A tourist walked into a store and asked the boss: "Boss, the words on your window advertisement are all wrong, and the sentences are not fluent. Didn't you pay attention?" The boss replied: "Actually, I did it on purpose. If I do this, customers will think that I am not smart eno

A tourist walked into a store and asked the boss: "Boss, the words on your window advertisement are all wrong, and the sentences are not smooth. Didn't you pay attention?" The boss replied: "Actually, I did it on purpose. If I do this, customers will think that I am not smart enough, so they will come to my store to buy things and take advantage of the opportunity. "This little story of

is actually a joke, but in fact, this is the principle of doing business. Some smart bosses like to engage in activities that make it seem like they lose all their money, attracting customers to come and take advantage. But what’s the result? The boss just gave up the profits in the open and made a lot of money secretly. Today I will bring you a case. A restaurant owner launched a "One Yuan Eat Signature Dishes" campaign. Not only did he not lose money, but he earned 230,000 yuan a month. All his colleagues were stunned.

[1] Case background

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are our immediate needs. In the past, everyone’s living conditions were not good, so we only wanted food and clothing. But now, with the progress of society, economic development, and the improvement of people's material standards, our food culture has taken up an increasing proportion of our lives. Where there is demand, there is a market, and a large number of restaurants are springing up like mushrooms after a rain. Although this situation seems to be prosperous, but is it actually? It is very difficult for the boss, because there are more and more competitors and it is getting harder and harder to make money. However, one restaurant did very well. It only held two small activities. Not only did it gain a large number of customers, it also made 230,000 yuan in just one month.

The owner of this restaurant is named Peng, and he is 47 years old this year. He has been working in Shenzhen for many years and has done many businesses, ranging from setting up a street stall to starting a company. In order to make a lot of money, Boss Peng set up a stall to get rich. Since business was good at that time and gold was everywhere, Boss Peng did make a lot of money. Later, he opened a trading company with his friends. In those years, even when Boss Peng went out to play cards, his winnings and losses were measured in tens of thousands, which can be said to be relatively wealthy. But the good times did not last long. Business is becoming more and more difficult to do now. The company cannot continue to operate and goes bankrupt. Boss Peng still owes a lot of debt.

After this incident, Boss Peng no longer wanted to cause any big scenes. He just wanted to start a small business again to support his family while slowly paying off his debts. That's how Boss Peng became the owner of the restaurant. Although Boss Peng failed to start a company and was in debt, when it comes to doing business, Boss Peng actually has two skills, otherwise he would not have been able to make money in the first place. Now that he is making a comeback, Boss Peng is naturally treating it with care. Even before the restaurant has even opened, he has started to build momentum and hold activities. The results of it? With just two small activities, the restaurant not only gained a large number of loyal "fans", but also earned 230,000 yuan in just one month, making a lot of money.

[2] Plan introduction

Boss Peng is also quite down-to-earth and doesn’t like to do anything fancy, so even the activity plan he came up with is very simple to operate, just two points:

One, one yuan to eat Signature Dishes

When opening a restaurant, you must have at least one signature dish that is outstanding. Signature dishes are usually the main profit items of a store. Now Boss Peng sells signature dishes at a loss just to attract customers into the store.

2. Membership-based management

Generally, when we go to a restaurant to eat, we eat as soon as we enter, pay after eating, and leave after paying. The boss welcomes all customers. But Boss Peng is very strange in running a restaurant. He has implemented a membership system, and every customer is a member.

"Things determine the way out." The activity (industry) cases cited here are only a small part of the teacher's methods. When you can't find the way, you can read more about other people's thoughts in the columns. Other people's experiences are the ladder to your success!

Not to mention, after customers become members, they really like to eat in Boss Peng's restaurant. It is precisely because of this that Boss Peng never lacks customers. So what did Boss Peng do? let's see.

[3] Profit Analysis

Let’s talk about the first point first: eating signature dishes for one yuan. Boss Peng started to carry out activities a week before the restaurant opened, putting up posters and handing out flyers everywhere. As long as customers scan the QR code in the store and follow their own accounts, they can qualify to purchase the restaurant's dishes for 1 yuan. Of course, this menu also has restrictions, that is, you can only purchase the store's signature dishes. If the customer wants to eat other dishes, they need to pay extra.

As long as customers are qualified and enter the restaurant within seven days after it opens, they can enjoy this signature dish for 1 yuan. Because this event was so discounted, it immediately attracted many customers to follow their account. Let me ask you, if you are a customer and there is a newly opened restaurant, and you can eat signature dishes for only 1 yuan, will you be willing to go? You must know that people are curious. If a new store opens, you will want to try it. What's more, if there is a special discount, you will naturally not let it go.

Of course, Boss Peng opened the restaurant to make money, not to do charity, so if you want to eat this 1 yuan dish, there is another condition, that is, you need to recharge the money for this dish in the store. This recharge amount You can keep it for your next visit to the store. In this case, the signature dish is not actually 1 yuan to eat, but a 50% discount for customers, and it also attracts customers to visit the store next time.

Let’s talk about the second point: membership management. Will Boss Peng’s first activity attract many customers to recharge and become members in the store? Is this Boss Peng’s membership-based operation? No, Boss Peng's membership is divided into three levels, namely platinum membership, diamond membership, and exclusive membership.

When customers recharge in the store, they can become platinum members of the restaurant regardless of the amount of recharge. Platinum members can enjoy a 20% discount for each purchase and receive 10 family and friend cards. Customers holding family and friend cards can enjoy a 10% discount when purchasing in the store. Customers can choose to give the family and friend cards to their friends as family and friend cards. After all consumption is activated, and the cumulative consumption reaches 5,000, the platinum member will be upgraded to a diamond member.

Diamond members can enjoy a 30% discount for each purchase and receive 20 family and friend cards. However, if the family and friend cards are activated for consumption, and after the cumulative consumption of reaches 20,000, the diamond member will be upgraded to an exclusive member. When customers become exclusive members, in addition to discounts on consumption, they can also enjoy commissions from the store. In the future, , all customers who go to the store to consume will use the family and friend card under the exclusive member's name. Then this person will Exclusive members can get 10% dividends.

Because of the benefits, customers will take the trouble to issue this friend and family card to help Boss Peng promote it. Naturally, this store is very popular, and people line up every day. Do you think it can make money? Sometimes, no matter what business you are doing, what is the main reason why you lose money? My mind is not open and my thinking is wrong. If your thinking is wrong, you will lose money no matter how you play. If it’s not easy for you to do business now, I suggest you read more and learn more about how others do it.

Just like this boss Peng launched the "eat signature dishes for one yuan" activity, not only did he not lose money, but he earned 230,000 yuan a month, and his peers were confused.