According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced "high-end" vaccines were sent to Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration for testing long before they obtained emergency use

2024/07/0116:48:33 hotcomm 1103

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Reporter Kang Bohao] According to Taiwan’s Zhongshi News Network on the 3rd, in response to questions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan’s self-produced “high-end” vaccines were delivered long before the emergency use authorization (EUA) was obtained. When Taiwan's "Food and Drug Administration" inspected it, Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong clarified yesterday (2nd) that "there is a risk of failure in making cakes, let alone high-tech products." In this regard, the island Zhao Shaokang, a senior domestic media person, criticized it and made nonsense. Some netizens on the island even said that vaccines are related to people's life and death, and green camp politicians actually used "cake" as a dispensable food as a metaphor, treating people as idiots.

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Screenshot of a report from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network

According to reports, regarding the mass production of "high-end" vaccines without passing the EUA, Chen Shizhong claimed at a press conference yesterday (2nd) that, as usual, mass production will only begin after EUA inspection and registration. It takes about three to four months, or even half a year, to produce the EUA, which means that the EUA will lose the "public health emergency benefit", so the "government" will first ask the manufacturer to do it first, and then use pre-purchase to help the manufacturer share the risk , make preparations for mass production first. If the EUA fails, the "government" will pay for the materials.

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong (file photo)

Chen Shizhong claimed, "Sometimes even making a cake may fail, not to mention that vaccines are high-tech products." As long as there is a slight error, it will not pass and the relevant processes must be constantly revised. Therefore, during pre-purchase, the manufacturer first mass-produces, "we will check step by step."

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Zhao Shaokang, a senior media person on the island. Picture from Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Regarding this, Zhao Shaokang said in an interview with "Zhongtian News" yesterday, what does this mean? If a cake is spoiled, you can make it again, and you won't die if you eat it. But vaccines are meant to be administered to people, so how can you use cakes as a metaphor for vaccines? It's completely nondescript.

Zhao Shaokang said bluntly that even eating food can cause food poisoning and cause serious consequences, not to mention medicines. If you are not careful, you will be harmed for life, and you may have sequelae in your life. How can you not be cautious. So how can it be like a cake, just messing around and talking about something.

Regarding Chen Shizhong's metaphor of making cakes as a metaphor for vaccine mass production, some netizens on the island said: Do you really want to treat the Taiwanese people as guinea pigs? You said that any product may fail? Can you take responsibility for failure? ↓

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

This netizen said They also questioned, "The overlord is forcing his bow? Not in compliance with the principle of proportionality? Not in compliance with the procurement procedures? Regardless of people's lives? What is slapped on the body so carelessly?" ↓

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Some netizens criticized, "Vaccines are related to people's life and death, but there are actually Politicians use dispensable foods like 'frozen chicken legs' and 'cakes' to cover up metaphors about vaccines, in an attempt to downplay the importance of vaccines and treat people as idiots." ↓

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Some netizens said, "Then call that politician. Just hit the cake to prevent COVID-19 (new coronavirus pneumonia)! However, he should step down before hitting the cake! "↓

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Some netizens angrily said, "People can do anything if they are shameless." ↓

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Another netizen lamented: It is terrible for politicians of this level to "govern". Where can there be such nonsense officials? sorrow. ↓

According to reports from Taiwan's China News Network on the 3rd, in response to suspicions from all walks of life on the island that Taiwan's self-produced

Coincidentally, the same controversy is about vaccines. According to previous reports, Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Tseng-chang used "ordering frozen chicken legs" as a metaphor for purchasing vaccines during an inquiry at the "Legislative Yuan" on June 9: The "government" controlled the epidemic very poorly last year. Hershey made early arrangements to order the vaccine, but it was like ordering frozen chicken legs. The buyer ordered the chicken legs and the manufacturer told them when they would arrive. However, the manufacturer did not produce them and the distributor did not deliver them. "Then you (will) scold yourself for ordering?" The remarks made Yang Qiongying, a "legislator" of the Kuomintang, "speechless" after hearing them. Former Kuomintang Chairman Hong Xiuzhu retorted that dozens of lives are being lost every day, "human lives cannot be exchanged for chicken legs."

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