In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films, "Yangcheng Secret Whistle" and "Stalking and Pursuit", which told the story of our police officers' wit and courage in capturing enemy and puppet spies.

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In the first two issues of

, our column introduced the two anti-special films " Yangcheng Secret Whistle " and "Track and Pursuit", which told the story of our public security personnel's wit and courage in capturing enemy and puppet spies. Old Guangzhou people say that there are three old movies that are anti-special films set in Guangzhou. In addition to the two above, there is also one " secret drawing " produced by Bayi Factory. However, it is said that it is "Guangzhou anti-special". "Trilogy of Films", today we will take a closer look at this film shot 54 years ago, and learn about the dramatic life of the main actors in the film and the story of "Secret Drawings".

"Secret Drawings" is a 1965 film produced by Bayi Film Studio and directed by director Hao Guang. The scientific worker Li Hua in the film is mentally paralyzed and does not abide by the system. He goes out for meetings with secret drawings. Unexpectedly, he loses the briefcase containing the secret drawings at the train station, and the plot of the film begins. The play brings together many big-name actors from the Bayi Film Studio, and the stars gather together in a dazzling way. Tian Hua , Wang Xingang , Xing Jitian , Liu Jiyun , Li Renlin , Shi Wei, etc., no matter they are big or small roles They are all portrayed with meticulous detail, distinct characters, and great charm.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Movie poster for the film "Secret Drawing" (produced by Bayi Factory in 1965)

Shi Yun----played by Tian Hua

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Compared with other anti-special films, "Secret Drawing" sets the image of a public security investigator as a female for the first time. This adds to the appeal of the film to a great extent. So the work of selecting actresses also made the crew quite troubled. At that time, Tian Hua, who had successfully portrayed the image of Xi'er in "The White-Haired Girl" and Li Youmei in "The Party's Daughter", was also rated as one of the top 22 movie stars in New China. After receiving the news, he recommended himself, and was very surprised by Tian Hua's offer. However, director Hao Guang hesitated: Most of Tian Hua's previous roles were simple rural girls and dedicated revolutionaries. These images are not comparable to scouts with keen eyesight, careful thinking, and cultural temperament. There is a certain distance.

It is said that Luo Ruiqing attached great importance to this movie. After the filming started, he took the initiative to see the samples of the movie, but after watching it for a while, he frowned at the performance of the heroine - the actor who played Shi Yun looked like Too fashionable, need to change! So who should I change to? At this moment, Hao Guang thought of Tian Hua. Doesn’t Tian Hua’s simple temperament just meet the requirements of Vice Premier Luo? When Luo Ruiqing heard Tian Hua's name, she immediately waved her hand: It's her! In this way, Tian Hua was ordered to go to the set of "Secret Drawings". Tian Hua brought the female investigator's calm, delicate, courageous and fearless character to life in this "picked up" film, which was loved by the audience.

Tian Hua, who was born in 1928, is 91 years old this year. She has silver hair, good spirits and a very strong body. She is still busy working for Chinese movies. She once said: I will always be the daughter of the Party and will always be loyal to the Party.

Director Ding----Xing Jitian plays

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Xing Jitian, who plays Director Ding in "Secret Drawing", was born in Yingkou City in 1926, joined the army in 1948, was transferred to the Northeast Military Region Art Troupe in 1949, and joined the Bayi Factory as an actor in 1958 troupe, came to the screen in the same year. He has played major or important roles in films such as "The Eternal Wave", "Black Mountain Blockade", "How Are You Brothers", "Wild Fire, Spring Breeze Fighting in the Ancient City" and other films, and is good at portraying senior generals of our army. In 1969, he was demobilized and returned to his hometown to undergo transformation. In 1973, he was transferred to Pearl Film Studio. After filming "Little Snail" and "Comrade, Thank You", he changed his profession to become a director. In 1979, the film " overseas innocent " directed by the director won the Ministry of Culture's Outstanding Film Award.

In 1996, this old artist who had experienced countless hardships and created countless classic images on the screen passed away at the age of 70. When we are enjoying his scratched-light films, Xing Jitian's tortuous life experience seems to be touching the audience's heartstrings...

