According to reports, U.S. Central Command Commander Kenneth McKenzie admitted that the equipment abandoned near Kabul International Airport had been "demilitarized" and basically unusable.

Source: Global Times

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] On August 30, local time, the Pentagon announced that it had "completed the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan ." However, the "USA Today" website stated on August 31 that the hastily evacuated US military dropped aircraft, armored vehicles, and advanced missile defense systems worth tens of millions of dollars near Kabul International Airport.

reported that U.S. Central Command Commander Kenneth McKenzie admitted that the equipment abandoned near Kabul International Airport had been "demilitarized" and basically unusable. An anonymous U.S. military official revealed that the U.S. military may have used thermite grenades (which can generate thousands of degrees of heat when exploding and burning) to destroy key components of the equipment before withdrawing. Another official acknowledged that previous explosions heard at the airport were related to U.S. forces destroying the equipment. A reporter from the Los Angeles Times said on Twitter: "After the withdrawal of US troops, Taliban fighters rushed into Kabul International Airport and equipped themselves with weapons, equipment and uniforms left by the US military. The soldiers fired guns and chanted at night. Celebrating (the withdrawal of U.S. troops).”

△The U.S. military helicopters left at Kabul Airport. What equipment did the U.S. military abandon? McKenzie made a brief list: dozens of mine-resistant and ambush-resistant vehicles, Humvee light tactical vehicles, 73 helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. But he did not disclose specifically which models they were. Previously, US media stated that the CH-46 large helicopter used by the US Embassy to evacuate personnel was unable to fly to the US base in the Middle East due to insufficient range, so it would be abandoned after transporting personnel. The "USA Today" website stated that photos on social media show the US military deploying "Apache" attack helicopters at Kabul International Airport. Their unit price exceeds $30 million, but their final whereabouts are not yet known.

In addition, the US military abandoned in Kabul the missile interception system that defends rockets and mortars . McKenzie did not specify how much such equipment was left behind. Each system is worth 1,000 million to detect and shoot down incoming rockets and mortars. He acknowledged that the equipment was retained until the very end to ensure the airport was protected from rocket attacks.

In addition to the equipment abandoned by the US military, the Taliban also seized a large amount of US-made equipment from the Afghan government forces. In addition to large equipment such as "Black Hawk" helicopters and "Super Tucano" attack aircraft, what worries the outside world even more is the portable weapons included. The Russian Satellite Network warned that the US military lost a large number of portable air defense missiles and "Javelin" anti-tank missiles in Afghanistan, and they may fall into the hands of terrorist organizations.