ball machine in a bar to practice.

Lin Zhixun guides students to practice baseball. Photo by Yang Di

In 2021, Lin Zhixun accidentally met Xiao Ai (pseudonym), a baseball enthusiast in Ningxia. At that time, Xiao Ai was promoting baseball among youth groups in Yinchuan, and the two baseball-loving "souls" hit it off. "At that time, I had an idea. Since there is no atmosphere for playing baseball in Yinchuan, it is up to us to create this environment." At the beginning of 2022, Lin Zhixun resigned from his original job and began to devote himself to baseball promotion.

In the process of baseball promotion, Lin Zhixun pays more attention to the adult group. "I think adults in Yinchuan need some different sports experiences and entertainment methods, and the effect of promotion among adults is relatively good." Lin Zhixun believes that affecting an adult means affecting a family. "In the future, their children will He may also be influenced by his family to like baseball. "

Lin Zhixun (right) guides students to warm up before training. Photo by Yang Di

Baseball is a relatively complicated sport, and many beginners give up easily when faced with complicated rules. To this end, Lin Zhixun tries to lower the entry barrier as much as possible. "When teaching everyone, we will not explain all the official rules of baseball at once, but simplify them." When guiding beginners to get started, Lin Zhixun will use softer rules. Practice ball to reduce accidental injuries; except for the necessary venue fees in some cases, he will not charge any fees from the students.

"Awesome!" "Very good!" "Not bad!"... In the eyes of students, Lin Zhixun always smiles and speaks words of encouragement. He is a patient and professional coach, and this comes from Lin Zhixun The concept of "Happy Baseball" that is advocated.

Lin Zhixun (left) guides students to practice baseball. Photo by Yang Di

"In Yinchuan, most people are actually exposed to baseball for the first time, so I prefer to take everyone to experience it in an entertaining way." Lin Zhixun said, "When trying something new, there is no People want to be disciplined strictly, so whether it’s rules or teaching baseball skills, I try my best to make everyone happy.”

On weekdays, Lin Zhixun and Xiao Ai often organize some interesting activities to stimulate excitement. Public interest in baseball. They will put up sports equipment in the park and teach passers-by how to play baseball. Since there is no professional baseball field in Yinchuan, they will rent football fields and hold some baseball entertainment games. They will also post videos of baseball playing on the Internet, attracting many fans. Few people come to experience baseball.

By promoting baseball, Lin Zhixun also made many local friends in Yinchuan. "Baseball brings together those of us who have the same hobbies or are close to each other. Even if we don't play baseball in the end, everyone can have a good time in this group." Lin Zhixun believes that baseball and other sports have played an important role in cross-strait exchanges. It is a good medium. "After we went to the mainland to participate in a baseball exchange game, we got to know each other better. After the game, we often exchanged jerseys and made many friends."

When talking about the future, Lin Zhixun said , I hope that more and more people in Yinchuan will experience baseball and more people will love this sport. At the same time, he also plans to promote baseball in local campuses. "We hope to build a professional school team for the school so that it can represent Ningxia in national competitions in the future." (End)