The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi

2024/07/0118:15:34 hotcomm 1702

is from TalkOP One Piece forum Ah Rou’s original, no reprinting is allowed

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Recently, due to the OP’s genuine charges, and the reason why the leader of a Chinese group was disbanded and sentenced, OP’s Chinese translation has once again been pushed to the forefront by
, Many friends have told me that they don’t like a certain version of the translation, or are indignant about certain words and sentences. In fact, many translations of
are basically issues left over from history.
Therefore, I plan to write a detailed post to tell my friends about some of the connotations of OP translation in mainland China.
and I think I am one of the people in the Chinese OP circle who knows the most about OP Chinese translation.
As for why I know so much about translation.
First of all, the first point is because I started to interpret the plot of the OP very early on, with more than 400 words.
plot interpretation has very high requirements for the "accuracy" of translation. After all, the author's original intention is the only one that needs to be literal. If
was added by the translator, wouldn't I be pretentious? In fact, I have been tricked many times.
has developed the habit of carefully studying the original text every time the plot is wordy. If
is just for entertainment reading, there is no need to go into certain details. To put it bluntly, these things are just personal preferences.
's exploration of the plot requires me to be picky. The second thing about
is actually that I don’t understand Japanese. Of course, I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t have a systematic way to learn
. Of course, I can’t translate it myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing plot interpretation
. Among the discussion friends around me, there are always people who are extremely proficient in Japanese. I have never lacked people to ask for advice. Therefore,
has also developed the habit of asking every time I have an idea. You have to understand a question thoroughly, unlike reading it once. Friends who understand
and understand Japanese will remember many things more deeply.
Thanks to all the friends who help me interpret it every time, it’s really hard work. The third thing about
is that I have been in the circle of OP plot discussions for too long. I used to do the drawings for the Chinese version of comics. For several years, I worked on popular comics such as Naruto, One Piece, Tutor, Fairy Tail, Inuyasha, etc.,
I am also quite familiar with the Chinese group. Find out what's going on.
What is a good translation?
Yan Fu's "Examples of Translation" in Tianyan Lun said: "There are three difficulties in translation: trustworthiness, expressiveness, and elegance. It is already very difficult to seek trustworthiness! If you only care about trustworthiness, you will not reach it. , even if it is translated, if it is not translated, it will not be achieved.”
The translator Guo Hongan wrote: There are three difficulties in translation: faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance. A believer is true, and a true person is not false; a master is perfect, and a perfect person is neither fault nor inferior; an elegant person is literary, and a literary person is elegant when it is elegant, and when it is vulgar, it is vulgar.
This is what we The relatively recognized standards in national translation are that
1 truly conveys the author's original intention,
2 has smooth writing that readers can understand (not necessarily sticking to the original text), and
3 has literary and artistic qualities that make people comfortable to read. What is the most important thing in
? In fact, it is 1. It truly conveys the author's original intention, that is, the translation of "letter"
only has 2 3 but no 1. I can't even call it a translation. It is a form of fan fiction. It's just a literary creation of
. Unfortunately, our OP's Chinese translation often contains such words.
Next let’s talk about the first translation
"One Piece" "One Piece"
Everyone actually knows that the Chinese translation of ONE PIECE that we generally accept is "One Piece"
and the mainland version is "One Piece", there are many Friends told me that they could not accept the translation of One Piece. .
But this does have historical reasons, let me give you some gossip.
First of all, friends who understand English know that if ONEPIECE is transliterated, it should be something like naughty person. I don’t know why
is a free translation. According to the content in the comics, it may be called "a big secret treasure" and "that legendary place". stuff like that. In fact,
is not a very good book title, so Chinese translators initially tended to use alternative methods to translate the book title.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

In the beginning, OP’s comic translation in mainland China was actually called “Pirate Luffy”.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