Chen Liang----played by Wang Xingang

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

The actor who plays Chen Liang in the play is Wang Xingang, 1932 Born in Dalian, Liaoning Province on January 1, 2016, in 1956, he starred in his first film "Silent Mountain Forest " and began his film career.In 1958, he starred in "The Eternal Wave", which was Wang Xingang's first villain role in a film. In 1961, she starred in the movie "Red Detachment of Women". In 1962, he was selected as one of the "Top 22 Movie Stars of New China" by the Ministry of Culture of China. In 1965, he starred in the movie "Forever in Fire". In 1974, he played the role of reconnaissance staff officer Guo Rui in the war movie "Scout". In 1978, he starred in the movie "The River Runs ". In 1982, he won the Best Actor Award at the 5th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards for his feature film "Zhiyin".

Wang Xingang can be said that old movie fans are very familiar with and like the old artist, and they are familiar with his experience and the movies he starred in. Wang Xingang, who is 87 years old this year, rarely appears in public. He enjoys enjoying his happy old age by playing with his grandson. He has left his handsome, dashing and handsome image in the hearts of the audience...

Xiao Cui----Wang Yi as the

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

This is a face that is both familiar and unfamiliar. It is familiar because it seems familiar; it is unfamiliar because it is hard to pronounce its name. He has participated in many movies, such as "Broader Sea", "The Wave of Forever", "Sea Eagle", "The Man Who Leads Soldiers", etc. In particular, he plays Xiao Cui, the heroine's assistant scout in "Secret Drawings", who is witty and courageous but also humorous.

His name is Wang Yi, a native of Nantong, Jiangsu Province, born in October 1933. In 1949, while still in middle school, he joined the Art Troupe of the Northern Jiangsu Military Region. In 1951, he transferred to the Art Troupe of Nanjing Military Academy. In 1955, he worked as an actor in the Frontline Repertory Theater of the Political Department of the Nanjing Military Region. In 1958, he was transferred to the Bayi Factory. He is handsome and gentle, suitable for playing some elegant characters. Unfortunately, he was later hit during the Cultural Revolution and was demobilized as a soldier. In 1972, Pearl Film Studio accepted Wang Yi, and he changed his profession and became a director. He successively filmed films such as "An American Pilot", "The Girl in the Melon Pen" and "The Baling Thief" that were popular with the audience at the time.

Filmmakers like Wang Yi, who have gone through many hardships but still have a passion for film art, are now 86 years old and spending their remaining years in Guangzhou.

Ye Changqian----played by Li Renlin

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

In the film, another agent Ye Changqian who stutters and leaves a deep impression on the audience is played by Li Renlin, the actor who played the villain Mu Renzhi in the film "The White-Haired Girl". Li Renlin was born in 1913. He served as deputy director of the drama troupe of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, deputy political commissar of a military division in Shanxi Province, and director of the office of the cultural troupe of the General Political Department.

He has played the role of Mu Renzhi in the movie "The White-Haired Girl", the puppet army commander Gao Dacheng in "Wild Fire, Spring Breeze Fighting in the Ancient City", and the spy Ye Changqian in "Secret Drawings". Before and after his retirement, he still participated in and cared about the compilation and organization of "History of the Revolutionary Literary and Artistic Struggle in Central Hebei Province".

passed away in December 1983. According to reports, the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army scattered his ashes in Baiyangdian in accordance with Li Renlin's last wishes.

Gu Zhongru----played by Liu Jiyun

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

The old spy Gu Zhongru in "Secret Drawings" is played by Liu Jiyun. The editor has read many books by veteran filmmakers, among which Liu Jiyun's miserable and miserable childhood and experience of being persecuted in a special era made people cry. Born in an ordinary family in Beijing on June 12, 1910, he experienced many hardships and joined the Eighth Route Army by chance in 1938 and participated in the famous Shangdang Battle. After that, he joined the Communist Party of China in 1945. During the hard years of fighting, his thoughts grew rapidly, especially his artistic practice, which enabled him to accumulate rich materials and creative experience.

In 1951, Liu Jiyun was transferred to the Southwest Military Region Combat Art Troupe as an actor. In 1953, he was transferred to Beijing and worked as an actor in the drama troupe of the General Political Department Art Troupe. During this period, he played roles in dramas such as "The Second Attack". He was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1955 and was loaned to the Bayi Factory in 1956 to participate in the filming of the film "The Dark Before Dawn". As well as the film "日韩" filmed the following year. In 1957, he was officially transferred to the Bayi Factory Actors Troupe to work. During this period, he made several films. For example: " Heroes of Die Hard ", " Lin Hai Xue Yuan " and other films. In the film "Battle of Shanghai" dedicated to the 10th National Day anniversary, he successfully portrayed the image of Kuomintang Lieutenant General Liu Yi and was well received by the audience.

