However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan.

2024/07/0118:38:33 hotcomm 1815

my country's Taiwan Island has been occupied by Japanese invaders for a long time, for as long as fifty years. However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. The Democratic Progressive Party, which is now in power, has been colluding with Japan for a long time. The pro-Japanese and pro-Japanese groups in Taiwan have gradually become established and have begun to have an impact on the island's political scene. After former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated, Tsai Ing-wen asked the 3,368 public schools and units on the island to "lower flags at half-mast" on July 11 to pay tribute. The Kuomintang, which had fought bloody battles with the Japanese on the mainland for many years, actually agreed. Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun even expressed support for this decision and even took the lead in lowering the Kuomintang flag. Ye Qingyuan and Zhang Yazhong of the Kuomintang strongly opposed the method of "lowering the flag at half-mast" to mourn Shinzo Abe. Let me tell you the specific situation.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Zhu Lilun

The Kuomintang also wants to cater to the pro-Japanese forces on the island

Ever since Taiwan entered the so-called electoral society, politicians have only counted the gains and losses of the number of votes, and their beliefs and ideas have long been forgotten. In 1895, Japan brazenly occupied the island of Taiwan and began a fifty-year colonial rule. After the outbreak of World War II, Taiwan was regarded by Japan as a resource storage warehouse and transportation transfer station. A large amount of rice and sucrose were sent to Japan's war machine. After the war, although Taiwan returned to the embrace of China in name, many Taiwanese people still consider themselves "Japanese." There is also the so-called "survivor society" in Japan, which is a group composed of descendants of Japanese invaders who participated in World War II. They can control the direction of Japan's elections and have strong influence. The two forces of began colluding with each other and plotting against each other as early as the last century. In recent years, a large number of pro-Japanese factions have emerged in Taiwan, and both the Democratic Progressive Party and the Kuomintang want to win their support. This time Shinzo Abe was assassinated, the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party came on stage and put on a show. Under Ru Sangkao's face, in the final analysis, it is to cater to the "Japanese-loving" mentality of these people.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Most of the right-wing politicians are members of the bereaved families.

Today's Democratic Progressive Party authorities have taken control of Taiwan. They require 3,368 public schools and institutions in Taiwan to "lower flags at half-mast" on July 11, 2022 in mourning. According to the regulations on the island, the current leaders and deputy leaders of Taiwan, the current leaders of so-called "friendly countries", people who have made significant contributions to Taiwan Island or have been a significant driving force for world peace and human progress have passed away, or Only when a disaster occurs that causes heavy casualties can the flag be flown at half-mast to express condolences. Japan and the island of Taiwan do not have any official ties and are not so-called "friendly countries." Shinzo Abe himself is a militant in Japan. He once promoted the lifting of the ban on the right of collective self-defense, but he cannot be considered as having contributed to world peace. Therefore, Shinzo Abe is simply not qualified to enjoy the "half-mast flag" mourning. The DPP is completely abusing the island's administrative resources to flatter Japan and show favor to the Japanese and the pro-Japanese faction on the island. At the same time, they also plan to dilute all the recent negative news about the DPP with overwhelming propaganda materials and take the opportunity to muddle through.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Abe Shinzo

In the history of Taiwan, since the defeat of the Chiang Kai-shek Group in Taiwan, the first time the flag was lowered to half-mast occurred on March 5, 1965. The then deputy leader of the Taiwan region, Chen Cheng, passed away due to illness. Chiang Kai-shek ordered the flag to be flown at half-mast to express his condolences. On March 26, 1975, Saudi King Feather bin Abdulaziz Assaud passed away. Because Saudi Arabia still maintained contact with Taiwan Province that year, Taiwan also chose to "lower flags at half-mast" in mourning. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek was already seriously ill and was dying. The power on the island was basically in the hands of his son Chiang Ching-kuo . Ten days later, Chiang Kai-shek passed away, and all public institutions, schools, and business places in Taiwan were closed. Everyone must pay silent tribute to Chiang Kai-shek and lower the flag at half-mast to mourn him. The scene at that time was very grand. Many veterans who fled to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek knelt on their knees and cried bitterly. They were saddened by the death of Chiang Kai-shek, and they also understood that the Kuomintang would never be able to make a comeback and return to the mainland. This was also the cry after waking up from a broken dream in their hearts.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Chiang Kai-shek's funeral in 1975

Chiang Ching-kuo passed away suddenly in 1988. After Lee Teng-hui came to power, he also gave him the highest-level funeral, and at the same time, the flag was flown at half-mast as a mark of mourning. After Chiang Ching-kuo, a total of seven people on Taiwan Island lowered the flag at half-mast. are:

