One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down;

2024/07/0202:46:34 hotcomm 1513

Text丨Xitan Zhuque

Editor丨Xitan Zhuque

The seven Chinese people whom the Japanese hate, one of them dared to name them on the global live broadcast , and the star was domineering and spoke with the heart of a snake. The Japanese can't help but marvel, and even made him kneel down; the last one also has a "bad" reputation in the country, but he has deceived the Japanese for a total of 500 million, which is really satisfying. .

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Who are they, and who do you know?

plays the most Japanese-like actor

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

The first person to be introduced is Pan Changjiang . You can definitely guess why the Japanese hate Pan Changjiang so much. Pan Changjiang's anti-Japanese drama "Hands Up" has attracted countless fans. The silly bow-legged Japanese soldier he played has provided many jokes in the drama. Those who have watched it must have exposed their age, right? .

However, it may be a bit unfair that Pan Changjiang is hated by the Japanese. This drama itself was released under the comedy label , and comedy seems does not represent any history . Maybe it's because the Japanese soldier character played by Pan Changjiang is extremely funny and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The embarrassing incident caused by this Japanese soldier who clamored for a flower girl all day long made the audience completely addicted.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

On the contrary, in the eyes of the Japanese, Pan Changjiang was "maliciously vilifying the image of the Japanese", and this image of the Japanese would affect many people for a long time in the future. The Japanese naturally felt this way Things are quite annoying , so I also hate Pan Changjiang very much.

However, this drama itself is a kind of nonsensical comedy style . The Japanese themselves have caused huge trauma to us , and they have not yet given a formal apology. Now they are using film and television images to cause trouble. No one has the time to plant and then rake .

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

His firm stance makes him feel that Chinese people are not easy to bully.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Jet Li is a very famous actor, and has starred in martial arts action movies such as "Shaolin Temple" and "Once Upon a Time in China". The characters played in the film are all strong-willed good men, but in a promotional event in Japan, Jet Li and Jolin Tsai were both invited to be interviewed.

However, during the interview, an uneasy and well-meaning Japanese reporter appeared out of nowhere and asked a harsh and shameless question. He said

"300,000 people were sacrificed in the Nanjing Incident. It is empty talk. Have you really counted?"

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

People present were stunned when they heard this question, because such a topic seemed a bit . The embarrassed Jolin didn't know how to answer for a while. Just when the proud Japanese reporter looked at Jolin Tsai with a joking look, Jet Li was already furious.

He grabbed the microphone and asked the Japanese reporter sonorously :

"After the American soldiers raped the Japanese comfort women, did they still ask them if they felt it?"

In the powerful words, he directly hit back. Japanese journalists’ nihilism and ’s ugly appearance of distorting the facts .This answer left the Japanese reporter who asked the question speechless. It was obviously a sore spot, so he kept his mouth shut.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

In the movie Jet Li beat up the Japanese

He did not hesitate to offend Japanese fans, but he was unwilling to sing Japanese songs

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Andy Lau . Liu Tianwang has been popular in China for forty years. In addition to his self-discipline that has continued for more than ten years, that That is his very firm position . He has always insisted that he is a Chinese singer . He has sung countless popular masterpieces, none more so than "The Chinese".

That year, Andy Lau composed the song "Chinese" to celebrate the end of Hong Kong's 100th anniversary, which became popular throughout the country. This was the way he could promote his pride as a Chinese. At that time, "Infernal Affairs" became a hit and won the 46th Blue Ribbon Award for Best Foreign Language Film in Japan. Andy Lau was also invited to Japan to hold a concert.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Unexpectedly, this fan club would have frequent "accidents" . At that time, the host introduced Andy Lau with " the wrong way ". Andy Lau directly stated on the spot that he was authentically Chinese. position. Then the host insisted on letting Hua Tsai sing a Japanese song . There is nothing wrong with doing as the Romans do in the country , but in order to promote my country's Chinese music , Hua Tsai firmly refused.

and said, "Music has no borders, but musicians have borders."

Although Andy has also published his own Japanese songs , the Japanese host was too ignorant , which touched the bottom line of Andy and even the Chinese people. He sang a song in front of the Japanese audience , and "The Chinese" left the scene.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

You must know that the second largest entertainment center in Asia at that time was Japan, but Andy did not hesitate to offend the Japanese audience. If it weren't for respecting Japanese fans , he wouldn't be here. By now, he no longer cares about the opinions of the Japanese.

He is an upright person and is a natural deterrent.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Jackie Chan The eldest brother often attends some events, always wearing a Chinese Tang suit. After Jackie Chan became famous at that time, he attended events. He was always considered to be Japanese, so from then on, Jackie Chan always wore a Chinese-style Tang suit to attend major events.

In China, whether in Wenchuan or Yushu, you can see his figure who cares about the motherland. In his 50-year martial arts film career, , Jackie Chan insists on not having to stand in for . Such dedication makes Jackie Chan, the eldest brother, famous all over the world. Gained countless fans .

