Party building leads the "whistle-blowing in streets and villages, department reporting" mechanism and the reform of "acting upon hearing the news and handling complaints as soon as they are received". It is the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Government's comprehensive imp

The new era requires the guidance of new ideas, and new ideas require new reforms and practices. Successful reform not only implements new ideas, but also provides valuable experience for further innovation of new ideas. Party building leads the mechanism of "blowing the whistle in the streets and villages and reporting in departments" (hereinafter referred to as "whistle-blowing and reporting") and the reform of "acting upon hearing the news and handling complaints immediately" (hereinafter referred to as "handling complaints immediately"), which is the value orientation of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Government , the theme and main line to the connotation, essence, methods and methods, the whole process is a vivid practice of comprehensively practicing Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is also an implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, and promotes the capital’s governance system and governance capabilities. Modernize and explore important measures to build a megacity governance system.

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the fundamental basis of "reporting when the whistle is blown" and "handling complaints immediately"

The "people-centered" development concept is the value orientation of reform. "People-centered" is the fundamental stance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the yardstick for political practice. When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Beijing, he emphasized: "We must adhere to the people's city for the people and be oriented by the issues of greatest concern to Beijing citizens." ① "Handling complaints immediately" is an important part of Beijing's current deepening of the "whistle-blowing and reporting" reform, and it is also Practical and tough measures to smooth the channels for appeal and effectively enhance people’s sense of happiness and gain. The starting point of "handling complaints as soon as they are received" is to meet the needs of citizens. By establishing the "12345" citizen service hotline, deepening the whistleblower reporting mechanism, and smoothing the channels for the masses to express their demands, we can truly solve the "big and small issues" of the masses. Annoying issues such as a number of private buildings and random construction have been resolved, a number of convenient facilities such as markets and supermarkets have been built, and the living environment has improved significantly. By straightening out the relationships between departments, giving more power to streets and towns, allowing the street and township grassroots front lines, which best understand the demands of the masses, to issue assembly orders to solve problems, and all departments to respond jointly, so as to ensure that "the people have called for it, and the reforms have responded." ". At the same time, the people's satisfaction and sense of gain are used as indicators to test the effectiveness of the reform. The municipal party committee and the municipal government have clearly incorporated the implementation of the 12345 citizen hotline's "immediate handling of complaints" into the work assessment system of various district, municipal departments and public service enterprises. All regions have carried out innovation based on practice and refined models such as the "Five-Size Work Method" and "Six-Step Work Method", which have greatly improved the efficiency of serving the people and truly responded to the demands of the people.

"Upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership" is the main theme of the reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that strengthening grassroots party building and consolidating the party's ruling foundation should be regarded as a red line that runs through social governance and grassroots construction, and actively explore effective ways for party building to lead grassroots governance. "Reporting after whistleblowing" and "handling complaints as soon as they are received" focus on highlighting "party building leadership" and strengthening the leadership of party organizations in grassroots governance to integrate party building throughout grassroots governance. Cai Qi, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, personally researched and deployed, dispatched and directed, and visited the grassroots many times for research and guidance, as well as overt and covert inspections. All districts and departments are required to include "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" on their agenda, and make great efforts to promote it. Its implementation is an important part of the performance evaluation and evaluation of grassroots party building by party (working) committee secretaries at all levels and the "three-level joint creation" of urban and rural grassroots party building. Party building responsibilities have been consolidated at all levels, and the main responsibility of party organizations at all levels to grasp grassroots governance has been strengthened, providing an important guarantee for strengthening the party's leadership in urban governance. By straightening out the relationship and positioning of responsibilities between grassroots party (working) committees, social work committees, street and township party building coordination committees and other party organizations, we will improve the urban grassroots party building system and mechanism and clarify the leadership position of party organizations in street and township governance. . By improving the overall coordination function of the neighborhood party (working) committee, we will lead and drive various grassroots organizations to achieve functional complementarity and positive interaction, effectively solve the "last mile" problem, and strive to transform the party's political, organizational, and institutional advantages into urban Governance effectiveness. By strengthening the leadership of party organizations over grassroots governance, we ensure that all levels of the city implement the decisions of the Party Central Committee to the letter, and form a top-down, consistent, high-standard work pattern in the best district, demonstrating the role of the national political center. Strategic Positioning.

