Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and

2024/06/2717:39:35 hotcomm 1090

Linxia Prefecture Greening and landscaping suggestions tree species, grass species and flowers

Linxia Prefecture Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Gansu Province

Plant species meaning

Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and new leaves grow every year. Some of the old leaves also fall off when they emerge. Since they are renewed one after another, they remain evergreen all year round.

Deciduous trees: refers to trees whose leaves all fall off every autumn and winter or in the dry season. Due to short days, the internal auxin decreases and abscisic acid increases, resulting in the formation of abscission layers.

Herbaceous plants: The stems of herbaceous plants contain few woody cells, and the whole plant or above-ground parts are easy to wilt or die, such as chrysanthemums, lilies, impatiens, etc.

Vines: Plants with long stems that cannot stand upright and climb upward by leaning on other objects are called vines.

Ground cover, also known as ground cover, is the layer of moss and lichen growing close to the ground at the bottom of the plant community.

Current status of flower and shrub seedlings across the state

In recent years, Linxia Prefecture Committee and State Government have attached great importance to the construction of seedling bases, taking the seedling industry as an effective way to adjust the industrial structure and promote farmers' income increase, based on the actual situation of Linxia, ​​market-oriented, and structural adjustment As the main line, we adhere to the seedling cultivation method that combines state-owned, collective, and individual cultivation, and promote the orderly development of flower and shrub seedling construction with Linxia City as the focus. According to statistics, the total area of ​​flower and shrub seedling bases in Quanzhou is 2,243.6 acres, with about 65 tree species and a yield of about 20.112 million seedlings. According to ownership: The state-owned nursery area is 202 acres, accounting for 9% of the total area, and the number of seedlings produced is about 308,000; the private nursery area is 20.416 million acres, accounting for 91% of the total area, and the number of seedlings is about 19.804 million. According to nursery tree species: There are about 14.569 million garden beautification tree species mainly including peony, peony, four-season rose, rose, wisteria, etc.; mainly crabapple, lilac, magnolia, Japanese cherry blossom, elm leaf plum. There are approximately 1.853 million landscape garden tree species including , Purple-leaf plum, golden leaf elm, and Five-pointed maple ; there are approximately 3.69 million herbaceous flowers including Babao Sedum, Cosmos, lupine, and iris. strain. By county and city: Linxia City 1.374 million plants, Jishishan County 366,000 plants, Linxia County 5.774 million plants, Kangle County Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews.814 million plants, Hezheng County 3.614 million plants, Yongjing County 2.153 million plants, There are 317,000 html plants in Dongxiang County.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

deciduous tree

Sophora japonica

Sophora japonica (Sophorajaponica Linn.) Leguminosae . Deciduous tree, flowering and fruiting period from June to November. Sophora japonica is a good greening tree species, often used as a shade tree and street tree, and has certain economic and medicinal value.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Sophora japonica

Sophora japonica (Robinia pseudoacacia cv. idaho) Leguminosae. It is a deciduous tree, a variant of Robinia acacia, with red flowers that are richly fragrant and very spectacular and beautiful. The fragrant locust tree has luxuriant leaves, an open canopy, a straight trunk, and a spectacular tree scene. The whole tree is naturally open, and the tree is vigorous and tall, and has excellent ornamental value.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Platanus: (Platanus spp.) also known as British plane tree, deciduous tree. The trunk is straight, the bark is smooth and peeling; the young branches have yellowish-brown hair; the old branches are smooth and reddish-brown. The leaves are large, broadly oval or palmate, 10-22 cm wide and 10-21 cm long. It likes a humid and warm climate and is more tolerant of cold. It is an ideal landscaping and street tree species.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Torch tree

