I originally thought this was a promotion for the new episode of "Detective Conan" or a trailer for its ending. Unexpectedly, clicking on it was related to news about Japan's New Year issue: Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga officially announced at the Prime Minister

Two days ago, # There is not much time left for Kudo Shinichi# The topic has been on the hot search again...

I originally thought this was the promotion of the new episode of "Detective Conan" or the end of it Preview, unexpectedly, clicking on it is related to news about Japan's New Year:

According to Xinhuanet, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga was officially announced at the Prime Minister's Office at noon on April 1, replacing the current Heisei era New Year For "make and" . The new era name will be used starting from 0:00 on the day when the new emperor ascends the throne on May 1 this year.

As a result, after Japan announced the new year number, Zhang Heng unexpectedly became popular!

It has also been on the daily hot search list

Yes, yes, that is it,

The science student who invented the seismograph during the Eastern Han Dynasty of my country Zhang Heng


What happened. According to CGTN reports, the Japanese New Year title "Reiwa" comes from the oldest existing collection of Japanese poems "Man'yoshu", which can be traced back to the eighth century.

html Source of the 0th era number "Reiwa" and "Man'yoshu" Picture: twitter Iwanami Bunko Compilation Department

As we all know, Japanese era names used to be taken from ancient Chinese classics.

Since the first era name "Taika" was used in Japan in 645, the sources of the 247 era names before "Reiwa" have been identified from ancient Chinese books, most of which are classical documents before the Tang Dynasty such as " Four Books and Five Classics" . Among them, 35 era names come from "Shangshu" and 27 era names come from "Book of Changes".

For example, "Heisei" comes from "The inner peace and outer peace" in "Historical Records" and "The earth is flat and the sky is created" in " Book of History ".

Originally, "Reiwa" was the first era name that did not come from Chinese classics, and the first era name that came from ancient Japanese classics.

Buttttttt sister thought, "Man'yoshu" has annotations, especially emphasizing that the source of the two sentences "Reiwa" is from "Return to the Fields Fu" by Zhang Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty .

Annotations for "Man'yoshu" Picture: twitter Iwanami Bunko Editorial Department

This guy keeps coming and going, but he still has some relationship with us. It's really a little embarrassing.


Of course, what I didn’t expect was that the release of "Reiwa" made many people know for the first time:

Zhang Heng who wrote Han Fu was the Zhang Heng who invented the seismograph. They are actually the same Zhang Heng

I always thought that he He is a master of science, but he is also a literary giant.

He is simply an all-rounder in arts and sciences

A large number of Japanese netizens have begun to worship him crazily. The rainbow fart he uses is:

• The Perceiver of the Earth • The Veteran of S.H.I.E.L.D. • The Boy Who Counts the Stars •The Four Heavenly Kings of Han Dynasty •Mu Sheng •Heng!

So I think it is necessary to give you some popular science again

• The Perceiver of the Earth • The Veteran of S.H.I.E.L.D. • The Boy Who Counts the Stars • The Four Heavenly Kings of the Han Dynasty • The Wooden Saint • Heng

This magical all-rounder in arts and sciences

Baidu Encyclopedia is as follows:

. In Baidu Encyclopedia, it basically focuses on the image of , a male science major, Zhang Heng, .

However, Zhang Heng is not only an astronomer,

he is also a mathematician, inventor, geographer, writer.

Zhang Heng is one of the "Four Masters of Han Fu" .

The other three masters are: Sima Xiangru, Yang Xiong, Ban Gu.

(and the other three are quite famous in literature)


Japanese New Year's Day "Reiwa" The source is written in "Man's Shu":

"In the early spring month, the air is gentle and the wind is gentle."

The original text of this paragraph of Zhang Heng's "Guitian Fu" is:

"Then the moon is in the middle of spring, the time is harmonious and the air is clear. The original sun [xí] is lush, and the grass is flourishing. The king's wings are beating, and the bird's nest [cāng gēng] is wailing. "Jiao Ning Jie Xie [xié háng], Guan Guan Ying"

This is the most beautiful section of the whole poem.

In addition to "Returning to the Fields", science student Zhang Heng also wrote the extremely beautiful " Poems of Four Sorrows"

What I am thinking about is in Taishan. It was difficult for Liang's father to follow him, so he turned sideways and looked eastward with tears in his eyes. The beauty gave me a golden sword, how can I repay Ying Qiong Yao? The road is far away, so don't rely on freedom. Why worry and worry? My thoughts are in Guilin. Wanting to go there, the Xiang River is deep, so I turned to the south and looked south with tears in my lap. A beautiful woman gave me a harp and a harp, why should I repay her with a pair of jade plates? The road is far away, so don't rely on melancholy. What's the point of being worried and upset? My thoughts are in Hanyang. Wanting to follow Longban Chang, I turned sideways and looked to the west, my tears staining my clothes. The beauty gave me a mink and a sable, why should I repay it with a bright moon pearl? The road is far away, so don't hesitate to lean on it. What's the point of being worried and upset? What I am thinking about is Yanmen. Wanting to follow the snowy atmosphere, I turned sideways and looked north, soaked in tears. The beauty gave me a beautiful piece, why should I repay the sapphire case. The road is far away, so don't lean on it and sigh. What's the point of being worried and upset?

"The public searched for him for thousands of times, but suddenly I looked back, but there he was, in the dim light."

Xin Qiji This is a well-known and widely circulated song " Qingyu Case·Yuan Xi "

The word "Qingyu Case" is From Zhang Heng's "Poems of Four Sorrows".

In addition, Zhang Heng also found time to publish

literary works " Er Jing Fu ", "Si Xuan Fu"

mathematical works "Suan Wang Lun"

astronomy works "Ling Xian" and "Annotation of the Armillary Sphere"


Guo Moruo's evaluation of this giant is:

"Such a comprehensively developed figure is rare in world history. He has been worshiped for thousands of years and is admirable."


But having said that, Chinese culture is broad and profound. , has a long history

In addition to the ancient poems that we learned during our school days and are familiar with and recited every day,

there are many beautiful words and chapters in ancient Chinese books

that we know very little about.

In addition to our own reasons,

This is also a lack of traditional literature in modern society.

Rediscover traditional literature and traditional culture.

There is still a lot we can learn and do.

Hey... After all, idols in ancient times are so good,

I also want to go to school!

Comprehensive source of information: Sina Weibo @知书少少 Guomaimai, Xinhua News Agency, Global Times, China Daily, CGTN, The Paper, Beijing Youth Daily

Editor/organizer: Yang