When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h

2024/07/0219:05:33 hotcomm 1129

Yin JunxiWhen he was studying painting abroad, he met Shen Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field.

Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she is very elegant. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers his first love Eunxi.

It wasn’t until Junxi asked a question and Youmei said the “standard answer” that the relationship between Junxi and Youmei quickly heated up.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi asked: "What do you want to do in the next life?"

Youmei replied: "I want to be a tree."

It was this "tree" that made Junxi change his indifference towards Youmei. The two quickly established a romantic relationship.

Blue Life and Death Love 》At that time, Youmei didn't know how ugly the truth was about Junxi "picking on" her.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Youmei unintentionally became Eunxi's stand-in

Junxi and Eunxi have been "brothers and sisters" for 14 years. They have had a deep relationship since childhood. Junxi loves Eunxi very much, and Eunxi also relies on Junxi very much. When Enxi accidentally got into a car accident, the Yin family realized that they had raised the wrong daughter. Enxi was not the Yin family's biological child at all.

When Eun-hee was born, Yin's father came to the hospital to visit his sister in his arms with three- or four-year-old Junxi. As a result, Junxi naughtily dropped the card on the crib, and the two girls were held in the wrong arms. It was Cui Xinai who lived in the slums. The true daughter of the Yin family.

Xin Ai took the initiative to come to the house to recognize her relatives, and Yin's father also wanted to recognize his biological daughter. Enxi was forced to leave the Yin family and return to her biological mother.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

"Blue Life and Death Love" The Yin family went abroad with their core love. Before leaving, Eunxi cried and said to Junxi:

"I want to be a tree in my next life, because the tree will not move after taking root, and can always live in it." In the same place, there is no need to face the heartbreaking separation. "

Enxi's "wishes" express her reluctance to leave the Yin family, but it is their destiny for the two girls to "return to their respective places". He was not greedy, but wisely chose the poor Cui family.

In order to let go of Enxi as soon as possible, the Yin family secretly left the country without telling Enxi. Enxi chased the Yin family's car for a long time. She wanted to say goodbye to her family of 14 years. Junxi saw Eunxi running, but Nothing can be done.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi was forced to separate from Eunxi. Both of them had a hard time because they missed each other too much.

Enxi shed tears and carved the name of "first love" Junxi on the tree. Junxi never forgot Eunxi even when he was abroad.

The two have been separated for several years. Junxi only dares to keep his feelings for Enxi deep in his heart. It is a secret that he cannot tell. After all, he and Enxi were once brother and sister, and he should not have any inappropriate thoughts about Enxi. .

The reason why Junxi has a good impression of Youmei is because Youmei said the same thing as Eunxi. Junxi regarded Youmei as Eunxi's substitute, and transferred his longing for Eunxi to Youmei.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Youmei has a good family background, is talented, gentle and virtuous, and is obedient to Junxi. However, no matter how good she is to Junxi, she cannot replace Enxi's position in Junxi's heart.

The day before Junxi and Youmei got engaged, Junxi returned to his hometown to look for his "first love". Eunxi had already moved, and Junxi's search was not smooth. With the regret of missing Eunxi, Junxi made do with Youmei. Engaged.

After Junxi and Youmei got engaged, they were still obsessed with finding Eunxi; Junxi reunited with Eunxi as expected, and both of them could not restrain their strong love, and they changed from "brothers and sisters" to "lovers".

Youmei was betrayed by Junxi and was devastated. Youmei even found Eunxi and persuaded Eunxi to give up Junxi. Youmei grabbed Junxi and refused to let go. Youmei's obsession with Junxi was pitiful and pathetic.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi has never been in love with Youmi

In the drama "Blue Life and Death Love", Shin Youmi said to Han Tae-seok: "Boys who study art will definitely draw portraits of the girls they like."

Junxi has never painted a picture of Youmi. Beauty, the reason he gave was that Youmei was too beautiful for him to draw.