Torch tree (hus Typhina) Anacardiaceae. Deciduous shrubs or small trees. It likes light, is cold-tolerant, has strong adaptability to soil, tolerates drought and barrenness, water and humidity, and salt and alkali.The root system is well developed and the sprouting ability is strong.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is a plant of the Fabaceae family and the genus Robinia. Deciduous tree, 10-25 meters tall; bark gray-brown to dark brown. Black locust has a shallow and well-developed root system, strong adaptability, and is an excellent sand-fixing and soil-preserving tree species.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) is a large deciduous tree in the Ginkgo family. Ginkgo has certain ornamental value. The ginkgo tree is tall and straight, with fan-shaped leaves, elegant leaf shape, tall tree body, straight trunk, graceful posture, green in spring and summer, and golden in late autumn. It is an ideal garden greening and street tree species. It can be used in landscaping, sidewalks, highways, and field netting, and is an ideal tree species for windbreak belts.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Ulmus pumila

Ulmus pumila 'Jinye') in the Ulmus family. It is a deciduous tree with golden leaves, oval leaves, slightly shorter than ordinary white elm leaves; the leaf margins are serrated, the leaf tips are tapered, and they grow alternately on the branches. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruiting period is from April to May. Cold-resistant, drought-resistant and adaptable, it is currently the most widely used among the color leaf tree species .

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Ulmus pumila L.

Ulmus pumila L.). Deciduous tree with upright trunk, many spreading branches, and nearly spherical or oval crown. It likes light, is drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, and barren. It does not care about soil and has strong adaptability. It is an excellent material for making bonsai.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Ulmus pumila Jinye

Ulmus pumila Jinye (Ulmus pumila Jinye). Deciduous tree, a variety of Ulmus elm. The leaves are golden and bright, with natural luster, which is particularly eye-catching. The trunk is straight, the branches are drooping, slender and soft, the crown is round and fluffy, the shape is beautiful, and it can be trimmed into balls. It is suitable for garden viewing, greening of highways and roadside trees, and can also be used as a hedge. It is an excellent ornamental for landscaping and planting. species.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Steamed bun willow

Steamed bun willow (Salix matsudana var. matsudana f. umbraculifera Rehd.) Salicaceae. It is a type of willow tree, so named because its tree shape resembles a steamed bun. The branches are dense, the ends are slightly neat, the crown is semi-circular, shaped like a steamed bun, it likes light, is cold-resistant, drought-resistant, water-humidity tolerant, pruning-resistant, has strong adaptability and good shading effect. It is the main afforestation and landscaping tree species in the north.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Weeping willow

Weeping willow (scientific name: Salix babylonica L.) is a tall deciduous tree with wide distribution and strong vitality. It is one of the common tree species. Weeping willow is also a commonly used street tree in landscaping. It is relatively cold-resistant and particularly resistant to water and moisture, but it can also grow in high and dry areas with deep soil. It has strong germination ability, well-developed root system and rapid growth.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Acer elegantulum Fang et P. L. Chiu Aceraceae . Deciduous trees, weakly light-loving, slightly shade-tolerant, prefer a warm, cool and humid climate, and are not strict on soil. The fallen leaves of the five-cornered maple decompose quickly, which is helpful to quickly reduce the combustible load in the forest and change the fire environment. Therefore, Acer elegans is an ideal fire-resistant tree species to prevent the spread of forest fires.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Purple leaf plum

Purple leaf plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrhar f.), also known as: red leaf plum , Rosaceae, deciduous small tree, leaves are purple all year round, a famous foliage tree species, suitable for solitary planting and group planting, can set off background. Especially the purple shiny leaves, among the green leaves, are like everlasting flowers, forming a beautiful landscape in the green mountains and green waters.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Padus virginiana

Padus virginiana 'Canada Red' is a deciduous tree in the Rosaceae family and is an important color-leaf tree species. It likes light. In a semi-shade growth environment, the leaves rarely turn purple.Purple-leaved plum trees are beautiful and can be planted in front of and behind houses, on lawns, riversides, and beside rocks to enrich the landscape, guide people's vision, and divide the landscape space and block the view.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

North American Begonia

North American Begonia (North American Begonia) Rosaceae. It is a small deciduous tree with high ornamental value and rich colors of flowers, leaves, fruits and branches. In addition, the landscape highlighted by the diverse shapes of flowers, leaves, fruits, branches and flowers in different seasons makes the viewing period last all year round.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Japanese evening cherry

Japanese evening cherry (Cerasus serrulata (Lindl.), Rosaceae, deciduous tree. It is mainly cultivated by crossing this species and its variants with other species. According to the flower color, it is divided into pure white, pink white, dark pink to light yellow. , the young leaves are yellow-green, reddish-brown to purple-red, and the petals range from single, semi-double to double. The flowering period is obviously affected by the climate. It is a famous ornamental plant .