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

When Jackie Chan's work " Myth " was promoted in South Korea, a reporter asked:

Why did he return to China after Hollywood developed his acting career? Is he unable to survive in Hollywood? Woolen cloth?

Jackie Chan responded domineeringly, He is a Chinese and will never forget his roots, unlike some actors in Japan who broke their promises . This made the Japanese reporters ashamed on the spot. Such courage is really respected by countless people.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

The Chinese

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Huang Zihua dares to clamor for Japan in the global live broadcast. Many people may not be very familiar with this name, but he is a very influential star in Guangdong and Hong Kong. He always appears in front of everyone with his humorous and unique hosting style, but this time he actually carried out this "unconventional" operation to the end.

The Academy Awards is regarded as one of the representatives of authority and the highest honor. At the award site, a global live broadcast of will also be held. It is at such a solemn scene that Huang ZihuaJapanese actorDaichi Harashima Prepared a little surprise.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

On the list of candidates for the award, he discovered that a Japanese actor Daichi Harashima was also on the list. His next question he asked on a whim was shocking. When awarding the award, he quickly said to the Japanese actor:

"When you go back to Japan, please tell you that the Japanese Diaoyu Islands are Chinese."

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Before the voice fell, the applause continued, and everyone cheered unanimously for a long time. This also made the Japanese here have a little more respect for this patriot. Afterward, Huang Zihua learned that he was put on the "blacklist" by the Japanese because of this sentence.

After that, Huang Zihua joked, "I am usually very busy and I don't even bother to go to Japan." I have to say, it is too domineering.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

The Chinese who made the Japanese kneel down and apologize in front of reporters

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

As the "King of Comedy", Stephen Chow , the movies he starred in can be said to be popular throughout Asia. from the movie "Kung Fu" turned out to be , It can be said that it has won all the awards in the film industry.

This work can also be regarded as the pinnacle of his career as a director. At that time, was introduced to by the Japanese film industry, and he was invited to the film festival to participate in film promotion. Unexpectedly, this trip almost caused a serious threat to his own safety. .

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

In the middle of the press conference, a strong and sturdy man suddenly climbed onto the stage. Everyone thought he was a crazy fan who wanted to "steal the stage", and saw the strong man approaching Stephen Chow step by step. , claimed to be a member of a Japanese gang, and because the movie "Kung Fu" had the same name as the gang, he threatened to ask Stephen Chow to change the name of the movie.

Although Zhou Xingchi didn't understand what he was talking about, judging from the other person's eyes and posture, he could feel that this elder brother was not a good person. Not only did he not feel panic, he also faced him with his head held high. Seeing the situation, the strong man asked Stephen Chow to fight with him, but Xingye did not agree to him in order to maintain order on the field.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

After the strong man was pulled down by the security personnel, Mr. Star said to the Japanese audience, " Chinese Kung Fu is not afraid of anyone's provocation ", and Sammo Hung also said that Mr. Star's actual combat ability may not be as good as Donnie Yen's can't beat his .

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

At the end of the press conference, the organizer invited this strong man to come up again, and saw this strong man kneeling down on the stage and apologizing non-stop. After this picture spread on the Internet, netizens said it was "enjoyable". What do you think?

According to the organizer's explanation, this is just a little joke , but this person is indeed a genuine Japanese judo champion .The star himself only went to this event in the spirit of friendly communication, but in the end he ended up with this result. I have to say that the Japanese are really cunning and cunning.

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Ask the Japanese to borrow 500 million yuan

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Duan Qirui, this was a Chinese man who had a lot of controversy during the Republic of China. He once killed many literary scholars in front of the State Council, but at the same time he also did a lot and loved the people. The thing is . At that time, Duan Qirui was not only the second-in-command of the Beiyang government, but also a man of national integrity.

The Japanese also saw this and tried to win over Duan Qirui. However, not only was he not attracted by the Japanese, but he also often caused trouble for the Japanese. How to block it?

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

Since Qi Rui came to power, he has been asking the Japanese for money for various reasons. Today it costs money to build the railway, and it will cost money to buy equipment tomorrow. In short, he just wants to disturb the Japanese and prevent them from having an easy time, and Japan People were also surprisingly generous to Duan Qirui, borrowed 500 million one after another.

Since the money has been lent out, it is definitely not coming back. Duan Qirui believes that borrowing money from the Japanese at this stage is purely a stop-gap measure. Later, the economic crisis broke out in Japan. The creditor came over and asked Duan Qirui for money, but Duan Qirui just walked away and hid somewhere else. The government that came to power did not recognize the loan at all .

One of the seven Chinese people hated by the Japanese dared to name them on a global live broadcast, and this star's domineering attitude towards Japanese people made people even more shocked and even made him kneel down; - DayDayNews

The Japanese were resentful and angry after suffering the loss of being dumb. Finally, Zuo Lili, a debt salesperson from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also committed suicide under pressure.

The above are not forgetting the humiliation of the country and the hatred of the family out-and-out Chinese, patriots who are not afraid of danger and proud for the people After seeing this, I really admire the courage of these people. Do you know whose story it is? Woolen cloth.

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