Draw forward strength from the party’s history of struggle. We must resolutely fulfill the missions and tasks assigned by the party and the people in the new era. On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, State Councilor

2024/07/0123:40:33 hotcomm 1970

Zhao Kezhi and comrades from the Party Committee of the Ministry visited the "'Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind' History Exhibition of the Communist Party of China" and led the Party members and leading cadres of the Ministry of Public Security to review the oath of joining the Party

Draw forward strength from the party's history of struggle

Resolutely fulfill the Party and the people's obligations The new era mission assigned

Draw forward strength from the party’s history of struggle. We must resolutely fulfill the missions and tasks assigned by the party and the people in the new era. On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, State Councilor - DayDayNews

(Picture description: On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, State Councilor, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, Minister Zhao Kezhi and comrades of the Ministry’s Party Committee came to the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China on the 21st to visit the "'Not "Forget the Original Intention, Keep in Mind the Mission' History Exhibition of the Communist Party of China", and led the party members and leading cadres of the Ministry of Public Security to review the oath of joining the party. Manbo Photography)

On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, State Councilor, Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the Ministry of Public Security Zhao Kezhi On the 21st, comrades from the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security came to the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China to visit the "'Don't forget the original intention, remember the mission' History Exhibition of the Communist Party of China" and led the leading party members and cadres of the Ministry of Public Security to review the oath of joining the party. Zhao Kezhi emphasized that we must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidences”, achieve “two safeguards”, bear in mind the struggle process, shoulder the historical mission, and learn from the party’s history of struggle. Draw strength for progress from it, encourage all police officers to be more conscious of not forgetting their original aspirations and keeping their mission in mind, persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm their minds, guide practice, and promote work, and more firmly safeguard the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core Authoritative and centralized unified leadership, strengthen ideals and beliefs, forge a loyal police spirit, have the courage to take on responsibilities, do a solid job in safeguarding national political security and social stability, resolutely fulfill the missions and tasks assigned by the party and the people in the new era, and contribute to the overall construction of We will work tirelessly to build a modern socialist country and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wang Xiaohong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and Sun Xinyang, Du Hangwei, Xu Ganlu, Liu Zhao, Lin Rui, Feng Yan and Chen Siyuan, members of the Ministry’s Party Committee, attended the event.

The history of history is like a mirror that shines through the ages. The "Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind" exhibition on the history of the Communist Party of China shows the magnificent century-old history of the Communist Party of China in an all-round, whole-process, panoramic and epic way. Zhao Kezhi and the comrades of the Ministry’s Party Committee carefully watched various exhibitions and listened carefully to the explanations. This was a vivid party class and a special study by the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security. Everyone unanimously stated that the 100 years of our party is the 100 years of being committed to fulfilling its original mission, the 100 years of laying the foundation and establishing a bright future, and the 100 years of creating glory and opening up the future. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has united and led the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to coordinate the great struggle, the great project, the great cause, and the great dream, and promote the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and make history happen. Sexual changes have pushed socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era, and the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong. The party history exhibition comprehensively displays the great path opened up by our party, led by the people in a century of struggle, the great achievements established, the great spirit forged, and the valuable experience accumulated. It is necessary to deeply study the history of the party’s unremitting struggle, history of not being afraid of sacrifice, and theoretical exploration. We should deeply understand the history of the Chinese Communist Party, the history of benefiting the people, and the history of self-construction, and deeply understand why the Chinese Communist Party can, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good. strength. In the new journey, we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, unswervingly adhere to the Party’s absolute leadership over public security work, and continuously enhance loyalty The core, supporting the core, following the core, and defending the core are ideologically conscious, politically conscious, and action-conscious, faithfully implement the general requirements of loyalty to the party, serving the people, fair law enforcement, and strict discipline, and effectively shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding national political security, maintaining social stability, and ensuring The mission and task of the new era of people's tranquility is to focus on forging a public security iron army that the party and the people can trust, rely on, and can rely on, and strive to create a safe and stable political and social environment for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.We must continue to focus on the study and education of party history in public security organs with high standards and high quality, strive to inspire all police officers to be loyal, keep their original aspirations, and fulfill their mission, do a solid job in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, and celebrate with outstanding achievements in maintaining security and stability. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. In the prologue hall of the

exhibition hall, the bright red flag of the Communist Party of China shines brightly. After the visit, Zhao Kezhi and the comrades of the Ministry’s Party Committee came here, faced the party flag, raised his right fist, and led the Party members and leading cadres of the Ministry of Public Security to review the oath of joining the Party. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's charter... I will fight for communism all my life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and will never betray the party." The sonorous and powerful oath resounded through the hall and echoed for a long time. , declares that the people’s police will not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, resolutely be absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable, and have a firm belief and determination to fight for communism for life.

The main responsible comrades of the units directly under the Ministry of Public Security, members of the leadership team of each bureau-level unit of the Ministry of Public Security, and the responsible comrades of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry of Public Security and the National Immigration Administration visited the exhibition.

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