According to the Japan Jiji News Agency, on July 13, local time, according to a source from the "Abe faction", the largest faction of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, the faction will not have a new leader, and will instead be led by seven people including former General Af

2024/07/0114:48:32 hotcomm 1509

( Observer Network News) Japan Jiji News Agency reported that on July 13, local time, according to relevant sources of the "Abe Faction" (Seiwa Policy Research Association), the largest faction of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party , the faction will not have a new leader. , changed to a collective leadership system formed by , Shiotani, and other 7 people, the former general affairs chairman.

According to the Japan Jiji News Agency, on July 13, local time, according to a source from the

Screenshot of Jiji News Agency report

The person said that the senior leaders of the "Abe faction" discussed and decided on this matter at a meeting on July 11, on the grounds that there was no suitable successor within the faction, and in order to maintain the centripetal force of the faction and avoid chaos , the name " abe " will be retained in the faction name.

The source revealed that the "Abe faction" will set up a caretaker group composed of 7 people including former General Affairs Chairman Shiotani Tachibana, and operate under the collective leadership of the group, attaching importance to factional unity and maintaining influence within the party.

According to reports, in addition to Shiotani Tachibana (72 years old), members of the caretaker group also include former policy director and acting president of the Abe faction Shimomura Hirobumi (68 years old), Liberal Democratic Party Senate Secretary-General, Senate Abe faction chairman Hiroshige Nagase (59 years old), Chairman of the Diet Countermeasures Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party and Vice Chairman of the Abe faction, Takeshi Takagi (66 years old), Former Minister of State for Economic Revitalization and Chief of Affairs of the Abe faction Nishimura Yasunomi (59 years old), Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hiroshi (59 years old), Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hagiuda Koichi (58 years old).

According to the Japan Jiji News Agency, on July 13, local time, according to a source from the

Caretaker Group members picture source: Jiji News Agency

Seiwa Policy Research Association, the word "Seiwa" is taken from "Jin Shu" "Zheng Qinghe", the association is mainly composed of the former Democratic Party of the Liberal Democratic Party (Kishi Nobusuke Hatoyama The members of the Ichiro faction initially had an "anti-Yoshida" ( Yoshida Shigeru ) line. They were pro-American and conservative, and had a positive attitude towards issues such as amending the constitution and independent defense. They were relatively hawkish and held a pro-American and anti-communist line during the Cold War. , has always been a major faction of the Liberal Democratic Party. Takeo Fukuda After that, the Seiwa Kaikai has been suppressed by the former Liberal Party faction, the more moderate and conservative Heisei Research Society (now the Motegi faction) and the Hongike Kai (now the Kishida faction), and became a non-mainstream faction. It was not until the establishment of the Koizumi regime in 2001 that Beginning to become mainstream again.

Shinzo Abe his father Shintaro Abe, as well as former prime ministers Takeo Fukuda, Yoshiro Mori, and Junichiro Koizumi have all served as presidents of the association.

It is reported that the "Abe faction" has 93 members of parliament and is the largest faction within the Liberal Democratic Party. In addition to the seven members of the above-mentioned watch group, the representative figures also include former Defense Minister Tomomi Inada, Shinzo Abe's brother, current Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi, Sanae Takaichi, the Liberal Democratic Party Political Consultative Committee Chairman, and the son of former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. Tatsuo Fukuda etc.

According to the Japan Jiji News Agency, on July 13, local time, according to a source from the

On December 6, 2021, Shinzo Abe and others raised a glass of juice at the "Abe faction" political fund-raising meeting. Source: "Mainichi Shimbun"

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