One Piece was used less often because there was a manga "Pirate King" written by Uno Hiroshi in the pirated book market at that time and it was easy to get confused.
(Masami Che Sung is the author of the random writing in the picture)
Later, when the OP gradually became more popular, "One Piece" became a more common and unified translation.
Therefore, when the Taiwan copyright owner introduced the genuine version for Chinese translation, of course they chose the most widely accepted translation of "One Piece"
. But here is a joke. The Taiwanese publishing house that first introduced the OP was called "Da Ran Publishing House" ", this publishing house closed down in 2003 when
OP published about 27 volumes. At this time, Dongli Publishing House began to take over.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

However, the name, copyright, and related profits of "One Piece" are all in the hands of the bankrupt Da Ran Publishing House.
remembers to require Dongli to pay NT$8 million to take over the relevant copyright registration information, but Dongli does not want to waffle in other aspects. With a stroke of
's pen, "One Piece" was renamed "One Piece". This is actually how the name
"One Piece" came about. Tencent only obtained the official authorization of jUMP for
in mainland China around 2007, including comics such as OP.
At that time, Taiwan had already published "One Piece" for many years. When confirming the genuine translation of
in mainland China, the pirated versions on the Internet are all "One Piece", while the genuine ones in Taiwan are "One Piece".
At this time, the trademark "One Piece" had long been registered in mainland China.
and due to China's national conditions, the word "thief" is not popular among Chinese senior officials, and this is not actually the author's intention.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the mainland decided to continue Taiwan’s use of the translation "One Piece".
can’t be said to be wrong at all, right? The problem of name translation in
When it comes to the translation of people's names in
, there is a very difficult choice, whether it is transliteration or free translation.
takes NBA stars as an example. Larry.Bird, do you call him Larry Bird or Truck Bird? It’s obvious. The generally more common approach in
is direct transliteration, so that readers can more easily point to the corresponding role rather than something else in the meaning of the name.
But what if the name itself contains some jokes about the author?
, for example, the name USOPP, literally translates to "Usopp", and USO originally means deceiving in Japanese, so it is sometimes translated as "deceiving cloth". This is originally the plot the author buried in the name. I understand that it is not more Okay. Before
, a friend actually asked me why Monkey D Luffy was not translated into Monkey D Luffy. This is quite simple. Although Luffy's name is in English, the OP manga was originally Japanese translated. The pronunciation of monkey in Japanese is "SARU". Although some imported words in
have the same pronunciation as English, do not translate this directly into English.
, but if you understand English, you can immediately understand the meaning of the author's name. In addition, the transliteration results of
are sometimes unaccustomed to people due to accent problems in some places. For example, the spoken language translation of Hong Kong's genuine
"Tianxia Publishing House" is based on Cantonese. For example, Jordan will be translated into Jordan, and
Ronaldo will be translated into Chinese. Translating it into "Lanado" means that it does not conform to your habits, but it is not a correct translation.
Of course, translations of names that "lead to readers' misunderstandings" are all wrong translations in my opinion. Here are a few typical ones:

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

1. Dongli Publishing House's famous mistakes about the red-haired "Jack" and "Jack the Hypnotist" have the phonetic notation: There is no doubt that shanks and jango
should be translated into "Shanks" and "Zangao", but why are they translated into Jack and Jacks. .
I personally think that the copywriter accidentally confused jango and Shanks, so this translation error persisted. The
Dongli version will always have Shanks without "Si". "Si", without "Si", Zangao will always have a "Si".

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

2. Tori's "Gekko Moriah", I think this translation is wrong. The important reason is that "he will seriously mislead readers"
We all know that Oda has a habit of including "animal" in the name of the Shichibukai , and the GEKKO in the name of Moria is generally believed to be the Japanese pronunciation of "gecko", which is the symbolic animal of Moria.
Here moonlight is a "transliteration", but it is a very meaningful word in itself, which will completely mislead readers into thinking it is a free translation.
When Guangyue's family came out, a lot of people came to me and asked me what it had to do with Moriah. . I was misled by this translation.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

3, widely circulated, most likely responsible for the animation, the Creek Pirates, the ghost man "Akin".
First of all, "金" is not a free translation. His name is "gin", and we all know "gintama" as "gintama".
The free translation of his name is "silver", and the pronunciation is similar, so it should be translated as ghost "silver"
Secondly, "jin" is not a transliteration. The corresponding transliteration of gold in Japanese is "kin". This is a convention Similar to standard pronunciation. I don’t know why
translates ghost people into gold. The disadvantage of this translation is that once the readers accept it. The author of
is launching a character called KIN. In order not to repeat the translation, mistakes will be added to the mistakes.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

4.Charlotte, Shanzigu is a Chinese translation that has been criticized recently. First of all, he actually conveyed the idea of ​​free translation.
Auntie's children basically have names related to food, but this is a typical mistranslation of
. The name of the second son Katakuri comes from "Katakuri powder", not Yamajigu. .