Malus micromalus is a small tree with upright branches in the Rosaceae family. It is a unique plant in China. Malus micromalus grows well in dry areas and is a popular product in greening projects.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Magnolia (Yulania denudata (Desrousseaux) D. L. Fu is a deciduous tree of the Magnoliaceae family. The tree is full of white flowers in early spring, which are gorgeous and fragrant. The calyces and petals are 9 in number. They are pure and beautiful. It is a well-known garden ornamental tree species at home and abroad. It likes light, is relatively cold-resistant, and can overwinter in the open field. There are white magnolia and pink magnolia. The flowering period is from February to March (it often blooms again from July to September), and the fruiting period is from August to September. (Armeniaca sibirica (L.) Lam), a plant of the order Rosaceae, genus Apricot, also known as apricot and wild apricot. It is an important native tree species in the Yellow River Basin and is mainly distributed in Longdong, , Longnan, and other places in my country. It has a wide range of uses and is economical. It is of high value and can be used to green barren hills, conserve water and soil, and can also be used as companion trees in desert protection forests. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruiting period is from June to July. Rosa is a deciduous shrub in the Rosaceae family; it likes light, is slightly tolerant of shade, has strong cold tolerance, is not strict on soil, and is resistant to drought and barrenness. The fruits are edible and can be used to make jam; aromatic oil can be extracted from the flowers; the flowers and fruits are used medicinally to regulate qi, activate blood circulation, regulate menstruation and strengthen the spleen. It can be used for soil and water conservation and landscaping tree species.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Forsythia suspensa is a plant of the genus Forsythia of the family Forsythiaceae, a deciduous shrub. It likes light and warmth, is cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, and is afraid of waterlogging. It does not choose soil and can grow normally in neutral, slightly acidic or alkaline soil. Forsythia suspensa leaves bloom first in early spring. The flowers bloom with a light fragrance and the branches are golden, gorgeous and lovely. It is an excellent flowering shrub in early spring.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Sorbaria sorbifolia

Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Br) Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Br) is a genus of Sorbaria in the Rosaceae family, a shrub, also known as snowflake, cold-resistant, semi-shade resistant, and pruning resistant. It grows better in well-drained sandy loam soil . It grows quickly and sprouts easily, making it a good summer flowering plant.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Amygdalus persica f. atropurpurea) Rosaceae. A small deciduous tree with double, pink flowers. The drupe is spherical, with short hairs on the peel and honey juice inside. In March, the flowers bloom first and then the leaves are blooming and fragrant. It is charming and lovely. It is an excellent flowering tree species.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Syringa reticulata

Syringa reticulata (Blume) H. Hara var. amurensis (Rupr.) J. S. Pringle) belongs to the genus Syringa of the family Oleaceae, a shrub or small tree. It likes light, tolerates shade, cold, drought and barrenness. In cultivation, sowing is mostly used for propagation. Large trees need to be transplanted with soil balls, and they can be cultivated into small trees by pruning.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Lilac (Syringa oblata Lindl): Oleaceae, genus Syringa, deciduous shrub or small tree. It likes sunshine, moist soil and good drainage. It is suitable for garden cultivation. When it blooms in spring, the large and showy inflorescences cover the whole plant, and the fragrance is overflowing. It has a great ornamental effect.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Amygdalus triloba