Former Taiwan leader Yan Jiagan ("lowering the flag at half-mast" on December 24, 1993);

Former deputy leader Xie Dongmin ("lowering the flag at half-mast" on April 8, 2001);

Song Meiling (2003 October 2003) "Flags at half-mast" on April 28);

Vatican Pope John Paul II (Flags at Taiwan's leadership offices and administrative agencies "fell at half-mast" on April 3-4, 2005);

"Chief of Staff" of Taiwan's military Shen Yiming (2020 "Flags were flown at half-mast" on January 14, 2020);

Lee Teng-hui ("flags were flown at half-mast" on July 31, 2020 - August 2, 2020, and flags were flown at half-mast on October 7, 2020)

Shinzo Abe ("Flags were flown at half-mast" on July 11, 2022 "Flags at half-mast").

From this list, it is not difficult to see that the ceremony of "lowering the flag at half-mast" on the island of Taiwan has always had fixed specifications and requirements. Shinzo Abe is indeed not one of the people who can enjoy the qualification of "lowering the flag at half-mast" on the island of Taiwan.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Lee Teng-hui

East Asia has a tradition of "respecting etiquette", and the treatment of "flying the flag at half-mast" is an affirmation of a person's lifelong achievements, which can also highlight an individual's character and status. After the former deputy leader of Taiwan, Li Yuancu, died of illness, his family followed his low-key character during his lifetime and chose to have a simple funeral and avoid all special treatment. After Lee Teng-hui's death, Tsai Ing-wen, Lee Teng-hui's disciple, tried every means to make great arrangements for Lee Teng-hui, and was prepared to mourn and honor him. Therefore, on the day after Lee Teng-hui’s death, the Taiwan authorities announced that the flag would be flown at half-mast for three consecutive days, and when he was buried on October 7, 2020, the flag would be flown at half-mast again. He is also the leader of Taiwan who has the most glorious funeral since Chiang Kai-shek and his son. Japan is also a place that respects "etiquette". Even the current Japanese government has not determined what kind of treatment it will give Shinzo Abe. Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen and others were the first to jump out to fawn over, and their Sima Zhao intentions were fully exposed.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Li Yuancu

The Kuomintang smashed its own sign and failed in vain

The Kuomintang, as a political group that has fought against the Japanese, should have questioned and criticized Tsai Ing-wen's violation of relevant regulations and forced Shinzo Abe to lower the flag at half-mast. Ye Qingyuan, the former director of the Kuomintang's "Disciplinary Examination Committee", publicly issued a statement accusing Tsai Ing-wen of forcing Shinzo Abe to lower the flag at half-mast for allegedly violating the island's relevant systems. Ye Qingyuan said bluntly: " It's your own business to be charming, but please don't 'break the law'" . Zhang Yazhong, a senior member of the Kuomintang, also said that if the DPP wants to mourn Shinzo Abe, it can lower its own DPP flag. If Tsai Ing-wen really believes that Shinzo Abe has made a "contribution", she can lower the DPP flag for 7,749 consecutive days. This basically reflects the voice of the most grassroots members of the Kuomintang. They still hate Japan, a country that once invaded China, from the bottom of their hearts. They also hate Shinzo Abe, the grandson of the Class-A war criminal Kishi Nobusuke .

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Ye Qingyuan

But as the chairman of the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun has a very different view from the grassroots. He said: "We are saddened by the passing of Abe. 'Flags at half-mast' and 'Lights on the building' are all expressions of Taiwanese people's gratitude to Abe."" At the same time, he not only supported Tsai Ing-wen's decision to lower the flags at half-mast in 3,368 public schools and government agencies in Taiwan on July 11, but he also took the initiative to lower the Kuomintang flag in front of the Kuomintang Building, which is really shocking. Disdainful. The Anti-Japanese War is a glorious period that many older generations of the Kuomintang remember and talk about, but the "anti-Japanese" sign has been completely smashed by the current Chairman Zhu Lilun. I really don't know what these old people think. There are also people in Taiwan who credit Shinzo Abe with Japan's contribution to sending millions of doses of AstraZeneca vaccine to Taiwan in 2020, trying to find a rational basis for Tsai Ing-wen to mourn Shinzo Abe. But it is a pity. What they forgot is that although the vaccine has entered Taiwan, the food from the nuclear disaster area Fukushima has also entered Taiwan. This transaction is a complete exchange of interests and is not a favor worth being grateful for. The Kuomintang flag at the Kuomintang Building was also lowered.

