According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian lawmaker Shufrich said that Ukraine's plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to reject Ukraine's membership.

2024/07/0200:45:32 hotcomm 1694

According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian member of parliament Shufrich said that Ukraine’s plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to refuse Ukraine to become a member. Where did Shuffridge get the news? He said that he had communicated with the leaders of two European countries and also communicated with a close associate of the leader of a G7 country. These people all said the same thing, that is, the United States and Russia have reached a consensus that Ukraine can never join NATO.

These words can be said to be shocking. After US President Biden took office, he has been hyping up relations between Ukraine and Russia, which once pushed the regional situation to the brink of war. The situation is quite tense right now, and Russia is meeting with the West to try to minimize risks. At this juncture, what does Schufrich mean when he says that the United States and Russia have reached a consensus not to allow Ukraine to join NATO?

According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian lawmaker Shufrich said that Ukraine's plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to reject Ukraine's membership. - DayDayNews

Judging from Shufrich's standpoint, he previously joined a pro-Russian faction, which means that he is pro-Russian, so his statement is easy to understand, just to dispel some Ukraine Human fantasy. Ukraine is very divided within itself and can be roughly divided into two factions, one is pro-Russian and the other is pro-Western.

The Ukrainian government is basically pro-Western. This is easy to understand, because Ukraine encountered the "Yan Revolution" a few years ago, and the leaders of Ukraine after that were basically appointed by the West. If a candidate is pro-Russian, then There is no way he could become president of Ukraine. But not everyone is pro-Western, and some people hope to make peace with Russia.

According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian lawmaker Shufrich said that Ukraine's plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to reject Ukraine's membership. - DayDayNews

Shufrich wants to strengthen the pro-Russian group and tell those Ukrainians who look to the West that the United States has betrayed Ukraine and it is impossible for Ukraine to join NATO. If Ukraine cannot join NATO, it cannot be Russia's opponent. Therefore, it cannot continue to stimulate Russia. Instead, it should ease relations with Russia to ensure that the situation can stabilize and even return to Russia's track.

According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian lawmaker Shufrich said that Ukraine's plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to reject Ukraine's membership. - DayDayNews

Regardless of whether the information Shufrich received is true or false, judging from the performance of the West alone, there is indeed no sign of accepting Ukraine as a member of NATO. Western countries are just trying to whet Ukraine's appetite and let Ukraine move towards the West, but they have never thought of truly accepting Ukraine. Whether it is the EU or NATO, they all have a very disgusting attitude towards Ukraine. For the EU, Ukraine is too poor, for NATO, Russia is too tough.

According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian lawmaker Shufrich said that Ukraine's plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to reject Ukraine's membership. - DayDayNews

However, Western countries are worried that Ukraine and Russia will continue their relationship, so they have been like a scumbag, always having an affair with Ukraine, but Ukraine is "married" together, and the West only cares about him, and only verbally affirms it. But no actual action was taken. To put it bluntly, Ukraine is just a "play" for the Western camp. What Western countries want is not to protect Ukraine, but to prevent Ukraine and Russia from being reunited.

According to Russian media reports, Ukrainian lawmaker Shufrich said that Ukraine's plan to join NATO has failed because the United States has decided to reject Ukraine's membership. - DayDayNews

Ukraine is a poor country with no economy, no ability, and no ability. The West will definitely look down on it. If it takes over Ukraine, it will be a bottleneck for itself. More importantly, if Ukraine actively provokes Russia after becoming a member of NATO, once a war breaks out, NATO will send troops or not. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO is slim.

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