Amygdalus triloba, also known as small peach red , belongs to the genus Peach in the Rosaceae family and is a shrub and small tree. It likes light, is slightly tolerant of shade, is cold-tolerant, and can survive the winter at -35°C. It is named because its leaves resemble elm leaves and its flowers resemble plum blossoms. They bloom early and are mainly for viewing.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus Linn) Malvaceae Hibiscus, a deciduous shrub. It is more tolerant of dryness and barrenness, has no strict requirements on soil, and prefers light and a warm and humid climate. Hibiscus is a shrub flower that is very common in gardens. In the garden, flower hedges can be used as solitary plants or cluster plants.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Lagerstroemia (scientific name: Lagerstroemia indica L.) is a Lagerstroemia , Lagerstroemia plant. Deciduous shrubs or small trees. Crape myrtle can reach a height of 7 meters, with many twisted branches, slender branchlets, smooth, gray or gray-brown bark; leaves are alternate or sometimes opposite, papery, oval, broadly oblong or obovate, green to yellow when young. It is purple-black when mature or dry, and the back of the chamber is cracked; the seeds are winged, about 8 meters long, and the flowering period is from June to September, and the fruiting period is from September to December.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Weigela florida (Weigela florida cv.Red Prince) is a deciduous sub-arbor in the Caprifoliaceae family. The colorful weigela has strong growth potential, bright flowers, long flowering period and good greening effect. It can be planted in courtyards, parks, lawns, or in clusters on roadsides, slopes, etc. It is very beautiful.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Red Prince Weigeweed

Red Prince Weigeweed (Weigela florida cv. Red Prince): Weigela genus of Caprifoliaceae family, deciduous and open shrub. It likes light, is cold-tolerant, and is afraid of waterlogging. Prefers fertile, moist, well-drained soil. It has strong adaptability to cold and drought resistance and has been rated as an excellent variety for the Green Olympics.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Chaenomeles japonica

Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) is a genus of the genus Papaya in the Rosaceae family. It is also known as Japanese Begonia, Heyuanzi, and is a dwarf shrub. China's famous ornamental tree species, the horticultural variants include pink double-petaled ones and white double-petaled ones, which are used as ornamental flowers and trees for urban greening and beautification. The petals of Begonia flowers are delicate and delicate, with red, pink and white colors gradually smearing, like a girl with red lips and white teeth. Many people can't tell it apart from apple blossoms (both belong to and apple ). The flowering period is from April to May and the fruiting period is from September to October.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Tree rose

Tree rose (Rosa chinensis Jacq.): Known as the queen of flowers, also known as "月红", the natural flowering period is from April to September. The flowers become large and have a rich aroma. They can be widely used. In horticultural cultivation. Rose is highly adaptable, cold-resistant and drought-resistant. It is generally red or pink, occasionally white and yellow, and can be used as an ornamental plant or a medicinal plant.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Paeonia suffruticosa

Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. var.papaveracea (Andr.) Kerner) Ranunaceae Paeonia plant, deciduous shrub; light-loving, cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, adaptable, adaptable to development on loess parent material All kinds of soil, slightly alkali tolerant.Peony purpurea is both an ornamental plant and an important medicinal plant. The root bark is used for medicinal purposes and is called "paeonia". It is the first choice for planting in the courtyard in front of and behind the house.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall): Also known as separation grass and the prime minister of flowers, it belongs to the order Ranunculales, Ranunculaceae Paeonia is a perennial herb. Peony is known as the "Flower Fairy" and "Flower", and is listed as one of the "Top Ten Famous Flowers". It is also known as the "May Flower God". Since ancient times, it has been regarded as the flower of love and is now respected. Potentilla fruticosa L. is a shrub of the Rosaceae and Potentilla genus, up to 2 meters high, with bark peeling off vertically. Flowers and fruits from June to September. This species has dense foliage and bright yellow flowers, making it suitable as a garden ornamental shrub or as a low hedge. It is cold-resistant, likes moisture, drought tolerance, and likes light. It can grow normally in sandy loam soil and plain sand soil.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Euonymus phellomanus (Euonymus phellomanus Loes.) Euonymus Euonymus plant, shrub, 3-4 meters high; branches are hard and straight, leaves are oblong, with 7-15 flowers; flowering period July, fruiting period from September to October. They are all distributed in high-altitude areas above 2,000 meters and like light but also tolerate shade.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Liana plants and ground covers