"Focus on systematicity, integrity, and synergy" is the methodology of reform.General Secretary Xi Jinping has preached many times, "Paying attention to systematicity, integrity, and coordination are the inherent requirements for comprehensively deepening the reform of , and are also important methods to promote reform." "Blow the whistle and report" and "handle complaints immediately" will systematically , integrity, and synergy are unified in the profound changes of institutional mechanisms, forming the reform ideas of systemic governance, overall governance, and collaborative governance. The reform focuses on systemic governance. "Whistle-blowing reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" are a systematic project involving multiple fields. It requires overall planning in all aspects and at all levels, focusing on promoting mutual promotion of reforms, positive interaction, and coordination. It is not only an innovation in the system and mechanism of street and township management, but also an innovation in party building leading grassroots governance and party work. Through the organic integration of the party's organizational system and the grassroots governance system, changes in the grassroots governance system and mechanism will be brought about. The reform focuses on overall governance. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government regularly hold work analysis meetings to do a good job in top-level design, formulate guiding opinions for deepening reforms, and comprehensively build a work pattern of "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately". In the reform, we must firmly grasp the "nose" of party building that leads the innovation of street and township management systems and mechanisms, and insist on systematic planning and overall advancement. Determine the pilots to be tested first, encourage attempts and bold innovations, and conduct summary and evaluation of the pilots on this basis. Experiences and practices that have proven to be effective should be summarized, refined and standardized in a timely manner, and fully promoted when conditions are mature. The reform focuses on collaborative governance. By taking the construction of a regional party-building work pattern as the starting point, we actively promote the collaborative efforts of grassroots political organizations, community autonomous organizations, social organizations and other organizations to achieve co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Focusing on mobilizing social forces and extensive participation of the people, it has gathered a strong synergy of urban grassroots governance. For example, in the process of building "regional party building", we use overall and systematic strategic thinking to break the traditional understanding and practice that is limited to the pure party work level, and actively realize the comprehensive party building content, scientific party building mechanism and party building department coordination. change.

"Blow the whistle and report" and "handle complaints immediately" are practical paths to promote the modernization of the capital's governance system and governance capabilities.

"Explore and build a megacity governance system" is the goal of the reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Exploring and building a megacity governance system is also a requirement for Beijing to modernize the national governance system and governance capabilities." Building a complete megacity governance system is the only way to modernize the capital's governance system and governance capabilities. . Capital governance has its own characteristics. On the one hand, it undertakes the important functions of building the “four centers” and providing the “four services”. On the other hand, as the most good district, it has a benchmark and demonstration effect. It is always under the "spotlight" and "magnifying glass", and no matter how big or small it is, it will become the focus of people's attention. This requires greater courage in innovation in capital governance. "Blow the whistle and report" and "handle complaints as soon as they are received" are exactly under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, exploring practical paths that are consistent with the characteristics of megacities and promoting the modernization of the capital's governance system and governance capabilities.

"Blow the whistle and report" and "handle complaints immediately" integrate the development of the capital into the development of the country, and always actively implement the unified requirements of the central government. We have the courage to take responsibility, dare to be the first, and make unremitting explorations in innovating the governance system of mega cities, and do a solid job in the capital. Various tasks of urban governance. The reform is problem-oriented, focusing on the "last mile" problems of grassroots governance such as "what can be seen cannot be managed, and what can be managed cannot be seen" and "eight big hats cannot control a broken straw hat". Carry out work on difficult governance issues in megacities such as construction, demolition, and backstreet alley renovation, and enhance the modernization level of the capital's governance system and governance capabilities through comprehensive and systematic changes in governance concepts, structural functions, and institutional mechanisms.

