The conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine is becoming increasingly unfavorable to Ukraine. The factors are not only reflected in the failure of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield, but more importantly, the West's military aid to Ukraine has become worse than before due

2024/07/0200:18:33 hotcomm 1709

The conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine is becoming increasingly unfavorable to Ukraine. The factors are not only reflected in the failure of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield, but more importantly, the West's military aid to Ukraine has become worse than before due - DayDayNews

The conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine is becoming increasingly unfavorable to Ukraine. The factors are not only reflected in the failure of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield, but more importantly, the West's military aid to Ukraine has become worse than before due to increased war fatigue. As the situation on the battlefield continues to develop in a direction favorable to Russia, Ukraine and its behind-the-scenes supporters are gradually falling into a state of hysteria.

The Russian army currently controls more than 20% of Ukraine's territory, and as the war continues, this number is likely to increase further in the future. A defeat on the battlefield will make it easier for Ukraine and its supporters to take desperate measures and make risky decisions. According to the " Global Times " report, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov said that President Zelensky has instructed the top military commanders of the Ukrainian army to formulate a combat plan to retake the southern coastal area.

While Zelensky ordered to "take back" the southern coastal areas of Ukraine, Reznikov also said that Ukraine has recruited millions of military personnel and is gathering a large number of troops to prepare for the attack on the areas controlled by the Russian army. The southern region launched a counterattack. In order to cooperate with the "counter-offensive propaganda" of the Kiev authorities, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine recently made a special announcement to the people in southern Ukraine, asking them to "do everything possible to leave the city where they are" to avoid being "accidentally injured" when the Ukrainian army launches a counter-offensive.

In addition, in order to cooperate with Ukraine's counter-offensive propaganda, the United States also recently declared that it "supports the Ukrainian army's use of US-made rocket launchers to attack strategic targets in Russia, such as the Crimean Bridge." It is worth mentioning that when Washington decided to provide long-range multiple rocket launchers to the Ukrainian army, it repeatedly promised that it would not allow the Ukrainian army to use US-made weapons to attack targets in Russia. The sudden change of mind by the United States is enough to show that Washington cannot sit still on the Ukraine issue and has even begun to make risky decisions.

For the Biden administration, there is almost no hope of winning the Ukraine war. Continuing to fight will be detrimental to the political status of the United States and himself. As we all know, Biden caused high inflation in the United States by provoking the war in Ukraine, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people, causing his approval rating to fall to a record low of 30%. If the Biden administration wants to get out of this predicament, it can only seek to make a big gamble on the Ukraine issue in order to "make a break" with Russia.

Judging from the battlefield situation in Ukraine, the more anxious the United States and Ukraine are, the more beneficial it is to Russia. After all, Ukraine is beginning to struggle, which just shows that their war energy is about to be exhausted. In other words, when Ukraine is preparing to carry out a counterattack at the risk of suffering a devastating blow, it means that the end of the war is not far away.

Russia is now intensifying its air strikes and trying its best to destroy Ukraine's war potential. At the same time, Moscow also made a decision to incorporate the territory controlled by the Russian army into Russian territory as quickly as possible. According to RIA Novosti report, Russian President Putin recently signed a presidential decree stipulating that all residents of Ukraine can obtain Russian citizen status through simplified procedures. It is reported that the previous simplified procedures for obtaining Russian citizenship were only applicable to residents of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Mariupol regions.

It is worth mentioning that the above-mentioned areas are all cities that the Russian army has completely controlled or is currently controlling. Putin's intention is very obvious, which is to make it more logical for the residents of the above-mentioned areas to become Russian citizens by changing their original Ukrainian resident status to Russian citizenship. Now all Ukrainian residents can easily become Russian citizens, which means that Russia has great ambitions and also shows that Putin has accelerated the pace of dismembering Ukraine.

Obviously, in the current context where the enemy is strong and we are weak, the Kiev authorities forcibly launch an attack on the areas controlled by the Russian army, especially organizing a large corps attack, is tantamount to committing suicide, and this is what the Russian army with relative air supremacy dreams of. the result of. After all, if we can and annihilate all the military forces of Ukraine and quickly end the war, it is the dream of any military commander.

It can be seen that once a decisive battle breaks out between Russia and Ukraine, the result may be that Ukraine will not only be unable to regain these territories, but will instead turn more Ukrainians into innocent souls on the battlefield. Therefore, no matter how loud the Kiev authorities' counterattack is, or how heavy it rains in the end, it will not change the result that more than 20% of Ukraine's territory will eventually be incorporated into Russia's territory.

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