Wisteria (scientific name: Wisteria sinensis (Sims)Sweet), a plant of the genus Wisteria in the Fabaceae family. It is a deciduous vine, relatively cold-tolerant, able to tolerate moisture and poor soil, prefers light, and is relatively shade-tolerant. It is most suitable for cultivation in a place with deep soil, good drainage, and sheltered from the sun and wind. The main root is deep and the lateral roots are shallow, making it intolerant to transplanting. It grows quickly, has a long lifespan and has strong winding ability.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Morden rose

Morden rose (Morden cvs. of Chlimbers and Ramblers), also known as climbing rose and climbing rose, is a deciduous vine shrub of the Rosaceae family. It has strong adaptability, is cold and drought tolerant, has no strict requirements on soil, and prefers an environment with sufficient sunshine, air circulation, good drainage and shelter from the wind. Vine rose flowers are large, fragrant, and colorful. They bloom all over the body and have numerous flower heads, which is very spectacular. In gardens, they are often attached to various well-ventilated shelves and corridors to form flower balls, styles, flower walls, sea of ​​flowers, arches, corridors and other landscapes.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. is a five-leaf creeper, a woody vine of the genus Parthenocissus in the Vitaceae family. It likes warmth, tolerates shade and barrenness, and has strong adaptability to soil and climate. The five-leaf brocade has great potential in landscaping. The whole plant occupies a small area and extends into the air. It is easy to see the greening effect. It is also highly resistant to chlorine and changes color with the seasonal changes. It is an ideal tool for greening, beautifying, coloring, and Good material for purified vertical greening.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Rosewood , Rosewood has the reputation of the best fragrance in the world, its fragrance is better than that of orchids, Rosewood is very easy to grow, and it can be adapted to its growth anywhere in our country, and its growth rate is also very fast. Very quickly, it can climb several meters on the wall in a year, easily forming a flower wall.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.) Bougainvillea belongs to the family Bougainvillea and is a woody vine-like shrub with curved thorns on the stem and dense velvet growth. Even if you don't build an arch, it can grow into an arch by itself, which is still very amazing. It has rich varieties, and some mixed color varieties or grafted with different colors can grow into a climbing vine arch, which is simply beautiful.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Campsis grandiflora

Campsis grandiflora Bigger family , Campsis is a climbing vine that likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, and is slightly shade-tolerant. It grows upward by climbing on aerial roots, pinnately compound leaves , leaflets are oval, with serrated edges, and the flowers are mostly bright red or golden yellow.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Hydrangea macrocephalum (Viburnum macrocephalum Fort.) is a deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub in the Caprifoliaceae family. It is a climbing and flowering plant that is relatively easy to maintain. It has very low environmental requirements and is highly cold-tolerant. The growth rate will be slower in the next two years, and will grow rapidly in the third year, with lush branches and leaves.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Red bean grass

Red bean grass (Onobrychis viciifolia): Onobrychis viciifolia: Leguminosae, the flower color of red bean grass is bright pink, and its feeding value is comparable to that of alfalfa, so it is known as the "Queen of Forage".

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Clover (Trifolium) Leguminosae Trifolium, Alfalfa, Oxalis . Planted as lawn in various parks and green spaces.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Lawn is a ground cover that is covered with grasses and other slender plants and fills the soil surface with its roots and stolons. Lawn is a grassland that is densely planted with perennial dwarf herbaceous plants and is artificially planted or maintained and managed to play a greening and beautifying role.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), also known as alfalfa, is a perennial herb of the order Rosaceae, Leguminosae, and alfalfa. It is a perennial herb, like clover, resistant to drought, cold and heat, high yield and high quality, and can improve the soil. Hence it is known. It is widely cultivated and mainly used for hay, silage or pasture.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Herbaceous flower


Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata Cav.), also known as Dahlia, geranium peony, oriental chrysanthemum, dahlia, sweet potato flower, Asteraceae , dahlia plant, perennial herb, with huge rod-shaped roots. Dahlia likes half shade and blooms from June to December.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Dianthus (Dianthus chinensis L.) Alias: Xing'an Dianthus, Northern Dianthus, and Diamond Leaf Dianthus. It is a perennial herb of the Dicotyledonidae, Caryophyllaceae, and Dianthus genus. It is cold-resistant and drought-resistant. It likes a sunny, dry, ventilated and cool and humid climate.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Petunia (Petunia hybrida (J. D. Hooker) Vilmorin) Solanaceae, Petunia genus. Perennial herb, 20-45 cm high; stems growing prostrate, double spherical flowers with white, purple or various red flowers edged with other colors, very beautiful, flowering period from April to frost.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Tagetes in the Asteraceae family. The stems are upright, strong, with longitudinal thin ribs, and the branches spread upward. Flowering period is July-September. Marigold is a light-loving plant with short and sturdy plants and brightly colored flowers. Its flowers are large and have a long flowering period. They are often used in flower beds.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Tulip (scientific name: Tulipa gesneriana L.[1]) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Tulipa in the Liliaceae family. It is a perennial herb with a flowering period of March to May. Tulips are long-day flowers that like to be sunny and sheltered from the wind. They can grow normally above 8℃. They can generally withstand low temperatures of -14℃ and have strong cold tolerance.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Lupinhua: (Lupinus micranthus Guss.) Lupine, commonly known as Lupinhua, is an annual herb that is relatively cold-resistant (above -5°C) and likes cool climates and sunny places. The inflorescences are tall and abundant, and the flowers are bright and colorful, ranging from white, red, blue, purple, etc., and the flowering period is long. It can be used for patch planting or group planting in strip flower beds. It is also a good material for cut flower production. It blooms from March to May and bears fruit from April to July.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Lamprocapnos spectabilis (L.) Fukuhara is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Papaveraceae family. It is cold-tolerant but not tolerant to high temperatures. It likes semi-shady habitats and goes dormant in hot summers. It is intolerant to drought and likes moisture. It usually blooms in spring, with the flowering period from April to June.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Rudbeckia hirta L. is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family and the genus Rudbeckia. This chrysanthemum likes full sunshine, is strong, drought-tolerant, and extremely cold-tolerant. It does not choose soil. It has strong adaptability to the open field and is easy to cultivate. The flowering period is from May to September.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Pansy (Viola tricolor L.) is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Viola in the family Violaceae. Also known as butterfly flower , etc., it is relatively cold-resistant, likes coolness and sunshine, and is a common gardening plant. There are three colors of purple, white and yellow, hence the name pansy.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Sedum spectabile

Sedum spectabile: also known as gorgeous sedum, long medicine eight treasures . Plants of the genus Sedum of the family Crassulaceae. Commonly cultivated varieties include white, purple-red, and rose-red. It likes strong light and a dry, well-ventilated environment, and also tolerates light shade. Sedum sedum is almost the most colorful species among the sedum family.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

German Sedum

German Sedum, Crassulaceae Sedum plant, perennial fleshy perennial herb. It is often used to decorate flower beds in gardens. It can be made into shapes such as circles, squares, clouds, arcs, fans, etc. It can also be used as a ground cover plant to fill the gap where summer flowers wither in autumn and have no ornamental value. It can still be ornamental in winter. Effective and has medicinal value.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Four Seasons Rose

Four Seasons Rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb) is a rose plant that likes sunshine, is cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant and waterlogging-tolerant, and has no strict requirements on the soil. Roses in all seasons have ornamental characteristics such as purple leaves, green leaves and red flowers. They are planted in rows along both sides of the road. When the flowers are in full bloom in summer and autumn, you can enjoy the flowers and smell the fragrance. When the leaves fall in winter and spring, you can enjoy the spectacular scenery of the red branches. .

