On July 9, the written examination of the administrative professional ability test for civil servant recruitment examinations in Shanxi, Ningxia, Fujian and other provinces has come to an end. According to the feedback from candidates who took the exam in the morning, as far as t

2024/07/0315:18:32 hotcomm 1623

On July 9, the written examination of the administrative professional ability test for the civil servant recruitment examination in Shanxi, Ningxia, Fujian and other provinces has come to an end. According to the feedback from candidates who took the exam in the morning, as far as the quantitative relationship module is concerned, the polarization is still serious. Students who have reviewed well overall generally think that this year's questions are easier than in previous years, while students who have not prepared enough for the exam still think that " "Mongolian B" is the main one. Next, we will analyze the overall difficulty and proposition trend of this quantitative relationship module through the question content recalled by the candidates.

On July 9, the written examination of the administrative professional ability test for civil servant recruitment examinations in Shanxi, Ningxia, Fujian and other provinces has come to an end. According to the feedback from candidates who took the exam in the morning, as far as t - DayDayNews

1. Some provinces have temporarily withdrawn from the joint examination this year.

Due to the obvious impact of the epidemic this year, different provinces also have differences in the choice of examination time. Xinjiang and Qinghai ended their provincial examinations early in March, and most provinces They chose to conduct the practical test this morning, while Tianjin chose the afternoon, and Anhui chose to postpone it again due to the recent recurrence of the epidemic. This places high demands on the question teachers, who must give more questions and have high quality. High and can meet the different needs of all provinces. In 2019, due to the epidemic and the postponement of exams, the test questions were generally simple. This tradition has continued unsurprisingly this time. The questions are simple and basic, but the amount of questions has basically remained unchanged.

On July 9, the written examination of the administrative professional ability test for civil servant recruitment examinations in Shanxi, Ningxia, Fujian and other provinces has come to an end. According to the feedback from candidates who took the exam in the morning, as far as t - DayDayNews

2. The overall difficulty is more focused on the examination of basics

Unlike this year’s college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, which have begun to require innovative abilities in mathematics, the provincial examination’s requirements for mathematics have returned to their original nature, returning from ability examination to the examination of mathematical knowledge in daily life. The questions focus more on testing the candidates' basic computing skills and ability to use mathematics to solve daily life problems, making mathematics more practical.

On July 9, the written examination of the administrative professional ability test for civil servant recruitment examinations in Shanxi, Ningxia, Fujian and other provinces has come to an end. According to the feedback from candidates who took the exam in the morning, as far as t - DayDayNews

3. The test content is consistent with the classroom content

Through the analysis of the entire test paper, we found that as long as we master and apply the skills taught by the teacher in class, combined with some simple analysis or equations, we can solve most of the problems Questions, so that you can get points. In terms of question types, traditional high-frequency question types such as basic application questions, engineering questions, economic profit questions, itinerary questions, questions and geometry questions are still the key question types for examination, and the status of key question types has been further consolidated. From the perspective of problem-solving methods, the substitution elimination method, equation method and assignment method are still the biggest magic weapons for solving problems.

The written test of the provincial examination has ended. Here, the teachers of Huatu hope that every friend who works hard to get ashore can achieve the ideal results. I wish everyone a successful title and smooth noodles!

Your persistence will lead to good things in the end! Let's meet again for the interview!

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