Lu Ping, a doctor at the Malu Town Community Health Center, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off.

2024/07/0113:13:33 hotcomm 1175

The Paper Trainee Reporter Chen Shaoying Reporter Gao Wen

In Jiading District, , Shanghai, a building that was transformed into a centralized medical observation point became a temporary home for "tenants" coming and going.

Lu Ping, a doctor at Community Health Center in Malu Town, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off. During this month, stories big and small happened.

"I have hives all over my body, which is quite annoying"

At eight o'clock in the morning, the phone at the front desk rang.

"Doctor Lu, I suddenly developed a rash." Kunzai (pseudonym) was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, take a picture on WeChat first and show it to me." Lu Ping said.

Judging from the photos Kunzai posted, he had large areas of wheals -like rashes on his body and head. Lu Ping is the deputy chief physician of general practice. Her initial diagnosis was urticaria. However, considering the severity of the sudden urticaria, she immediately sent the photos to Jiading District Central Hospital for consultation with a dermatologist. After the expert prescribed the medicine, the medical staff sent Kunzai the reserved cetirizine and went to the hospital to prepare another medicine.

Lu Ping, a doctor at the Malu Town Community Health Center, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off. - DayDayNews

Medical staff measure the body temperature of the persons under observation. The pictures in this article are all provided by Malu Town Community Health Center

Early the next morning, Kunzai’s condition had not improved. Considering that Kunzai mentioned that he had a related medical history before, but no allergens were found. After Lu Ping received the WeChat message, she quickly contacted the district health committee and arranged for Kunzai to go to the North Branch of Ruijin Hospital for treatment.

Kunzai lives alone in a guest room for medical observation. Sudden physical conditions make him feel irritable from time to time: "Isolation is actually not bad, but it is more annoying to get hives and spread them all over the body."

Lu Ping knows that closed Due to the pressure caused by the space, I sent him a WeChat message to persuade him: "Urticaria is also related to mental stress. There are professional medical staff here, relax."

Kunzai's condition improved after taking medicine, but due to his high emotions and pressure, As soon as the medication was reduced, the urticaria recurred, and the medical staff arranged for him to go to a specialist hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Three times and nine times, when Kunzai left, the urticaria was basically under control, and the isolation observation was smoothly lifted.

Lu Ping told The Paper that emergencies will inevitably occur during the isolation medical observation period, and medical staff will always pay attention to the physical conditions of the "tenants" living here, especially those with chronic diseases. They deliver extra nutritious food to pregnant women who are 28 weeks pregnant; they invite nephrology experts for consultation, buy peritoneal dialysis fluid and recombinant human erythropoietin injection for uremic patients, deal with the condition in a timely manner, and prepare blood pressure monitors for the patients. During the self-test, the note read "We will win the battle against the epidemic, let's work hard together."

Lu Ping, a doctor at the Malu Town Community Health Center, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off. - DayDayNews

Medical staff prepare blood pressure monitors for uremia patients.

"I really suspect that I am infected"

"Dr. Lu, I really suspect that I am infected, but there are just no symptoms in the early stage." Ms. Li sent a WeChat message to Lu Ping.

At about 7 o'clock that evening, Ms. Li coughed up phlegm and suddenly found blood streaks in the phlegm. Thinking that I had a history of traveling to Wuhan, my nerves suddenly became tense.

Lu Ping listened to Ms. Li's description, "There are no obvious symptoms of new coronary pneumonia. Let's take medicine first." So she comforted Ms. Li and gave her some oral medicine.

The next day, Ms. Li's physical condition improved. However, at 10 o'clock in the evening, she coughed up blood-streaked sputum again. "Is this really bad?" Coupled with some gastrointestinal discomfort, Ms. Li was very frightened. .

Although the medical staff judged that Ms. Li's symptoms were caused by mild bronchitis, they should not be careless. Overnight, medical staff sent Ms. Li to Jiading District Central Hospital. The hospital performed a CT scan and routine blood tests on Ms. Li. Fortunately, the possibility of being infected with COVID-19 was ruled out. When

picked her up, it was already 2:30 in the morning.

"We can all understand the emotions of anxiety and panic." Lu Ping said, "Positive psychological hints and adjustments are also important."

"I think it is viral. If I take medicine for ordinary bronchitis, it will be cured soon..." "Will anything happen when the quarantine is about to expire? Faced with Ms. Li's various anxieties, Lu Ping comforted her: "Everything is fine after the examination. If you are worried, you can check again. Everything will be fine." I have been too tired these days and have a sore throat. Like you, I feel better after taking medicine. "

Ms. Li finally breathed a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed.

After the medical observation was lifted, Ms. Li left a message to Lu Ping on WeChat: "I have returned home and everything is fine. "

It is not easy to be "smooth".

"What we need to do is to ensure that they can leave here smoothly and healthily. " Lu Ping said. 14 days is neither long nor short, but it is not easy to be "stable".

Lu Ping, a doctor at the Malu Town Community Health Center, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off. - DayDayNews

The observed person silently ordered milk tea and gave it to the medical staff and staff.

Someone brought some fresh food. When the meat returned to Shanghai, they were worried that the quality of the meat would go bad; some people asked to leave early because they had to go to work; some people asked to go home for isolation because of allergic constitution; some people had a 2-year-old child who needed special care; and some people were undergoing medical treatment. Observing, I silently ordered more than 20 cups of milk tea for medical staff and staff. The note on the takeout order said: "Thank you for your hard work, dear brothers and sisters!" Happy Lantern Festival! "

Lu Ping, a doctor at the Malu Town Community Health Center, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off. - DayDayNews

Daily protection of medical staff.

Recalling the beginning of the work at the observation point, Lu Ping sighed: "When we first started working at the isolation point, everyone had little experience, and the division of labor was not very detailed. "On January 25, the Malu Town Community Health Service Center received an order to enter the centralized medical observation point. On the same day, the team was assembled and 16 medical staff moved in. They were not only responsible for medical observation, but also responsible for room service, meal delivery, cleaning, Maintenance, garbage removal and other work. According to epidemic prevention requirements, the belongings of the residents can only be transported through the stairs. They carry the garbage down layer by layer, and the clothes inside are wet and dry.

Lu Ping, a doctor at the Malu Town Community Health Center, is the person in charge of the observation point. Starting from January 26, she has lived here every day except for a day off. - DayDayNews

Medical care. A staff member gave a birthday gift to a child.

“Later, more volunteers, security guards, police officers, and joint service personnel joined our team, and the division of responsibilities became clearer, and we were responsible for professional work. "Lu Ping introduced that in order to soothe the emotions of the residents, doctors and social workers from the Jiading Mental Health Center intervened in advance and issued warm notices to each person to let everyone know the meaning of isolation and provide psychological counseling. On the child's birthday, mental health The medical staff at the center sent them suitable toys and stationery, and wrote: "I'm sorry that the babies have to spend this birthday here. I wish your family a happy special birthday! Wish you health and peace! "

" There are really many twists and turns in the story, but fortunately, there are no dangers, and everyone is healthy and out of isolation. " Lu Ping said.

Editor: Wang Yi

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