According to a report from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network on the 31st, when the epidemic broke out in Taiwan, the Epidemic Command Center once claimed that there was no problem of insufficient medical capacity. However, a video circulated on the Internet. Simple sheds were set up

2024/07/0116:32:33 hotcomm 1965

Source: Global Network

[ Global Network Reporter Yin Yanhui] According to Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network reported on the 31st, the epidemic broke out in Taiwan. The Epidemic Command Center once claimed that there was no problem of insufficient medical capacity. However, a video was circulated on the Internet. A simple tent was set up outside the emergency room of Taipei Hospital in Xinzhuang, Beijing City. Many patients were lying under the tent, one bed after another. The scene was shocking. After seeing it, many netizens angrily criticized the Democratic Progressive Party authorities for "not having the problem of insufficient capacity." As the saying goes, "Going to the emergency room in person is a hell on earth."

According to a report from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network on the 31st, when the epidemic broke out in Taiwan, the Epidemic Command Center once claimed that there was no problem of insufficient medical capacity. However, a video circulated on the Internet. Simple sheds were set up - DayDayNews

Screenshot of a Taiwanese media report

reported that late at night on the 30th, a video was circulated on the island's online forum PTT. Outside the emergency room of Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare Taipei Hospital" in Xinzhuang, a simple temporary shed was set up, and a bed was laid under the shed. There are patients in one bed. Although there are movable curtains to separate the patients, they look very crude. It is lamentable that many medical institutions, including National Taiwan University and North City United Medical Center, have issued distress calls on Facebook, but "Weifu Minister Chen Shizhong only responded by saying that the medical capacity is indeed tight and has not collapsed. Shi Chongliang, deputy director of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, also claimed that the medical capacity is sufficient and there is no problem in hospital admission.

According to a report from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network on the 31st, when the epidemic broke out in Taiwan, the Epidemic Command Center once claimed that there was no problem of insufficient medical capacity. However, a video circulated on the Internet. Simple sheds were set up - DayDayNews

Patients in a temporary tent outside the emergency room of Taipei Hospital (Photo source: China Times News Network)

China Times News Network noticed that many netizens couldn’t help but criticize after seeing the video, "Chen Shizhong didn’t dare to go to the front line to watch it." ", "This is hell on earth", "This 'government' is really crazy", "Chen Shizhong is still being tough", etc. Some netizens also suggested that "it would be faster to renovate the idle gymnasium".

In response to this, You Bingxun, director of the hospital's emergency department, also responded on PTT, saying that treating patients outdoors can minimize the amount of viruses outdoors.

And does this mean there are not enough hospital beds? Taipei Hospital responded, "The medical capacity can be very tight, and no hospital dares to say that it has hospital beds now." In addition, hospital administrative staff have also invested in some medical administrative work.

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