Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Sea of ​​Stone" will begin to be broadcast on the Netflix platform, and the new work of the spin-off series "Kishibe Rohan Stillness" will also be broadcast in late December 2021 , it seems that

2024/07/0119:10:33 hotcomm 1015

Araki Hirohiko "Eternal Age" no Yin には...

Araki Hirohiko "Legend of Immortality" behind

Adult ゗マンガ「ジョジョの奇な马険」シリーズ. December 1, 2021 から's new work アニメ『ジョジョの奇な马険ストーンオーシャン』の Netflix での distribution が开まり、スピンオThe new work of Furuman "Kishibedo Rohan no Doujin" is scheduled to be released in late December 2021. , この Winter も Topic が目白目しです.

Super popular comic "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" series. Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Sea of ​​Stone" will begin to be broadcast on the Netflix platform, and the new work of the spin-off drama " Coast Rohan Still " will also be released in late December 2021 It seems that this winter's topical works are also one after another.

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

大ヒット作を生み出したCartoonist Mr. Araki Hirohiko には, myself にも「ジョジョ」シリーズにnegative けないほどの热~いエピソードがあるのですが、Mr. それはすべての「生真面目」さが生んだものでした.

The cartoonist Hirohiko Araki who created this popular work also has some passionate stories that are not inferior to the "JOJO" series. These stories are all portrayals of the teacher's "seriousness".

●もはや如回っている! ? Immortal 伝説を生んだストイック生活

● Return to youth! ? The self-abnegated life created the legend of immortality

Mr. Araki's をlanguage るうえでavoidance けて通れない topic といえば, その『Amazing の如さ』です. Born in 1960, I was born in 61 years old, and I am 20 years old. I am now a portrait of you.かりです.ちまたでは「ジョジョの波波の力だ」とか「Mr.’s own がDIOなんじゃないか」などと语われるほどの不老ぶり.でもそれはdeterminationしてSupernatural phenomenonではなく, Mr. Araki's true faceなストイック生活から生まれたものなのです.

When talking about Mr. Araki, what I have to say is his "astonishing youth". Araki-sensei was born in 1960 and is already 61 years old this year. However, when you compare the photo of him when he was 20 years old with his current appearance, there is almost no change. People can’t help but sigh, “Do you have JOJO’s ripple power?” or “Teacher, you Is it DIO himself?" However, the teacher's youth was not a supernatural phenomenon, but was shaped by his strict life of self-denial.

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

かつて语ったところによると, Mr. Araki's "Snack Healthy Method" を実practice しているそうで, Asahi's self-divided で作るraw wild vegetables ジュースを Drink み, The food of the day food center, the food of the night rice, the basics of the foodなのだとか. The series has been serialized for many years, including を続ける多Businessなbodyがもつのかと思ってしまいますが, and customary れればそのsquare が音がいいのだそうです.

According to what Mr. Araki said in the past, he has been practicing the "Eat Less Healthy Method". His general living habit is to drink vegetable juice squeezed by himself for breakfast, eat vegetarian food for lunch, and skip dinner. He originally wondered whether he would be able to bear the physical stress of working on a long series of works, but he said that this way of life would be better after he got used to it.

Eat life and maintain physical strength.それは如い瀁からで, 子との初デートにもジムのプールをdesignated するほど. Wife's wife "その辺で游んでいて" is said to be broken, and one's own body is swimming.

It is not only the maintenance of eating habits, but also daily exercise in order to maintain physical strength. Even when he was young, he and his wife had their first date in the gym swimming pool. During the date, he said to his wife, "You can have fun here as you like," and then started swimming by himself.


It is precisely because he adheres to his own lifestyle with self-denial that he can remain shockingly young.

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

ちなみに, cartoonist というとthrough the night もwhen the たり前のirregular なlife をイメージしがちですが, Mr. Araki は事事のスケジュールもきっちりdetermine めているそうです.インタビューのperiodによって曜日や时にviolationいはあるものの、事事は中afternoonからstartめてrestみ时も挟みつつ24时までにThe end of the week, the week of 2 days or more, the life of the real face, the life of the childうかがえます.とはいえ, とはず Visiting れる琋瀯りのなか, それをきっちり目れるのはSuperman ワザですね.

In addition, when talking about cartoonists, everyone will think of irregular lifestyle habits such as staying up late, but Mr. Araki’s work schedule is also set. Although the date and time may change when there are interviews, most of them start working in the morning and end at 24:00. During this period, work and rest are balanced. There are more than two rest days a week, and the pace of life in this area is also very regular. However, being able to maintain such a regular life before one deadline after another is a superhuman ability.


The characters of "JOJO" are all alive


●The character setting is very detailed, so it is in crisis

「ジョジョ」シリーズの鍍醐Miは, It's hard to beat をいかにクリアしていくか, その戦いぶりにあるでしょう. Jue Tai Ju Ming no no no no no no no no no kawaii fantasy world no no no no no no number no ともいえるアイデアのnumber 々に、ファンは毎回度 liver を抜かれるのですが、Mr.によるとそれは「キャラクターがnatural landing」しているだけなのだそう.

The highlight of the "JOJO" series lies in the battle scenes when the protagonists defeat enemies one after another. Every plot where the protagonist’s life hangs by a thread and escapes from a predicament makes fans nervous, but Mr. Araki said that these wild ideas are actually “the performance that the character should have.”