Junxi’s lies had no skills at all. Youmei actually knew Junxi’s attitude well. At that time, Junxi had not reunited with Eunxi, and Junxi was only perfunctory with Youmei.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Even the engagement banquet was organized by Youmei with great care. Junxi did not pay attention to the engagement banquet at all, but searched hard for Eunxi's whereabouts the day before the engagement.

Youmeixin prepared an engagement gift for Junxi, which was an art studio. Junxi was not surprised when he received such a gift, but felt that it was a heavy burden. He said that he had decided to go to university to teach and work. I have chosen a room and I don’t want to stay here.

Youmei knows nothing about Junxi's career plan, which shows how alienated the couple is. Junxi has no "desire to share" with Youmei because he has never been able to regard her as his real fiancée.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Sensitive Youmei is well aware of all this. She lied to herself that Junxi has such a cold personality, and as long as someone keeps Junxi, he will win his heart sooner or later.

Youmei said to Han Taixi:

"It is also a very meaningful thing to work hard and respect each other's lives. In fact, it is a meaningful thing because I anesthetize myself, but sometimes the anesthesia effect If it breaks up, I will feel very hard."

Youmei knew that she was self-anaesthetizing, but she still couldn't do without Junxi. Youmei's self-deception was just a cover-up.

Junxi doesn't even bother to use tricks to deceive Youmei. His lies can always be exposed immediately, but Youmei just refuses to face the reality and insists on fighting a man who doesn't love her.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

After Junxi accidentally took a photo of Eunxi, he decided to stay outside for a few more days.

Youmei waited so hard for Junxi, but she didn't think about food or tea, and fell ill in bed. A call from her prospective mother-in-law brought Junxi back to Youmei.

The appearance of Eunxi completely tore apart the unbearable relationship between Youmei and Junxi.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

When Enxi returned to the Cui family, she suffered a lot. Because her family was poor and she had a rogue brother, Enxi was forced to drop out of school early and work as a waiter in a hotel to earn money to support the family.

Enxi was squeezed by her brother and did not dare to live at home, so she had to go to Junxi.

Enxi lived in Junxi's studio, and the spark of love quickly started a prairie fire, and Junxi's heart remained with Enxi.

Youmei discovered that Junxi's drawings were all about Eunxi. Only then did Youmei realize that the relationship between these "brothers and sisters" was impure. The appearance of Eunxi became Youmei's biggest threat.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi and Eunxi eloped.

After Junxi decided to be with Eunxi, he took the initiative to break up with Youmei. Youmei cried and asked Junxi if he really didn't like her. Junxi answered honestly:

"I I thought I could do it... I'm really sorry."

Youmei still didn't give up. While begging Eunxi to make her and Junxi happy, she reminded Junxi that he and Eunxi had no way to get married. Youmei naively believes that if the main force prevents Enxi and Junxi from being together, Junxi will return to her.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi and Eunxi are passionately in love, but they dare not make their relationship public.

Han Taixi pursued Cui Eunxi and even went to the Cui family to propose marriage. Cui's mother saw that Han Taixi was a talented person and had a good family background. She was afraid that she would delay Eunxi's marriage, so she found Yin's mother and begged Yin's mother to let Eunxi join the Yin family's household registration.

Cui's mother said to Yin's mother:

"If Enxi is Professor Yin's daughter, his family will not object."

Yin's mother has missed her adopted daughter Eunxi for 14 years, so she is naturally willing to accept Enxi again. Mom announced in front of everyone that she was ready to adopt Enxi, and both Enxi and Junxi showed embarrassed expressions.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Xin Ai exposed the relationship between the two on the spot:

"How can Eunxi enter our home? Junxi and Eunxi are in a love relationship, they like each other!"

Junxi and Eunxi's relationship was exposed, and the two fell in love. Their parents strongly opposed it, because in the view of Yin's father and mother, Junxi and Eunxi had been brothers and sisters since they were young, and marriage was considered an "unethical relationship."

Junxi and Eunxi's love was not tolerated by the world. They ran away overnight and chose to "elope".

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Youmi was still obsessed with it. She comforted Han Taixi and said:

"Don't worry, they won't think about nothing. They will definitely come back."