After experiencing the nightmare of six consecutive defeats at the end of last year, Zhu Lilun's morale has been low. It was not until his visit to the United States last month that the Kuomintang officials gradually regained their spirits. Now the epidemic in Taiwan continues. Remaining high, the number of confirmed cases every day remains above tens of thousands, and dozens or even hundreds of people are killed every day. As a result, the Democratic Progressive Party's momentum began to decline, and the Kuomintang seized the mayor of Taoyuan who was a member of the Democratic Progressive Party. Candidate Lin Zhijian was suspected of plagiarizing his master's thesis, and the Democratic Progressive Party Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe solicited bribes from businessmen and other political scandals. The trend seems to have really changed in the direction of the Kuomintang. And this time, the assassination of Shinzo Abe, the island has a lot of political scandals. The people still seem to choose to focus on sympathy and mourning. In order to unite more people and gather a larger "social common denominator", Zhu Lilun also decided to align with the DPP and even be more explicit in order to win over the island. The trust and support of domestic pro-Japanese factions.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Zhang Yazhong strongly opposes "lowering the flag at half-mast"

The Kuomintang's current campaign strategy is to win the support of centrists as much as possible, even at the expense of hurting the emotions of die-hard fans They are well aware of those die-hard supporters of the Kuomintang. Fans, no matter what the Kuomintang does, they will never switch sides to support the DPP. These deep blue people are controlled by the top leaders of the Kuomintang, so everyone from Zhu Lilun to Jiang Wanan has been doing harm from time to time in the past three months. The words and actions of die-hard fans are aimed at absorbing the support of the centrists. is willing to sell out the history of its ancestors for the sake of profit, forget the blood feud of the past for the sake of votes, and even bow to the Japanese in order to return to power. This is This is the portrayal of the top leaders of the Kuomintang today. A political group that can even betray its ancestors, what else can’t it do? As the county and mayor elections at the end of this year draw closer, there should be more absurd political maneuvers within the Kuomintang. But whether the pro-Japanese faction and the middle voters in Taiwan will identify with the Kuomintang, I think even Chu Lilun himself may not know the answer to this question.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Taiwan mourns Shinzo Abe

The relationship between the Democratic Progressive Party and Japan can be said to be broken bones and tendons. In the 1960s and 1970s, the overseas branches of the Taiwan independence forces were established in Tokyo, Japan. Today's Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's father Jason Tsai is inextricably linked to Japan. He can jump from an aircraft technician and department store owner to become a big landowner and rich man in Taiwan, and he has accepted it. Related to Japanese assets in Taiwan. When the Democratic Progressive Party was in power, it helped Japan solve the major problem of food from the Fukushima nuclear disaster entering the Taiwan market. In the eyes of Japanese politicians, the DPP is a subservient lackey and the Kuomintang is an uninvited guest who suddenly broke in. It is clear at a glance who is close and who is distant between the two. Moreover, in the eyes of the pro-Japanese faction in Taiwan, the Kuomintang is the so-called "outsider", and this grudge cannot be resolved no matter what. Therefore, no matter how pro-Japanese the Kuomintang is, it may not be able to impress these pro-Japanese factions.

However, because of Taiwan's unique historical and cultural background, the Taiwanese who were once brutally oppressed and exploited by the Japanese now not only do not hate Japan, but have an extremely favorable impression of Japan. - DayDayNews

Shinzo Abe’s mourning hall established in Taiwan

When Zhu Lilun visited the United States, he declared that " the 1920 consensus is a consensus without consensus," which is tantamount to parting ways with the mainland and drawing a clear line. Today's Kuomintang follows the DPP in mourning Shinzo Abe and bows to the pro-Japanese faction, which is tantamount to bidding farewell to its past. The decadent and degenerate Kuomintang that we have read about since childhood has actually never changed. It is still a reactionary who works in a cowardly and unscrupulous way. A political group that only has political interests in mind will betray anyone because of changes in its interest base. This has been verified in the past one hundred years. Therefore, mainland China should no longer place its hopes on the Kuomintang. Now that they have taken the initiative to make a clean break with us, we simply change our ways completely. If the broom cannot reach it, the dust will not escape by itself. Overthrowing the reactionaries is our consistent mission in the past, present and future. Only by recognizing the development and changes on the island as soon as possible and resolving the Taiwan issue once and for all will there be real peace between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, cross-Strait reunification will have greater room for development. Only by integrating each other can we work together to fight against the outside world. of oppression.

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