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

5, Dongli's "Haido", this is interesting, in the Moria chapter where Kaido's name first appeared. The translator of
Dongli did not realize that this was a personal name that was directly translated as "pirate" when he later discovered that it was the name of the four emperors. The
book has been officially published. Due to Sono's previous mistake, Pirates was changed to "道", so in the future Toli's translation will be "Kaido"
. By the way, from all the information about "kaido" given in the current comics Look, Hong Kong Tianxia Publishing House's
"Weird Boy" is the one that best suits the author's wishes. After all, the prototype is Jiutian Boy, the King of Evil Ghosts.
Although we are already very accustomed to the translation of Kaido.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

6, sand. Crocodile. In fact, there is no doubt that Crocodile is the English word for crocodile. If you insist on translating it this way, it is not impossible to translate it into free translation of
. The problem lies in the "sand" in front. At first glance,
means Crocodile has the ability of the Shasha fruit, but he is the transliteration of Crocodile's honorific name "SIR". .
is because the Baroque Walkers led by Croquedale all start with miss.xx and sir.xx. To put it bluntly,
is Mr. Crocodile. The translation of "sha" means completely wrong. Generally speaking,
is quite tolerant to the translation of people's names, whether it's Luffy or Luffy, Zoro or Zoro,
is Chopper or Sobo, because originally the author's meaning refers to the character, as long as it can Let readers accurately locate this role, and the
translation cannot be wrong.
However, the translation of items is more demanding, because the names of items generally have "meanings"
. Although in fact due to translation problems, some memes cannot accurately convey
. Let me give you an example, the name of the devil fruit
OP all The Japanese words for Devil Fruit are all "overlapping words" of a certain pseudonym. The reason why
did this was that the first-generation editor once told Oda, "The name Rubber Fruit looks like something that would appear in reality."
, so Oda actually changed the name of Rubber Fruit.
The Devil Fruit that Luffy eats should be called "Rubber Rubber Fruit" if translated perfectly.
and in order to convey the fruit's ability, basically all fruits are free translations. The Japanese pseudonym of the Thunder Fruit is "Boom Boom Fruit". In fact, in
, it is difficult to cover everything due to the poor expression of the two languages.
, so I think as long as you understand the author's intention, and many fruits in Chinese use repeated characters as much as possible, such as Huahuaguo.
dark fruit and the like.Just give two of the most famous examples of

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

1 is the most famous mistranslation of "Golden Meri", which is a cauldron of animation translations.
OP has made a great contribution to the spread of animation in China. However, animation translations are all based on listening translation. .
So the Going Merry number was heard as the Golden Merry number.
"Forward Merry" has become "Golden Merry". Of course, anyone who understands English knows how wrong it is. .
Although "Golden Meri" sounds good, of course it is wrong if it is wrong. No matter how good it sounds, it is still wrong if it is translated incorrectly.
In addition, THOUSAND SUNNY was actually translated into Wanli Sunshine. I was confused for a long time. Didn’t this translator even graduate from primary school in English?

