In the past few days, with the People's Liberation Army conducting fully operational military exercises east of the Taiwan Strait, and the United States convening its allies to mobilize a large number of combat ships for confrontation, the situation in the Asia-Pacific has become

In the past few days, with the People's Liberation Army conducting fully operational military exercises east of the Taiwan Strait, and the United States convening its allies to mobilize a large number of combat ships for confrontation, the situation in the Asia-Pacific has become increasingly tense. Our military exercise fleet is led by the aircraft carrier Liaoning, and the 055 large destroyer, 052D, and 054A frigates all appeared.

And the aircraft carrier Liaoning took off and landed J-15 fighter jets for 10 consecutive days during the exercise. It is said that the number of times exceeded 200 times. This posture is completely prepared for actual combat. Therefore, mainland China has conducted unprecedented high-intensity combat readiness training in eastern Taiwan, which has attracted widespread attention from the outside world. US media believe that this is a clear warning from mainland China against the power of the United States and Japan, mainly because the United States and Japan have recently continued to interfere and provoke on the Taiwan Strait issue, which has forced the mainland to use military exercises to warn the United States and Japan.

The top American think tank Rand Corporation stated in a new report that if the mainland takes action against Taiwan, the United States will personally end it. The US think tank believes that although Taiwan's strength is far behind that of the mainland, the troops commanded by these weaker civilian personnel can play a real role in attacking the mainland's People's Liberation Army. The Taiwan authorities have now taken some inspiration from recent conflicts and are using small arms to fight the "powerful enemy" of the mainland, such as the purchase of Javelin Stinger missiles. Last month, Taiwan's defense department published a war survival guide to explain to the people on the island various responses to mainland military operations, such as finding air raid shelters and first aid kits and how to survive.

As for how to adopt effective military means to resist the People's Liberation Army, the Taiwan authorities' response strategy in recent years has been to vigorously develop asymmetric tactics, such as the development of new anti-ship missiles , and surface-to-air missiles and other weapons to counter mainland warships. and fighter jets. Of course, the Taiwan authorities are also vigorously purchasing advanced main battle weapons from the United States, such as 108 M1A2T main battle tanks, 66 F-16V fighter jets, and M109A6 self-propelled artillery military purchases. In view of the advantages of the People's Liberation Army, the Taiwan military intends to conduct beachhead anti-landing operations with the People's Liberation Army on the inner side of the Taiwan Strait and on the beachhead positions.

This combat plan has been recognized by the Taiwan authorities, and US think tanks believe that this combat plan will bring greater strategic and tactical advantages to the Taiwan military, especially as the People's Liberation Army becomes increasingly powerful.

Now the Taiwan authorities are making great efforts to recruit a large number of volunteers and extend the military service time, and strengthen the overall professionalization of the military to improve its overall combat effectiveness. The U.S. think tank believes that there are only 23 million people in Taiwan, and the young and middle-aged people who are eligible to join the military are only a small part. As the situation becomes increasingly tense, the Taiwan military reservists must bear more and more responsibilities. A more difficult mission, so their training may be inadequate if the PLA launches a full-scale invasion. Just last month, Qiu Guozheng, the head of Taiwan's defense department, proposed extending the military service period of the Taiwan military from four months to a full year. The Taiwan authorities are also calling on young women in Taiwan to join the army to alleviate the problem of insufficient soldiers.

Regarding Taiwan, U.S. think tanks believe that the Biden administration has repeatedly stated that it will continue to sell weapons to Taiwan and has repeatedly promised to provide defensive support to Taiwan. U.S. President Biden has also made it clear that if the mainland launches military operations to liberate Taiwan, the United States will will help defend Taiwan. This statement is obviously threatening, which means that if the mainland liberates Taiwan, the US military will inevitably intervene to confront the People's Liberation Army. This is what the US think tank stated in its report. At the same time, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also called on the United States to end strategic ambiguity. , clearly supporting its commitment to the Taiwan authorities.

It can be said that on the Taiwan issue, due to the instigation behind the United States and Japan, the Taiwan authorities are also going further and further on the road of relying on foreign countries to respect themselves and resisting reunification with force. Once the French Anti-Secession Law is violated, mainland China will implement military reunification actions. The integrity of national sovereignty is a red line that cannot be provoked. Although the Taiwan military has vigorously developed self-developed weapons in recent years and purchased US-made weapons to build defensive barriers, it still overestimates its capabilities when it comes to the People's Liberation Army.Earlier, some democrats on the island said that it was foolish for Taiwan to vigorously develop armaments to fight against the mainland. It was like a tricycle chasing a car, getting further and further away. It is better to have this little money to develop people's livelihood than to join an arms race that can never be won. a lot of. This principle still applies to this day. The Taiwan military is completely lagging behind in all aspects of the PLA's combat strength, combat time, combat space, technical level, and tactics. Therefore, according to official and unofficial analysis, the People's Liberation Army was able to liberate the entire island of Taiwan and its affiliated islands in less than a week after the war started. This is not empty talk from a realistic perspective.

As for possible intervention by the United States and Japan, the People's Liberation Army Air Force, navy and rocket force have long been prepared. After all, in the first island chain , the United States and Japan only have a few navy and air force bases. With the People's Liberation Army's perfect strike system and huge military strength. As long as there is a movement, although the People's Liberation Army cannot annihilate every last one of the US and Japanese fleets, it can still destroy all the US and Japanese destroyers, aircraft carriers and air force bases within range. Therefore, although some US think tanks, officials and media are clamoring for interference in the Taiwan Strait, this is not 1996. The overall strength of the People's Liberation Army completely exceeds the combined military strength of the United States and Japan in the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, if the operation to liberate Taiwan begins and the United States and Japan really intend to intervene, the People's Liberation Army will be able to defeat the two forces and successfully complete the goal of liberating Taiwan. It can be said that after the People's Liberation Army perfected the entire A2/AD (area denial/anti-access) strategy and strike chain, the United States and Japan have failed to attempt to block the People's Liberation Army's goal of liberating Taiwan militarily, both in theory and in practice. It is destined to be impossible to achieve.