Hangzhou implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual businesses in the city to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize

2024/07/0109:29:33 hotcomm 1773
Hangzhou implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual businesses in the city to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize  - DayDayNewsHangzhou implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual businesses in the city to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize  - DayDayNews

Hangzhou has implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage the city's small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual industrial and commercial households to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize employees, and survive the difficulties.

On the basis of the implementation of the unemployment insurance stabilization and return of unemployment insurance in 2021, the unemployment insurance policy to assist enterprises will be further strengthened. As of July 9, our city has directly issued a one-time job training subsidy of 31.602 billion yuan to qualified enterprises through the "enjoy without application" method, benefiting 3.2043 million employees.

Which companies are eligible? What are the distribution standards? Has our unit’s subsidy been approved? Regarding the one-time job retention training subsidy, everything you want to know is here

1. What are the applicable objects and conditions for the one-time job retention training subsidy?

Answer: The objects and conditions for the one-time job retention training subsidy are small, medium and micro enterprises in urban areas that participate in unemployment insurance in accordance with the law and pay unemployment insurance premiums in full, 22 enterprises in difficult industries, and individual industrial and commercial households insured in the form of units. Among them, labor dispatch companies must promise to have reached an agreement with the employer on the distribution of returned funds. Social groups, foundations, social service agencies, law firms, and accounting firms shall refer to this implementation. The applicable objects and conditions for Tonglu County , Jiande City and Chun'an County shall be implemented in accordance with local policies.

Seriously dishonest enterprises and "zombie enterprises" are not included in the scope of subsidies. The

22 difficult industries are subject to the corresponding industry codes. See Appendix 1 for the specific industry list and corresponding industry codes. The industry code is implemented in accordance with the "National Economic Industry Classification and Code" (GB/T4754-2017) and other relevant regulations, and is based on the employer's industrial and commercial registration information.

2. Can the one-time job retention training subsidy and job stabilization return policy be combined and enjoyed?

can be stacked and enjoyed.

3. How to determine the standard of one-time job retention training subsidy?

Answer: The unemployment insurance premium will be paid at a rate of 500 yuan per person for each person participating in the unit’s unemployment insurance in April 2022.

For units newly opened after May 2022, the calculation will be based on the number of insured persons paying premiums in the previous month when applying for subsidies.

4. How to apply for a one-time job retention training subsidy? Has our unit’s subsidy been approved?

Answer: Through the province's unified handling system, it will be implemented in batches according to the following channels:

1, Enjoy without application

Insured units that meet the conditions of "Enjoy without application" do not need to apply. The handling department will, according to policy conditions, The data will be compared in batches and a list of units that meet the conditions for return will be screened out. After it is announced that there is no objection, the money will be directly transferred to the unit's public account, or directly returned to the account provided by the tax department for paying social insurance premiums. For the list of units that have passed the review of

and the subsidy amount, please see Appendix 2. Units that implement subsequent batches of

, please wait patiently. will continue to pay attention to the "Hangzhou People's Society" WeChat official account.

2, Self-declaration

After the subsidy is basically completed for the insured units that meet the conditions of "no need to apply", self-declaration will be carried out. At present, since the "enjoyment without application" is still in progress, the independent declaration of has not yet started . Please continue to pay attention to this official account for the launch time of independent declaration. At that time, eligible urban units that have not found the public information can apply online or apply to the agency in the current unemployment insurance participating place. When a labor dispatch enterprise declares independently, it must promise that it has reached an agreement with the employer on the allocation of funds.

5. When will the one-time job retention training subsidy be implemented?

Answer: The application period for the one-time job retention training subsidy is as of December 31, 2022.

Warm reminder

◆The same unit can only enjoy one job retention training subsidy, and those who meet the conditions can also enjoy the unemployment insurance stable job return.

◆ If the unit applies for deferral of payment in accordance with regulations (payment of personal unemployment insurance premiums for employees must be in place) or if the unemployment insurance premiums have not been paid for more than one month, you can apply to enjoy it.

◆ Improve anti-fraud awareness: Our city’s online application channels for one-time job retention training subsidies have been certified by the human resources and social security department.During the policy implementation process, the human resources and social security department will send text messages with the processing results and other content. There will be no links and text will be used to explain the path. Please be careful to identify them to avoid being deceived!

Attachment 1: List of 22 difficult industries and corresponding industry codes

Attachment 2: List of units that have passed the review and subsidy amounts

(Attachment 2 can be viewed by clicking "Read the original text" in the lower left corner of WeChat)

Attachment 1

Hangzhou implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual businesses in the city to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize  - DayDayNewsHangzhou implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual businesses in the city to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize  - DayDayNews

Information: Hangzhou Employment Management Service Center

Hangzhou implemented a one-time job retention training subsidy for the first time to encourage small, medium and micro enterprises, enterprises in difficult industries and individual businesses in the city to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic, retain jobs, stabilize  - DayDayNews

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