The TV series "Sweeping Crime Storm" starring Sun Honglei, Liu Yijun, and Zhang Yixing has come to an end, but the ending is somewhat hasty. Why do you say that? There is also what Luo Shanhe said at the reception banquet that the celebration banquet had no solution in the end. N

2024/06/3016:05:32 hotcomm 1086

Sun Honglei , Liu Yijun , Zhang Yixing The TV series " Anti-Crime Storm " has concluded, but the finale is somewhat hasty. Why do you say that? In the end, although Gao Mingyuan and Sun Xing were sentenced to death, Wang Zheng, He Yun, Wu Shuangling, etc. were arrested, and Cao Peng, Dong Yao, etc. were also punished, there were still many holes that had not been filled, and many villains who had appeared before had not been punished. Grasp.

The TV series

The TV series

Speaking of pitfalls, for example, who is Sun Xing’s real father, and what is the secret behind Batonglou? What happened to the Xiaomin family that Suodong visited privately before? There is also what Luo Shanhe said at the reception banquet that there was no solution in the end. Not only that, there is no sign of the love process between Huang Xi and Lin Hao. Who are the people behind Gao Mingyuan and Wang Zheng? These endings have become unknown.

The TV series

The TV series

And who is the villain who was not caught? In fact, when Luo Shanhe came to Zhongjiang, he was received by many Zhongjiang leaders, and many villains appeared at the reception banquet, at least nine. First of all, the first one is Wang Zheng. We don’t need to say more about this. Wang Zheng was eventually arrested. Although I don’t know how to judge, it should not have any good results.

The TV series

The TV series

And the second one is Dong Yao. As the head of Shimen District , he was very low-key and humble when he appeared on the occasion. He said that he was only doing reception work, but later with the exposure of Gao Mingyuan's series of things , his murder of Mai Zili was also found out, and Dong Yao was eventually arrested, but he finally confessed to Gao Mingyuan, which can be regarded as meritorious service.

The TV series

The third one is He Yun. As the deputy director of Luteng City’s Public Security Bureau and the director of the Anti-Crime Office, He Yun has a very important position, but she was defiled and gave birth to Sun Xing. In order to keep Sun Xing’s In order to save her life, she had no choice but to join Gao Mingyuan's camp. Later, when Sun Xing was arrested, she surrendered and confessed what she had done with Gao Mingyuan.

The TV series

In addition to these three people who were arrested, there were actually many people present at the time. Unfortunately, they were not arrested in the end. Xie Zhonglin made it very clear. When Suodong mentioned that the outside world had negative comments about Luteng City, This man was unhappy on the spot, and Wang Zheng went out of his way to excuse him. It was obvious that the two were in the same group, but he was fine in the end.

The TV series

The TV series

In addition, when Luo Shanhe and others entered the banquet hall, three people were very nervous at the time. None of these three people had names. Two of them were sitting at a table. When they saw Luo Shanhe coming, they all stared at him, and then The two made eye contact for a moment, then lowered their heads. There was another person at another table of who also kept staring in the direction of the supervision team, looking suspicious.

The TV series

The TV series

Of course, there are three most critical ones, that is, He Yong called Suodong. After Suodong stood up, two pairs of eyes stared at him. These two are not simple. When Luo Shanhe mentioned Ma Shuai, Someone at a table broke a plate, and the banquet became quiet on the spot. Then the waiter ran over to collect the broken plates. Xie Zhonglin answered Luo Shanhe's question and diverted his attention. The person who smashed the plate should be a dark-haired man. The man, not young, but not too old either, about forty or fifty years old, threw the plate. I don’t know if he was nervous or scared, but he didn’t explain in the end.

The TV series

The TV series

The TV series

It is unknown whether Wu Shuangling, Wu Tiande and others attended this banquet, but in addition to Dong Yao, Wang Zheng, and He Yun who were arrested, there were four other nine villains at this banquet. Did they escape? Personally, I think there is a big boss behind them, so we can only wait for the second season.

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