As we all know, whether in the first part of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" or in the third part of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", when DIO sends people to intercept Da Qiao and Da Qiao's descendants, he always likes to kill one of his subordinates. One person is sent out to perform a t

2024/07/0117:42:33 hotcomm 1986

As we all know, whether in the first part of "jojo's Bizarre Adventure " or in the third part of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", DIO always likes to kill Da Qiao and his descendants when they send people to kill them. His subordinates were sent out to perform tasks one by one, or at most two people.

As a result, DIO and his subordinates were repeatedly beaten by Joestar Joe and his descendants.

Why is Dior so particular? Is Dior also a gentleman? Why does he always send his men to intercept and kill Jojo one by one? Isn't it good to swarm him?

As we all know, whether in the first part of


In the first part of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", DIO, who had just become a vampire, was alone and did not have many subordinates, so it made sense that the number of subordinates DIO sent out to intercept Da Qiao and others was not many.

But by the third part of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", DIO had countless men, but why did he always send his men to deal with Jojo one by one.

You must know that DIO is not a "fastidious" gentleman. DIO is the root of evil.

Moreover, the two stand-in messengers who were initially sent by DIO to intercept Joseph and Kujo Jotaro became good friends with Jotaro.

As we all know, whether in the first part of

Bobo who was sent by DIO to intercept Jotaro

For example, Kakyoin who was first sent by DIO to intercept Jotaro, and Bobo who was the second sent by DIO to intercept and kill Jotaro, and Bobo who was the second one sent by DIO, are both waiting with Jotaro. After a fight, he became Jotaro's good friend and became the backbone of the DIO team.

DIO, the cruel and cunning origin of evil and the savior of evil?

asked if it was a slap in the face.

This is simply a help sent from a thousand miles away.

As we all know, whether in the first part of

After Kakyoin

was sent by DIO to intercept and kill Jotaro, DIO still did not learn his lesson and still sent out substitutes with various abilities one by one to intercept (improve) the ability to kill (promote) Jotaro and others.

This allowed Jotaro, who could only call Platinum Star to run errands and get things at the beginning, become more and more proficient in mastering the abilities of his stand-in.

makes everyone in the DIO team cooperate more and more tacitly.

With the help of these stand-in teachers sent by DIO, Jotaro and others also greatly improved their success rate in defeating DIO. Everyone knows the ending of

, eat me as a steamroller! I am DIO's DIO ended in failure.

As we all know, whether in the first part of

DIO’s stand-in

Logically speaking, DIO is not an ordinary villain.

DIO is also the hope of evil people. DIO should not make such a stupid move against Jotaro.

So, what is the reason that made DIO make such a series of decisions that made him stupid?

This is because DIO has been deeply influenced by the "gentleman" spirit in Da Qiao's body since his resurrection in the third part, and thus lost the reason that "insidious DIO" should have.

As we all know, whether in the first part of

DIO has benefited Jotaro and others a lot

From this, it seems that DIO has taken over Jo's nest, and Dio has taken over Da Jo's body, becoming a more powerful existence.

But in fact, it is probably the "Headless Gentleman" Da Qiao, who used his headless body to occupy DIO's head.

Therefore, DIO's occupation of Jo's nest was the real cause of Dio's defeat. In that battle a hundred years ago, Da Qiao was the ultimate winner.

Do you think DIO took over Da Qiao’s body, or did Da Qiao take over DIO’s head?

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