2020NK reference rule changes: If you are admitted to a certain NK middle school, the other two schools will no longer have KS opportunities. Note to parents: 1. NK currently has three branches. If you are confirmed to be admitted to one of them, the other two branches will no lo

2024/07/0315:14:34 hotcomm 1212

2020NK reference rule changes: If you are admitted to a certain NK middle school, the other two schools will no longer have KS opportunities. Note to parents: 1. NK currently has three branches. If you are confirmed to be admitted to one of them, the other two branches will no lo - DayDayNews

The hottest topic discussed yesterday: Nankai will only have one chance to take the exam!

2020NK’s reference rule changes

If you are admitted to a certain middle school in NK, you will no longer have KS opportunities in the other two schools. You can still apply to 3 campuses, as long as you are admitted to one of the other campuses, you cannot take the exam again! Note to parents of


1 and NK currently have three branches. If you are confirmed to be admitted to one of them, the other two branches will no longer have the opportunity to take the exam.

2. If you are not admitted, you can take the exam again at the other two schools.

3. If the resume is received and does not meet the markings, parents will not be notified. Eventually, the resume information is collectively shredded after being kept for a period of time. The change of

NK rules means:

1 and campus KS are close in time. It is recommended to refer to the target campus first. Parents who intend to NK need to prepare their children more fully for primary school to junior high school, practice solid basic skills of and , expand content, and improve their children's overall quality.

2, NK took action to break the rumors and overturned the previously rumored campus as an unorthodox branch! All three campuses will send their high-quality students to the high school;

Summary of exam opportunities for each school

YZ: 5 campuses There is only one valid KS opportunity . You can only choose one school to take the exam. Chongqing has the most scarce exam opportunities. However, general examination resumes do not need to be reviewed, and children will be given a KS opportunity. HY and ML for fifth and sixth grade students only have one opportunity, while YZSY has one opportunity for different grades.

NK: Starting from 2020xsc, there is only one valid KS opportunity in 3 campuses . You can only choose one school to take the exam. Parents need to decide on the school they want to take the KS.

BZ: HB, SB, and HB Chayuan branches organize KS separately. can be tested repeatedly for . Once it is confirmed to register for a certain branch, other branches will no longer admit students.

LNBS: can repeat KS, but the experimental class only has two KS opportunities at most.

YW: The teacher said that only the first KS results will be recognized. If you are notified of admission and give up the contract, you will not be admitted again if you take the test again. But there are children who take the test repeatedly.

XF: The headquarters only recognizes the first KS opportunity, and Yinxiang and Liangjiang can take the exam again.

YC: There are multiple exam opportunities for , but only the first exam score of will be recognized for classes above the experimental class.

(The above comes from feedback from many parents who have gone online. If there are any errors or omissions, please point them out)

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