As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things!

2024/07/0109:13:32 hotcomm 1725

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things!

For example, how big is the blue whale? How scary is a volcanic eruption? The following set of pictures clearly explain what it means to be ignorant, and you will be shocked when you compare them!

Australia is isolated from other continents, and species have their own unique evolutionary rules. For example, this earthworm is longer than a girl's legs... What a big fish to catch!

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The container ship that blocked the Suez Canal some time ago, with its huge hull of 400 meters long and 59 meters wide, formed a sharp contrast with the excavators that were clearing it...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The solar power station in the Atacama Desert in Chile may look like it from the air It's not that big. A close comparison revealed that the area of ​​a photovoltaic module may be larger than your home...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Real murderers in reality. vs. the actors who play them in movies. I have to admire Hollywood movie casting and makeup skills.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Photos from the set of the movie "The Lord of the Rings", Frodo actor Elijah Wood and his stuntman Kiran Shah are compared, the two are coordinating their postures.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

In order to facilitate shooting some close-up shots, the crew of the movie "The Lord of the Rings" specially built a giant Lord of the Rings!

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

As a giant raptor, the bald eagle can reach a body length of 1 meter and a wingspan of two meters, and the size of its nest is enough to accommodate large prey...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

In 1800, the French battleship Genieux was captured by the British army The French tricolor flag on the flag is 15 meters long and 8 meters wide. In the old naval war era, the smoke produced by the cannons would seriously affect the line of sight. In order to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, such giant flags were not uncommon.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

As the largest animal in the world: the blue whale, compare it with human divers. The painting style looks like this...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Why is South Africa one of the countries with the largest gap between rich and poor in the world? Overlooking Cape Town from the air, there are villas, swimming pools, and football on one side, and dense slums on the other...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Chimpanzee's fingers have fingerprints similar to humans... So the question is, can chimpanzees use fingerprints to unlock mobile phones...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Peel With the protective layer of Gigabit speed optical fiber, it is unimaginable that this thing as thick as a hair can transmit such a large amount of data...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The street lights we see every day, if we are not in close contact with them, we will not realize that they are actually So big!

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

In 2018, a comparison was made before and after the eruption of the Krakatau volcano in Indonesia. The volcano was almost completely flattened, and the submarine landslide also caused a tsunami in the Sunda Strait of Indonesia.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

In 1945, the US military took comparative photos of Hiroshima, Japan, before and after it was cleaned by a nuclear bomb, except for a few Outside the main streets and bridges, there are almost no traces of the cities between...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Comparison of the pyramids in the ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico, before and after they were restored. There may be many undiscovered ancient ruins in Central America, a strange thing in the jungle The mound may be a pyramid...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Down feathers of birds.vs. flight feathers. It can be seen that the flight feathers are very tough and strong, and are more adapted to flying in the wind

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Wild killer whales in the ocean.vs. Captive by humans This is caused by killer whales chewing pool concrete due to excessive pressure...According to statistics, this phenomenon is not uncommon...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

How serious is light pollution in today's cities? This is a starry sky photo taken at the same location during the 2003 blackout in the United States and Canada... No wonder early human civilizations were so obsessed with the starry sky...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

How much impact does terrain have on weather and climate? If you stand on the top of Mont Blanc in Italy, you can see two completely different weather conditions!

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Due to different lighting systems, even today, decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the former dividing line between East and West Berlin can still be seen from space.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Ordinary glass. vs. museum glass. Museum glass not only has an anti-reflective layer, but also has the function of filtering ultraviolet rays to prevent bleaching.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Normal blood (right). vs. blood with venom from the Australian Eastern Brown Snake, the second most venomous terrestrial snake in the world. Its venom contains thrombin, which causes blood coagulation.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Pour river water from one place into two tanks. After 24 hours, the one containing freshwater mussels became clear, while the ordinary one did not.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

Giant bamboos in the cloud forests of Southeast Asia, at first glance, I thought they were coming. Lilliput...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The terms of registration for major social media sites, the length comparison after printing, the longest is instagram, you never know what you agreed to in the agreement...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The evolution of civil jet engine size, Douglas DC8.vs.Boeing777

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

How scary are the grizzly bear’s paws? This is how humans look in front of it. An adult grizzly bear can reach 1600KG in a full blow and can easily break the back of a bison...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The hands of this year's NBA championship FMVP Antetokounmpo vs. the hands of ordinary people , the length of its giant palm reaches an astonishing 30 centimeters, almost twice as long as that of ordinary people!

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

A comparison of the road resources occupied by the same number of people using different means of transportation... Now you know why public transportation is advocated! !

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparisons. There are many things in this world. Only through comparison can you see the differences and changes, and only through comparison can you have a clear understanding of things! - DayDayNews

The world is so amazing, but we still know so little!

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