In 1966, he participated in the filming of "The Great Wall of the South China Sea" and played a villain. Unfortunately, it was not completed due to the Cultural Revolution. During the turbulent years, Liu Jiyun was accused of a series of unfounded charges and was brutally persecuted. In 1968, Liu Jiyun, who suffered from asthma and other diseases, was forced to accept criticism. After such repeated torture, he never recovered and was plagued by illness. Coupled with such repeated torture, Liu Jiyun, who was already terminally ill, soon became paralyzed and collapsed.

In October 1976, after the dark clouds cleared, the films he starred in began to resume screenings. At this time, people asked each other and found out that such a good actor who could portray a certain depth and characteristics had already appeared on June 24, 1971. He died of illness at the age of 61.

Fang Li----Shi Wei plays the role of female spy Fang Li in the film. After many actors competed, it was confirmed that Shi Wei would play the role. But Shi Wei was not excited at all because she didn't want to play a female spy at all. She felt that her temperament and image were not suitable for portraying a villain. Indeed, most of the female spies in movies at that time were wearing heavy makeup, wavy hair, smoking cigarettes, and swaying their waists and hips. Before this, Shi Wei played innocent girls.

After studying the character of Fang Li, Shi Wei decided to change her previous acting methods. She felt that Fang Li's identity in the film was a pianist, so Coming from a family, it is unlikely to dress up in a coquettish way. She told the director, "In the old society, those who could afford pianos were from aristocratic families. With such a family background, the reason for becoming a female spy was probably because of the reactionary genes in the family history. It is speculated that she stole secret blueprints in the film Motives are believable." Shi Wei's insights were recognized by the director. In the

film, she plays Fang Li, whose appearance is very similar to that of an ordinary piano actor. She is natural and down-to-earth, and it is difficult to match up with the ordinary female spies with facial makeup. After the movie was released, the audience praised the character's image. Shi Wei recalled in her later years that in her mind, this movie best reflected her acting skills, "because I had a creative idea of ​​this character."

Shi Wei, who was born in 1928, although he came from a scholarly family, left behind the image of many beautiful girls "Little White Pigeon" in "Lin Hai Xue Yuan", Zhang Wenzheng in "The City That Never Sleeps", etc., but her life experience has also been extremely bumpy. We sincerely wish this "girl star" will always be beautiful and healthy.

Zhou Ming----played by Li Jianhui

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

In the play, Zhou Ming, who wears glasses and is gentle and polite, does good deeds without crying, and is misunderstood by his wife. The actor played by Li Huijian is Li Huijian. He was in the August 1st movie " Crossing the River Adventure" 》played the role of Yucai, and played the role of Chen Guangyu in "Search for the Seal". The editor has no further information about him.

Zhou's Wife---- Zhang Fan decorated

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

If "Secret Drawing" is a cost-effective soft advertisement for Wong Lo Kat, then Zhang Fan, who plays the role of Zhou Ming's wife, the herbal tea seller, is the spokesperson of Wong Lao Kat. Speaking of Zhang Fan, she is not an ordinary actor. In 1935, Zhang Fan, who was only 13 years old, applied for the "Mingyue Song and Dance Troupe". The troupe was later renamed the "Greater China Song and Dance Troupe". She also went to Singapore , Malaysia , and Thailand with the troupe. , Indonesia , Philippines , Vietnam and Cambodia and other places touring performances.

In the early 1940s, Zhang Fan starred in the film "Four Sisters" adapted from Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice". She played the third child in the film. As a result, the film became an instant hit and the four heroines in the film were well-known. Shanghai film scene. He has worked as an actor in Shanghai Mingyue Opera Society, Shanghai Xinhua Film Company, China United Film Company, China Film Company, Shanghai Yihua, Dafeng, Lanxin Film Studio, and Nanjing Military Region Frontline Repertory Theater.

In 1958, the Actor Troupe of Bayi Film Studio was transferred. She has participated in the filming of many films such as " Furious Tide ", "Secret Drawing", " Hunan Girl Xiaoxiao ", "Widow Survival", " Breaking War ", etc. She passed away in 2007 at the age of 85.