The elopement of Junxi and Eunxi made a fuss. The prospective son-in-law was extremely disappointed. She went to the Yin family and said that she only agreed to the marriage because of Professor Yin's status. She didn't expect Junxi to do such an outrageous thing, so she asked to break off the engagement.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

When Shen Youmei heard her mother say "break off the engagement", Shen Youmei retorted:

"How can you regret the engagement? Aren't you afraid that I will seek death?"

Shen's mother knew her daughter and knew that her daughter could do such a thing, so she had to leave angrily, Youmei Weijun Xi seeks life and death, and her "sickness" is suffocating.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi and Enxi spent a pleasant time together. The two lived like ordinary lovers in the ranch. Junxi took out a diamond ring and proposed to Enxi, but Cui's mother's call forced Enxi to look back.

Cui Ma said earnestly:

"Don't Junxi have a fiancée? Do you also have a man who pursues you? You can't be so selfish and ignore other feelings and the pain of your parents. If you do this, you will be punished by God, Eunxi. , come back quickly! "

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Youmei jumps into the sea for love

After Junxi and Eunxi came back, Junxi made it clear that he wanted to marry Eunxi. He packed up Youmei's things and officially broke up with Youmei.

Youmei said that she understood Junxi, and she left happily. Junxi thought that she had gotten rid of the burden of Youmei, and could finally be with Eunxi openly. Unexpectedly, a phone call from Shen's mother plunged Junxi into despair again.

Youmei left happily on the surface, but after she returned, she cut her wrists and committed suicide, damaging her right hand for painting. She even jumped into the sea to die in front of Junxi. Youmei cried and said to Junxi:

"I lost everything for you." I have lost the ability to draw and can no longer live a normal life. You can't leave me..."

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Junxi originally planned to go to Enxi's appointment, but when he saw that Youmei was emotionally unstable and her life was in danger at any time, he had to give up on Enxi. , promised to marry Youmei.

I used to watch "Blue Life and Death" and felt that Junxi was too heartless towards Youmei. After rewatching this drama, I discovered that Junxi's biggest mistake in love was being indecisive. It was precisely because he was not cruel enough to Youmei that he Let Youmei sink deeper and deeper.

Junxi did not give up on Youmei because he was not a cold-blooded person. Youmei took advantage of Junxi's soft heart and repeatedly used Xunxiu to keep Junxi.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

There is a saying that is very good:

"When inequality appears in the name of love, it will make people feel aggrieved while being happy."

The relationship between Junxi and Youmei has never been equal, Junxi You shouldn't be with Youmei because of her wish and treat her as Enxi's substitute; Junxi didn't come back to Enxi until he and Youmei were about to get engaged. He hurt Youmei and failed Enxi.

At the end of "Blue Life and Death Love", Eunxi fell ill and passed away, Junxi died in love, and Youmei completely lost Junxi.

Junxi's cowardice in love has caused pain to everyone around him. Junxi is indeed sorry for Youmei, but it is Youmei's extreme and morbid nature that should make people alert the most.

When Yin Junxi was studying painting abroad, he met Shin Youmei, who was also majoring in the same field. Shen Youmei is not pretty, but she has a good temperament. Youmei falls in love with Junxi at first sight, but Junxi has a cold attitude towards Youmei because he remembers h - DayDayNews

Youmei knew that Junxi had never loved him, but she still stalked him. She repeatedly harmed herself for such a man, and even used her own career as a bet. She cried and committed suicide whenever something happened. Shen's mother was so scared for this daughter that she was heartbroken. Heart.

No normal man can accept Shin Youmi's "love". Youmei didn't understand until Junxi and Eunxi eloped. The essence of love is mutual attraction, not possession and control by any means.

Youmei has a good family background, a high degree of education, and a talent for painting. Even without Junxi, as long as she is willing to be independent, she will live an ideal life. However, she insists on clinging to unrequited love. As a result, Junxi becomes more and more obsessed with her. More and more disgusted.

Good love is a two-way street. Youmei's "one-man show" only moves her.

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