A while ago, we started collecting vaccination willingness. Some units solicited registrations, and some community organizations solicited registrations, but there were still only a few people who signed up. Many people around me haven't taken action yet, and everyone is still in

2024/07/0120:38:32 hotcomm 1691

started collecting vaccination wishes a while ago. Some units are soliciting registrations, and some are community organizations, but there are still only a few people who have signed up. Many people around me haven't taken action yet, and everyone is still in a wait-and-see mode. Of course, the community cannot force everyone to take action. After reading the informed consent form, my doubts were eliminated. The most hotly discussed issue is vaccine safety, followed by the necessity of vaccination. It goes without saying that it is necessary, just look at the global infection data.

Regarding safety issues, first of all, the vaccine belongs to the inactivated vaccine , which does not contain live viruses and cannot be infected with the new crown due to vaccination. I believe this is also the point where most people have doubts. You can rest assured after reading this.

Secondly, if the vaccine has corresponding risks, it is protected by law and will be compensated according to the "Vaccine Management Law".

The vaccine is administered in two doses, with an interval of two to four weeks between the two inoculations. It is not suitable for people with contraindications to vaccination, such as those with fever or acute onset of chronic diseases.

These are the most critical pieces of information. It is better to fight the epidemic as soon as possible. Epidemic control still depends on everyone's full cooperation.

A while ago, we started collecting vaccination willingness. Some units solicited registrations, and some community organizations solicited registrations, but there were still only a few people who signed up. Many people around me haven't taken action yet, and everyone is still in - DayDayNews

A while ago, we started collecting vaccination willingness. Some units solicited registrations, and some community organizations solicited registrations, but there were still only a few people who signed up. Many people around me haven't taken action yet, and everyone is still in - DayDayNews

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However, after this set of trailers was released, there was a lot of controversy on the Internet. It was believed that there was a big gap between the movie version and the drama version and could not reach the heights of the drama version. Simply from the movie version's slogan, - DayDayNews

However, after this set of trailers was released, there was a lot of controversy on the Internet. It was believed that there was a big gap between the movie version and the drama version and could not reach the heights of the drama version. Simply from the movie version's slogan,

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