Doctor Jin----played by Zhang Zhang

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Zhang Zhang is an actor from Bayi Film Studio and was born in 1928. He was engaged in vocal performance in his early years. He joined the army around the time when he went to Korea to fight against the United States and was engaged in drama performances in the Volunteer Army Art Troupe.After returning to China, he was stationed in Zhangjiakou, and later joined the Bayi Factory Actors Theater Company as an actor. During the Cultural Revolution, he transferred to Beijing Gear Factory.

Zhang Zhang has participated in many films, mainly including Doctor Jin in "Secret Drawings", Li Guangwen in " Overture to the East", Enemy Captain in "Sea Eagle", instructor Cai Jiefei in "Red Eagle Spreads Wings", Ma Dazhuang in "Muslim Detachment", He Jinbiao in "The Story of Liubao ", Consultant Zhou in "The Furious Tide", technician in "Young Luban", Special Agent Tian in "Heroes of the Tigers", Special Agent Zero-Nine in "The Great Wall of the South China Sea", Japanese Special Agent Toda in "Menggenhua", etc. Almost all supporting roles. And most of them are villains, such as the two national army characters in "Prelude to the East March" and "The Furious Tide", who are villains who can be educated. The instructors in "Red Eagle Spreads Wings" and the technicians in "Young Luban" are positive characters with a dark side. There are not many positive characters like Ma Dazhuang in "Hui Detachment". He passed away in 2001 at the age of 73.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Li Hua----Li Li plays the role of Li Hua, a scientific worker in the drama

. He is the one who lost his handbag just after getting off the train. Li Li, who played the role, was born in 1923. In 1950, he served as deputy director of the drama troupe of the combat art troupe. Captain, in 1953 he was appointed captain of the Art Troupe of the General Political Department. In 1956, he was transferred to the deputy director of the Actors Troupe of Bayi Film Studio. When the troupe was first formed, there was no leader, so he was temporarily put in charge of the leadership of the troupe. As a result, he served as deputy director for fifteen years and was always the deputy leader of the troupe.

Li Li has successively played roles in the following films of Bayi Film Studio: Liaison Officer in "Breaking through the Darkness Before Dawn", Mrs. Wang in "The Coldest Night", Old Hunter in "Heroes Die Hard", Old Ma in "The Wave of Never Dies", The carpenter in "A Big-Character Poster in a Thousand Miles a Day", Song Xueyi in "The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", the colonel's staff in "Hero Island", Zhang Dashan in "Lin Hai Xue Yuan", Li Hua in "Secret Drawing", and Feng Renyi in "Bitter Cauliflower".

died in 1992.

Blind old man aged 69 ---- Shi Cunyu decoration

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

The blind old man played by Shi Cunyu only has one or two scenes in the play, and his name does not even appear in the cast list, but his outstanding performance made the audience unforgettable. Shi Cunyu, born in June 1922, joined the army in September 1948. He served as leader of the army's art troupe and squad leader. In 1957, at the invitation of Bayi Film Studio, he played the enemy commander in the feature film "Black Mountain Blockade", and he appeared on the screen ever since.

In August 1958, he was officially transferred to the Bayi Film Studio Actors Troupe. He has played leading and supporting roles in dozens of films for more than 30 years. The main ones include: "Breaking Superstition" as an old worker, "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" as an enemy officer, "The Beauty of the Country" as an artist with cut eyes, "Fire of Gold" as the hospital director, and "War on Shanghai" as the enemy Army commander, "Breakthrough of the Wujiang River" as the fisherman, "The Heart of the Blue Sea" as the old fisherman, "Seize the Seal" as the old farmer, "Fight the Invaders" as the old man in front of the Korean branch, "Bitter Cauliflower" as the fourth uncle, "Secret Drawing" as the blind man The old man, the North Korean old man in "The Battle of the Unknown River", the old man in "Before the Thunderstorm", etc.

unfortunately died of illness in May 1978.

Tricycle driver----played by Yang Chengxuan

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Also not in the cast is the tricycle driver who was rescued from under the wheel by Shi Yun. His actor Yang Chengxuan was born in August 1927 in Jilin Province Jiutai County , joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army in 1946, and served successively as a division propaganda team member, deputy captain, and captain. In 1950, he entered the directing department of the Military Art Academy of the Central and South Military Region to study. In 1953, he participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea and served as the captain of the drama team of the Volunteer Army Headquarters. In 1958, he was transferred to the Bayi Film Studio Actors Troupe to become an actor. He played the role of an old fire-fighting man in the feature film "Watershed", Ha Shaofu in "Hui Detachment", Luan Ping in "Lin Hai Xue Yuan", Chen Guangxi in "Sealing the Seal", a Kuomintang officer in "Battle of Shanghai", "Secret Drawings" 》The three-wheeled workers are decorated as tricycle workers. He has also directed several dramas such as "Flying Together" and military education films, written dramas and lyrics, and won awards in art troupe performances. He is good at exploring the inner world of characters, and his performances are subtle, deep and simple.

