After "WJPLEASE" was just announced on the 19th, these girls appeared in front of us dressed in costumes that resembled a magic school. As for the magic school theme that has been continued since the last time, because fans also like it very much, the company also decided to show

2024/07/0219:17:33 hotcomm 1162

STARSHIP's girl group and Cosmic Girls are finally back. In particular, the joyful atmosphere they have always brought to everyone has also made many people very happy before. After "WJ PLEASE" was just announced on the 19th, these girls appeared in front of us wearing magic school-like costumes. If the theme last time was the opening of a magic school, then the theme this time is more about highlighting the role of each member. And can Cosmic Girl, who returns after eight months, give us a surprise?



In this regard, Da Yuan said when introducing their own themes: From the beginning of our debut, each album has its own world view and theme. As for the magic school theme that has been continued since the last time, because fans also like it very much, the company also decided to show everyone an "upgraded version" of itself this time.


Eun-hee also mentioned in front of the camera: If we are just a girl in "MoMoMo" and "Happy", "Infinite Dream" and "WJ PLEASE" are more like music works that record our growth. If fans continue to like it, we may continue to follow the magic school route in the future.



So why do people like their magic school theme? Because they have different responsibilities in each role. The first-year students of the magic school are the team's maknae, Lian Jing, Xia Tian, ​​and Duo Yuan. The second-year students who collect dreams are composed of EXY, Eunhee, and Soobin. Among the third graders who finally turned their dreams into reality, they included Xue'e, LUDA, Boona, and Duoyuan.



In a combination, each team is given a new role. This is a common practice used by most performing arts companies at present. Because now the idol market can no longer just rely on music and stage to conquer the hearts of fans. It has to be given a certain role that makes the fans want to know "Why?"



It is a pity that the three Chinese members Cheng Xiao, Meng Meiqi, Wu Xuanyi cannot participate in the album activities in South Korea due to domestic activities. So what kind of surprises and achievements will the ten-member group Cosmic Girls with the themes of constellations and magic schools bring to everyone at the end of the year? The only thing the editor is personally worried about is that compared with the return time of mainstream girl groups, their hiatus this time is relatively long, and compared with the previous album, there is no obvious change in theme, and China After the collective absence of the members, will fans still recognize them?


(Author of Idou topic: Mario born in the 80s)

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