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

2, the demon-slaying order, the translation from JOJO in my impression, the original text バスタコール is both English buster call. What Oda wants to express with the word
is a "call to concentrate combat power" rather than a "command".
means emergency call and emergency summons, which are translations that are in line with the author's original intention, while
means "Demon Slaying Order". . Although it seems very confusing, I think it does not accurately convey what the author wanted to express.
Regarding Chineseization, Chinese Chineseization emerged in the early days of the Internet. At that time, there was no such thing as copyright in mainland China. . In order to allow more people to communicate with their favorite works,
enthusiasts made related Chinese versions. Later, when the official version of
was introduced, due to the limited publication date, popular works were not as fast as those produced with early-release versions.
Chinese version, everyone has been accustomed to the Chinese version. In fact, the most important requirement for the Chinese version of
is to be fast. Whether it is the idea of ​​​​
that you want everyone to see as soon as possible or when there is competition, the logic is that only people will read it first, fast is the first factor. . In contrast, in
, the accuracy of translation is not that important. Because
can be changed, it sometimes misrepresents some first impressions.
and sometimes it is indeed forced. ,
just to give a few examples

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

1 When Kinemon and the others landed on Elephant Island, the little monkey went to report that something was wrong.
later found out that Oda had tricked him. A reversal. The translation of "something bad happened" was not suitable and was changed to "something bad happened"

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

2. On the racial list in Chapter 501, the MINK tribe has always been translated as "mink tribe". This translation was not officially implemented until
It was changed to "fur people" only after it came on the scene. Mink used the meaning of fur instead of mink. After all, in
, we are not seeing mink people.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

3, when I didn’t know the specific situation of Elephant Island at first, I always used the transliteration as “Zouwu”.
later found out that it was an elephant, and “Zouwu Island” was replaced by “Elephant Island”. Translations such as
are caused by the author's lack of understanding of the plot, so it is enough to correct it in time. There is no need to stick to the previous translation. Translation issues of
’s self-made words
’s translation of Fei Liubao, Oda’s self-made word, has been quite controversial recently. What I want to say here about
is that this kind of self-made word belongs to the author, and it is actually very difficult to accurately translate it. After all, there is no conventional method corresponding to Chinese, so directly copying it is a good choice.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

Hirikokubao is taken from "Hirikokō", which is one of the six dance steps in Kabuki's "Rokukō no Art". In addition to this,
actually has six directions of Danqian, six directions of grasping, six directions of seat and so on. The six directions here are the six directions of southeast, northwest, up and down
(the picture above shows the flying six directions performance of MR2 actor Bando Minosuke in One Piece Kabuki)
Because Oda designed the official positions of Kaido's subordinates, the "big sign" refers to Japanese Kabuki famous actors in.
"Shen Da ち" is the highest level in Japanese rakugo, and it all comes from Japanese folk art.
So the original text of Fei Liubao can best express Oda's thoughts here. After all, these things in
are not available in China, so there is no conventional translation.Before
, Oda also had a self-made word, which is the title of episode 800, "Zubun no Cup"
. The word comes from the "parent and child cup" that the Japanese gangsters drank as sworn brothers. Jinbei and Auntie also mentioned this thing.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

In fact, it is in the plot Luffy didn't want to accept the younger brother, but he didn't drink the wine to recognize the boss,
, and those captains forced him to become Luffy's younger brother, so he drank the wine to recognize the younger brother,
, so the title was only half of it. .
is easy to translate because the meaning is simple and clear.

The second thing is that I actually don’t understand Japanese. Of course, it’s not that I don’t understand it at all. It’s just that I don’t study systematically and of course I can’t translate by myself. I have to ask others for help. I’m lucky because I have been doing discussi - DayDayNews

In addition, there are also misunderstandings caused by some previous wrong translations. For example, here, Dongli's version is
"It's okay if the first target is not Shanks."
and the original text is Luffy's thoughts "The first target is not Shanks." ", his first target was the red-haired one. The translation of
just changed Luffy's thoughts by 180 degrees. It affects our judgment of Luffy's character. Translation errors such as
affect very subtle understanding. In fact, regarding the calibration of OP’s Chinese translation,.
is really dozens or hundreds of times as simple as mentioned above, but in fact, it mainly has a greater impact on people like me who have requirements for the accuracy of the translation of the plot.
has always been focused on Chinese translation. The group is researching
, so I only wait until everyone has stopped doing it before writing such an article to avoid being said to put down the bowl and scold my mother. .
I just want to say one thing about these translation issues, that is, "What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong."
does not need to bring other ideas to deal with these issues, and avoid preconceptions.
will look easier in the future.

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