"Precise governance and joint governance of the rule of law" is the focus of the reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that urban management should be as delicate as embroidery. The larger the city, the more precise the management, and the more efforts must be made in precise governance, shared governance, and the rule of law. The reform aims at precise governance.The essential meaning of fine management is that it is a process of decomposing, refining and implementing strategies and goals. It is a process that allows modern governance methods to be effectively implemented and effective in every link. It is also an important way to improve the government's execution capabilities. In the process of "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately", we continue to explore the precise connection between demand and supply. "Handling complaints immediately" is based on the characteristics of citizens' needs such as diversity, convenience, and livability. It requires functional departments to optimize their work processes, improve work efficiency, act upon the situation, handle quickly, provide timely feedback, and establish a "quick response mechanism" to serve the public. The "time-limited processing mechanism" truly solves the most direct, most realistic interest issues that the people are most concerned about. Reforms use shared governance to improve precise governance. By exploring new paths for the integrated development of multiple networks to promote the modernization of social governance services, we will highlight the status of various entities such as grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots governments, social organizations, non-public economic organizations and the general public, and form a multi-functional multi-network multi-network governance system with party organizations as the core. A social governance community in which all subjects participate together. By improving residents' autonomy, democratic consultation and other mechanisms under the leadership of party organizations, a good pattern of joint consultation, joint participation and joint governance between the party, government and the masses will be formed, and the initiative and creativity of the people's participation in grassroots governance will be fully unleashed, and then precision and refinement will be achieved to provide services to the public. The reform uses the rule of law to ensure precise governance and shared governance. As a reform and innovation mechanism for party building to lead grassroots governance, "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" focus on building consensus on reform through the rule of law and improving institutional support. By clarifying departmental responsibilities and standardizing administrative procedures, street and township coordination has a basis for power and departmental cooperation has a mechanism to guarantee it.

"Building a simple and efficient grassroots management system" is the essence of the reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "To promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, we must not only strengthen the construction of the party's grassroots organizations, but also reform and improve the grassroots management system to make it simpler, more efficient, and more convenient for the people." ② Beijing is advancing " In the process of "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately", we focus on the institutional level, emphasizing that the power system, financial system, and responsibility system are tilted towards the grassroots level, and promote the reform of management systems and mechanisms at the street and township levels. Deepen the pilot reform of the street management system, integrate work forces, and comprehensively set up various agencies; integrate the team of coordinators and scientifically determine the street staffing; adjust and optimize internal agencies in accordance with the requirements of the large department system and flat management to improve service management efficiency. Establish physical comprehensive law enforcement centers at the street and township levels, improve grassroots law enforcement coordination mechanisms, strengthen cooperation between law enforcement personnel and jurisdictions, realize the transformation from joint law enforcement to comprehensive law enforcement, and play the role of a platform for comprehensive law enforcement. Implement the "street chief" mechanism, establish a team of "alley stewards", continue to promote community burden reduction, formulate and improve the responsibilities list of the street party working committee and offices, promote the management system reform of district government functional departments to dispatch agencies to streets and towns, and promote Integrated development of multiple networks in urban and rural areas. By building a grassroots management system with clear responsibilities and rights, simple and efficient institutions, and effective power operation, we can ensure that streets and towns can truly have the authority to manage things, have people to do them, and have the money to do things.

Provide Beijing practice and Beijing experience for the implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

"Whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" provide an effective way to solve the problems of grassroots governance in megacities and promote the modernization of urban grassroots governance in the new era. The reform focuses on empowering, decentralizing and increasing efficiency, and improves the urban grassroots governance system. "Clear responsibility and empowerment" is to clearly divide the powers of functional departments and sub-districts and townships, give more powers to sub-districts and townships, and strengthen the overall coordination function of sub-districts and townships to solve problems such as segmentation and responsibilities and powers of grass-roots governance. "Power sinking" includes the sinking of work focus, backbone strength, and management resources. By optimizing the organizational structure and staffing management of neighborhoods and townships, we will strengthen the human support and organizational guarantee of local governments, and use policies to encourage and support talents to continue to gather at the grassroots level. "Reform and efficiency improvement" means strengthening the internal coordination of streets and townships, adjusting, optimizing, and comprehensively setting up street party and government agencies, and optimizing and enhancing the linkage effect of reforms.Through empowerment, decentralization, and efficiency enhancement, we will further straighten out the relationship between "power" and "responsibility" of grassroots governments, straighten out the relationship between "sections" and "blocks" of streets and departments, and gather various governance resources and governance functions into Together, we will form the execution, response, integration, and collaboration capabilities of grassroots social governance in megacities, solve practical problems that concern the people, and achieve effective governance of grassroots society.

's "whistle reporting" and "immediate action upon receipt of complaints" have set a pioneering example for comprehensively deepening reforms, bravely entering the "deep water zone", cracking the "hard bones", and implementing them to the end. Reform has entered the "deep water zone" and getting through the last mile is the biggest test for reformers. "Blow the whistle and report" and "handle complaints immediately" identify the pain points and difficulties in the "last mile" of serving the masses, "stick to the green hills and never relax", work hard, spend great efforts, work hard, and constantly innovate working methods. Carry out the reform to the end. By improving the assessment mechanism, we will expand the people's right to participate and evaluate, use people's satisfaction as an important indicator to evaluate the work of functional departments, streets, towns, communities and villages, and gradually increase the weight of public opinion surveys in the total assessment score. For example, according to the weighting of 50%, 20%, and 30%, an evaluation method of "on-site evaluation + party building work evaluation + mass satisfaction survey" is formed to provide guarantee for everything to be responded to and implemented. It not only explains the determination of the capital of a great country to carry out the reform to the end and the persistence of "breaking through one difficulty after another", but also expands the working mechanism and method of implementing "people's city for the people" and successfully explores the comprehensive deepening of reform. .

"whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" provide a practical model for realizing the principle of "organic unity of the party's leadership, the rule of law and the people's ownership of the country". In the reform, "blowing the whistle" embodies the "people's call", and "reporting in" embodies "my response". Only by adhering to the people as the masters of the country can "people's call" be effective; only by adhering to the party's leadership can "check-in" be effective. Reform serves the people and ensures the people's extensive participation in social governance on a larger scale, in a wider field, and at a deeper level, thereby forming a social governance community in which everyone is responsible, fulfills his responsibilities, and enjoys the benefits of everyone. Reform relies on the party's leadership. By strengthening the party's leadership in all aspects and fields, it enhances the combat effectiveness, cohesion, and creativity of grassroots party organizations, thereby mobilizing the forces of all parties to converge on the masses and work together to do a good job in the affairs of the people's doorsteps. If the mechanism of "people's call and response" can continue to operate for a long time, rather than just a flash in the pan, it must rely on the rule of law. The reform focuses on building consensus through the rule of law and improving institutional support. "Reporting after whistleblowing" and "handling complaints as soon as they are received" provide practical support for the theoretical development of the organic unity of the three, that is, relying on the party's leadership to realize that the people are the masters of the country through governing the country according to law. "There are laws to follow" to ensure that "whistle blowing" is reasonable and "reporting" is standardized, and "administration according to law" ensures that "whistle reporting" is normalized, institutionalized and standardized. The successful practice of "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" shows that reform is inseparable from the practice of organic unity of the three. To a certain extent, it can even be said that China's current stage of comprehensively deepening reform is to explore how to Practice and deepen the organic unity of the three. One of the signs of successful reform is the effective organic unity of the three, that is, consolidating the leadership of the party, meeting the needs of the people, and strengthening the rule of law.

In short, "whistle reporting" and "handling complaints immediately" are a model for the timely, accurate and comprehensive implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Under the gestation of the new era and under the guidance of new ideas, the people of the capital unite Smart practical innovation.

Source: "Frontline"