Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, but the purchased diploma is not recognized by the employer

2024/07/0220:18:33 hotcomm 1170

Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, but the purchased diploma is not recognized by the employer - DayDayNews

Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, and the diploma purchased is not recognized by the employer.

When Chinese students study abroad, there are currently only two most direct ways to identify foreign pheasant universities:

1) The founding time of the university. Universities that have been established for more than 70 years usually do not have any problems.

2) Formal American universities are educational institutions approved by the federal or state.

Inventory of many pheasant universities in the United States. Be careful when studying abroad

These pheasant universities in the United States are recommended for parents and students to read, be vigilant, and beware of being recruited! The schools on the list are not accredited by formal accreditation agencies in the United States, and unaccredited studies cannot be recognized by employers. Although some schools have the right to formally enroll students and award degrees, this is only a formal form of legal certification, which is still very different from educational certification. Only obtaining educational certification can prove that the teaching quality of the school and the programs it offers is guaranteed.

Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, but the purchased diploma is not recognized by the employer - DayDayNews

Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, and the diploma purchased is not recognized by the employer.

When Chinese students study abroad, there are currently only two most direct ways to identify foreign pheasant universities:

1) The founding time of the university. Universities that have been established for more than 70 years usually do not have any problems.

2) Formal American universities are educational institutions approved by the federal or state.

Inventory of many pheasant universities in the United States. Be careful when studying abroad

These pheasant universities in the United States are recommended for parents and students to read, be vigilant, and beware of being recruited! The schools on the list are not accredited by formal accreditation agencies in the United States, and unaccredited studies cannot be recognized by employers. Although some schools have the right to formally enroll students and award degrees, this is only a formal form of legal certification, which is still very different from educational certification. Only obtaining educational certification can prove that the teaching quality of the school and the programs it offers is guaranteed.

1 California American University, USA (can be translated as University of California, USA)

2 Pacific Western University, USA (Pacific Western University; the school has been renamed California Miramar University, namely California Miramar University, USA)

3 United States Armstrong University (Armstrong University, also translated as Armstrong University , Armstrong University )

4 American National University (Netion University)

5 American Kennedy-Western University (Kennedy-Western University; 2007 The name was changed to Warren National University in 2011, namely Warren National University in the United States)

6 Honolulu University in the United States (legally registered name is "Honolulu University of Arts, Sciences and Humanities")

7 International East-West University in the United States

8 Barrington University in the United States (Barrington University, also translated as Barrington University, Burlington University; now renamed University of Atlanta, that is, Atlanta University in the United States )

9 Preston University in the United States

10 California Pacific University (i.e. Pacific Western University in Hawaii)

11 Atlantic University (Florida Atlantic University, also translated as Florida Atlantic University )

12 University of Asia in the United States (University of Asia in the United States)

13 Newton, United States University (Ewton University)

14 InterAmerican University (InterAmerican University)

15 Central State University of New York (Central State University of New York)

16 University of Newcastle (University of Newcastle)

17 American Global University (American Global University)

18 California University of Management

19 Washington Union University

20 International University

21 Ashburn University (Ashburn Private Preparatory College)

22 Beinville University in the United States

23 Fairfax University in the United States

24 Greenwich University in the United States (Greenwich University), not the University of Greenwich in London, England

25 Lark in the United States Ross University (Lacrosse University)

26 American Public University (Public University)

27 American Cambridge State University (Cambridge State University)

28 American Novus University (Novus University)

29 American Saint Regis University (SaintRigis University) )

30 Kensington University in the United States

31 American Central University

32 Columbia Pacific University in the United States, which is the same school as Columbia Commonwealth College in the United States

33 United States Trinity Southern University (Trinity Southern University)

34 Hawaii College of Pharmacy (Hawaii College of Pharmacy)

35 Marlborough University (Marlborough University, also translated as Marlboro University)

36 Pacific Southern University (Pacific Southern University)

37 Columbia Southern University (Columbia Southern University)

38 American Berkeley International University (American Berkely University)

40 Southwest International College (Southwest International College) and Southwest International University (Southwest International University) are the same school

41 Stratford University in the United States

42 Atlantic International University in the United States is a fake, and Clark Atlanta University in the United States is not

43 Adam Smith University in the United States, also Translated as American Adam Smith University)

44 American National University (National University)

45 American World University (American World University)

Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, but the purchased diploma is not recognized by the employer - DayDayNews

46 American Open University (Open University of America)

47 American Nobel University (Nobel University)

48 American Patriot Bible University (Patriot Bible University)

50 American Polytechnic University (America Technology University)

51 American Abraham Lincoln University (Abraham Lincoln University)

52 American Columbia International College (Columbia International College)

53 American Ryans University (Rainstar University)

54 America Technology University (America Technology University)

55 American Council of Private Colleges and Universities (American Council of Private Colleges and Universities)

56 American Pacwest International University (American Pacwest International University)

57 United States A Ashford University

58 Ashwood University, United States

59 Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University Education Society, United States

60 Minnistery Baptist Church, United States College (BaptistCollegeof Ministry, also can be translated as American Pastoral Baptist College)

61 Belford University (Belford University)

62 United States Berne University (Berne University)

63 Sapalisat University of Buyadiyask, United States (BhartiyaShiksha Parishad University)

64 Brentwick University (Brentwick University)

65 Breyer State University (Breyer State University)

66 British West Indies Medical College (British West Indies Medical College), formerly known as West Indies West Indies College of Naturopathic Medicine and Surgery

67 Edison University, USA

68 Golden State University, not Golden Gate University, USA

69 Greenleaf University, USA

70 Bronte International University in the United States

71 West Coast University in the United States (West Coast University, now known as West Coast University in Panama)

71 Buxton University in the United States

72 Carbonni University in the United States ( Canbourne University)

73 United States Chadwick University (Chadwick University)

74 United States Clayton University (Clayton University)

75 United States Columbia State University (Columbia State University)

76 United States Columbus University (Columbus University)

77 United States Business University (Commercial University)

78 Sanskrit University (Sanskrit University, USA)

79 Glencullen University (Glencullen University)

80 Glendale University (Glendale University), USA

81 Hamilton University in the United States, not Hamilton College in the United States

82 Hamilton University of Wyoming in the United States

83 Harrington University in the United States

84 Hartley University in the United States )

85 Harvard University for External Studies in the United States

86 University of Hawaii in the United States (Hawaii University), not the University of Hawaii (University of Hawaii) in Hawaii

86 James Monroe International University in the United States University)

87 James Monroe University (James Monroe University)

88 International American University (International American University)

89 Kingsfield University (Kingsfield University, also translated as King's Territory University, United States)

90 Literus Bu, United States Knightsbridge University (Knightsbridge University, also translated as Jazz Bridge University)

91 Lacrosse University, United States

92 Landford University, United States

93 United States Louisiana LaSalle University-Louisiana, not LaSalleUniversity

94 United States Lexington University (Lexington University)

95 Louisiana Baptist University, United States

96 Saint-Louis, United States Loyola State University

97 Madison University, United States, not University of Wisconsin-Madison or James Madison University

98 Magellan University, United States

99 Marcella, United States University (Maithili University)

100 Monticello University (Monticello University)

Pheasant University refers to a school that, although it is a legal institution, is not recognized by the society or the employer in the country where it is located. The main indicator is to spend money to buy a diploma, but the purchased diploma is not recognized by the employer - DayDayNews

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