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

そんなことが出こるのも, Mr. Araki が生真面目に, キャラクターをしっかりと为り込んでいるからです. One person's personality, oral habits, good food and food, more than 60 items, body survey book, ってからdrawing, starting, めるため「キャラクターのcharacter, とかがdetermination, まっていると、もうあるdirectional にしかお语が入んでいかないんですよ. Decided to make a decision. The reason why

says this is because Mr. Araki is also very serious about character creation. Each character has a "setting book", which contains more than 60 detailed categories such as personality, catchphrases, favorite foods, etc. It can be said that he gives life to each character. That's why he said, "Once the character's personality is decided, the story can only develop in a certain direction. These are all decided before writing."

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

无码不卡り上げたキャラ同士の戦いだからこそ, 时には Sensei’s thinking confusion を上えてしまうこともあるそうです. The representative of Nana's Nana, the 4th part "Nano's Nana" edited by Nana, Jousuke Yoshikage Nana's final battle.あまりにもKira が强すぎて, さすがの Mr. Araki も「これ, the protagonist がnegative けるかも」と思ったそうです. 「どうするんだろう?どうしたらいいんだろう?」とAuthor でありながら热ったようですが、The reason why the final victory is てたは"Death is crazy about things."その Instant は、まさにJosuke とintegrated Mr. してhimself が戦っていたのでしょう.

Since "JOJO" is full of carefully created characters fighting with each other, the development of the story sometimes even exceeds the teacher's ideas. One of the most representative battles is the final battle between Josuke and Kira Yoshikage in the fourth "Diamond is Forever" chapter. Because Kira is too powerful, even Mr. Araki is worried that "the protagonist may lose now." After anxious thinking about "What should I do now? What's the best thing?", the final reason for victory given by Araki-sensei as the author was "What do you do when you think too much about it?" Presumably at this moment, Araki-sensei, Already fighting as one with Josuke.

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

ちなみに、どんなに无地に陥ろうとも「ジョジョ」の世界では神风が风いて胜つということはありません. Mr. Araki's "The Human World"ルール》だからなのだそうです.

In addition, no matter what kind of crisis the protagonist is in, victory will not be due to luck in the world of "JOJO". Because Mr. Araki once said, "All victories are won by JOJO after their hard work. This is JOJO's absolute principle."

●The wife's をもビビらせたジョジョの Foley

●The JOJO Foley that scares my wife

「ジョジョ」シリーズのCharming のひとつには、 The unique Foley sound is いがあります.それ自体が生き物のようなDYNAMIC のある书き字で「ドドドド」「ドバババァァ!」などとdrawingかれ, unique and uniqueの「ジョジョ」ワールドをかもし出しています.なぜこんなtechniqueが生まれたのか, Mr. Araki’s によると影视の强いのではないかということです. video sound effect sound や音楽がつ いているように、この scene にこの音がほしいとthought ったらそれを text にしているだけで、特にconsciousness したことではないのだそうです. Another great charm of

"JOJO" series is the unique foley sound. "ドドドド(咚咚咚嚚)" "ドバババァァ! (Ah ha ha ha ha!)" and other words seem to have life in themselves. These are the excitement of the unique "JOJO" world. Why does it behave this way? Mr. Araki claims to be greatly influenced by movies. Because I wanted this kind of sound to appear in this scene just like the sound effects and music in the movie, I expressed it in words without doing it subconsciously.

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

影音楽が大好きなAraki-san らしいごくnatural performance とのことですが、writing scene はかなりurge しいことになっているそう. Wife's testimony によると、Official place にお茶を志って行ったら Mr.が「ドヒャアァァーーーー!!」というような奇声をあげながら何かにtakeりpayかれたように书をwalk らせていたそうで、あまりの禕さにそのままドアを开めて见なかったことにしたのだとか.

This is a very natural way of expression for Mr. Araki, who loves movies and music, but the creation scene is very intense. According to the teacher's wife, when she went to the studio to bring tea to the teacher, she saw the teacher yelling "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." She was yelling "Ahhhhhhh!" It was so scary that the teacher’s wife just closed the door and left as if she didn’t see anything.

Foley とともにジョジョワールドを彩るのが unique なセリフ回しですが、こちらも特にconsciousness して考えているわけではなく、リズムやテンポを attach importance to してdrawing いているうちにnatural and drop りてくる Feel覚なのだそうDesu. The 1st シリーズのコミックス 1st volume is called んだ名セリフ「をするだァーーーッ!」は神が下ろしたセリフではありません.Originallyは「はをするんだァーーーッ!」だったのですが, mistakenly planted unique のセリフ回しになり, famous sayings とされるまでになったのだそうです. In addition to foley,

's unique line expressions also add color to JOJO. This is not a deliberate design by the teacher, but is created naturally based on feeling when paying attention to the expression of rhythm and rhythm. However, the famous line JOJO yelled out in the first volume of the first comic, "What are you doing! (What are you doing!)" was not a flash of inspiration. The original line was "What's going on!". After a misalignment, It became a unique line and eventually even became a famous quote for the character.

Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series Starting from December 1, 2021, the new work of the series

(before and after correction)

The serialization of "ジョジョ" started in 2022, the year of the 35th anniversary of the program. New たなるchest leap るDevelopment こるようにLook forward to して年を日しましょう.

2022 is the 35th anniversary of the serialization of "JOJO". As the New Year approaches, let’s look forward to exciting new stories.

This content is the original translation of Hujiang Japanese and is strictly prohibited from reproduction.

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