Yang Chengxuan died in 1976 at the age of only 49.

plot introduction

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Li Hua, a scientific worker, is mentally paralyzed and does not abide by the system. He goes out for meetings with secret drawings.Unexpectedly, Sister Lu Wenhui and her comrades went to the station to greet him. In the rush and crowding, the briefcase containing the secret drawings was lost at the train station.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

Shi Yun, a female public security investigator, was recuperating in the hospital. After learning of the situation, she was immediately discharged from the hospital to accept the task. After many investigations, we learned that half an hour before the train Li Hua took arrived at the station, a fat man with glasses and a stutter, carrying a canvas bag with a rocket pattern, came in a hurry. After the train arrived at the station, the man left in a hurry amid the crowd of passengers.

Just when Shi Yun was thinking hard and analyzing the situation, news suddenly came that the briefcase had been found. It turns out that the old Chinese doctor Gu Zhongru and his student Dr. Jin often went to Lu Wenhui's home to see doctors. That night, on the way to Lu's house, they saw someone secretly throwing away a package of things. They picked it up and took it to Sister Lu's house. Sister Lu saw that it was the briefcase that Li Hua had lost. Although the money and food stamps were gone, the drawings were still in the bag. Investigator Xiao Cui concluded that it was an ordinary thief who did it, but Shi Yun believed that it was too early to draw a conclusion before the criminal was caught.

Shi Yun's husband Chen Liang is an officer of the Military Region Security Department. According to the leadership's instructions, he "met" a suspicious music worker Fang Li. Soon, Shi Yun rescued a person on the suburban train track by chance. The person who was rescued was the tricycle worker she was looking for. From this, the enemy must have realized that something was wrong and attempted to kill and silence him.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

According to the clues provided by the tricycle workers, Shi Yun, as a police station officer, went to the home of Ye Changqian, a Western chef at Longjia Restaurant, to observe, and cleverly found out the characteristics of his stuttering. Based on many signs, he confirmed that Ye Changqian was the perpetrator. In the afternoon of the next day, Ye Changqian was about to meet Fang Li in front of Dongshan Restaurant. As soon as he appeared in the crowd, he was discovered by teachers and students of Gu Zhongru and was turned to the Public Security Bureau on the spot.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

During the interrogation, Ye Changqian denied everything and even tried to destroy the film containing the secret drawings, but Shi Yun cleverly discovered it. At this point, the case of stealing the secret drawings comes to an end.

Shi Yun went to report to Director Ding in a happy mood. At this time, Chen Liang called and said that Fang Li invited him to listen to music again. Shi Yun felt that the case had not been finally solved, and concluded that there must be someone behind Fang Li. He became suspicious of Gu Zhongru, who had found the briefcase and exposed the perpetrator. Director Ding led Shi Yun to Sister Lu's house. Sister Lu remembered that when Dr. Gu Zhongru was treating her, she had gone to the back room to make a phone call, and the drawings were on the table at that time.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

After analysis, it was determined that the manipulator behind the case was the cunning Gu Zhongru. So they immediately made careful arrangements. At this time, Fang Li was even more attentive to Chen Liang, and on the pretext that her sister was critically ill, she asked Chen Liang to cross the restricted area and send her to Shenzhen overnight. She also said that an old doctor would accompany her on the way, and Chen Liang agreed one by one. On the way, Gu Zhongru tried to get rid of Chen Liang, went to the fishing village to look for old connections, and sneaked away at night.

In the first two issues, our column introduced two anti-special films,

At this time, Shi Yun led the public security officers and militiamen who had already ambushed Gu Zhongru and Fang Li and arrested them. Gu Zhongru tried to destroy the evidence in the dark. The alert Shi Yun found another film with secret drawings from the upper of Gu Zhongru's shoe. The enemy's conspiracy was completely ruined.

--End of this article--

This column is produced by Wutong Old Film Studio. Have you seen the movie "Secret Drawings"? If you know anything else about the stories behind the scenes of the film, please leave a message in the comment area. Thank you for your attention and support, see you next time!

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