Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers

2024/06/2902:22:32 hotcomm 1704

has something new!

Zhai Tianlin I don’t know CNKI incident is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball. First, he was questioned for not having written the paper, and then the paper was found to be plagiarized from Professor Huang Lihua’s 2006 article published in the "Journal of Huangshan University". It was found to be fake by the original author himself.

Now, the media has revealed that the duplication rate of Zhai Tianlin’s master’s thesis is as high as 36.2%! The most plagiarized paragraph actually came from Chen Kun's undergraduate thesis.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

The title of Zhai Tianlin's master's degree thesis is ""Heroes" are originally "ordinary people" - On the heroic image and human nature in performance creation."

In the thank-you part of this paper, Zhai Tianlin thanked his mentor Chen Yu, as well as other mentors who taught him during his undergraduate and graduate studies and classmates who helped him.

Interestingly, in this serious list of acknowledgments, Zhai Tianlin still typed the name of his mentor incorrectly, calling him Chen Yi.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

Through CNKI’s duplication check, we found that the duplication rate exceeded that of Zhai Tianlin’s master’s thesis, which was as high as 36.2%.

According to the relevant regulations of Beijing Film Academy , if the similarity ratio of a graduate's graduation thesis is between 30% (inclusive) and 60%, then the dissertation will be deemed to have failed the test and will generally be postponed for defense.

But Zhai Tianlin's thesis successfully passed his graduation defense and allowed him to successfully obtain a doctorate.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

What is even more shocking is that the number of repeated words in Zhai Tianlin’s paper of more than 30,000 words has exceeded 10,000.

Moreover, the part with the most repeated text fragments was plagiarized from Chen Kun’s undergraduate thesis!

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

Chen Kun's graduation thesis is called "My Views on Personalized Performance", which he wrote when he graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2000.

This paper is currently included in a Beijing Film Academy textbook. In addition to Chen Kun's paper, there are also papers written by famous actors such as Zhang Fengyi, Wang Zhiwen, and Xu Qing when they graduated.

What’s amazing is that one of the chief editors of this book is Chen Yu, Zhai Tianlin’s graduate advisor.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

According to Chen Kun’s fans, Chen Kun’s undergraduate thesis was revised over and over again by squeezing out time every day during his breaks in filming.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

Netizens also believe that in 2000, when the Internet was still underdeveloped, Chen Kun's paper should not be fraudulent.

Unexpectedly, Zhai Tianlin copied it all over his senior brother's head.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

It is worth mentioning that Zhai Tianlin’s master’s degree program was recommended.

When Chen Yu served as a graduate tutor, he was only responsible for Zhai Tianlin. It was he who allowed Zhai Tianlin to pass the graduation defense for his thesis that had a plagiarism check rate and did not meet the school's standards.

Zhai Tianlin's Ignorant CNKI incident snowballed and became bigger and bigger. First, he was questioned for not having written a thesis. Then the paper was uncovered and found to be plagiarized from an article published by Professor Huang Lihua in the Journal of Huangshan Univers - DayDayNews

Previously, Zhai Tianlin appeared in a low-key manner after the paper incident, looking gloomy.

He even posted on Weibo 139 times in 4 days, which shows that he was really panicked. Netizen

suggested that Zhai Tianlin only has one option now: apologizing before things get too serious.

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