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Iris (Iris tectorum Maxim): Also known as blue butterfly, purple butterfly , flat bamboo flower, etc., it belongs to Asparagus, Iris family perennial herb, the iris leaves are green and verdant, and the flower shape is large and strange, just like a dancing butterfly. It is a garden One of the important flowers in China is also a beautiful potted flower, cut flower and flower bed flower. Its rich colors and unique flower shapes are good materials for flower beds and courtyard greening. It can also be used as ground cover plants. Some species are excellent fresh cut flower materials.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Hedysarum multijugum

Hedysarum multijugum (Hedysarum multijugum Maxim. in Bull) Leguminosae, Hedysarum multijugum is a semi-shrub or only the base is lignified and herbaceous, the corolla is purple-red or rose-like red, and the roots can be used as medicine. .

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Dutch chrysanthemum

Dutch chrysanthemum (Aster novi-belgii) is also known as New York aster. It is a perennial flower of the Asteraceae family with blue-purple or rose-red flowers. The Dutch chrysanthemum has lush branches and leaves. Although the flowers of the Dutch chrysanthemum are petite, they are also very eye-catching when they bloom.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Ground cover chrysanthemum

Ground cover chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat): Asteraceae, perennial herbaceous flower, suitable for use as ground cover plants in various garden green spaces such as squares, streets, parks, etc., forming large color blocks, colorful flowers, Leverage the beauty of macro groups.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Hemerocallis hybrida Bergmans

Hemerocallis hybrida Bergmans: Liliaceae, Hemerocallis is a perennial herbaceous plant with thick rhizomes and fleshy roots. Hemerocallis grandiflorum is resistant to drought, cold, stagnant water, semi-shade, salt-alkali and barrenness. Planted in clusters, rows or patches in garden flower beds, flower borders, roadsides, lawns, or as cut flowers, Hemerocallis grandiflora is a good material for landscaping.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

February Orchid

February Orchid (Orychophragmus violaceus): also known as February Orchid, Brassicaceae Orychophragmus violaceus is an annual or biennial herb. Orychophragmus violaceus is very adaptable and can bloom by spreading its seeds. A good choice for early spring flower beds. Of course, it can also be planted under forests, parks, forest edges, homes, hillsides, and grasslands. It can be planted independently or mixed with various shrubs.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Epilobium angustifolium L Fertile soil, moisture-loving and other physiological habits, planting in clusters, groups or solitary planting can better show its effect.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Verbena (Verbena officinalis L): a perennial upright herbaceous plant that likes fertilizer, likes moisture, is afraid of waterlogging, and is intolerant of drought. It can grow in ordinary soil, but it thrives in deep, fertile loam and sandy loam. , low-lying land prone to waterlogging is not suitable for planting.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Perfume lily

Perfume lily (Lilium casa blanca): Liliaceae, perennial herb, prefers warm, dry and deep soil environments. Perfume lily is the queen of lilies.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnata Cav.), Asteraceae, alias: Eight-petal plum. Annual or perennial herb, light-loving plant, tolerant of poor soil, avoids fertilizer, and intolerant to cold. Ligue-shaped flowers are purple, pink or white. It is widely planted and often grows spontaneously on roadsides, field ridges and stream banks.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees) is an annual or biennial herb of the Asteraceae family. Grows on hillside wasteland, hillside grass, waterside or in the shade of sparse forests. Usually used as ornamental planters in botanical gardens, gardens, courtyards and other public places.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Peacock grass

Peacock grass (Tagetes patula L.) Asteraceae, also known as marigold, is an annual herb. Grows in grassland, forest, or garden cultivation on long hillside. It has medicinal value and the whole plant can be used as medicine.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant in the Asteraceae family. It likes light and has no strict requirements on soil. It can grow well in drought, loose and fertile alkaline soil, and is resistant to barrenness. It is often used in Flower beds.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Zinnia elegans Jacq. Asteraceae, also known as: Zinnia Eight-petal plum. An annual herb, it is a famous ornamental plant.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Afforestation, greening and ecological restoration herbaceous plants

Elymus nutans Griseb

Elymus nutans Griseb (Elymus nutans Griseb). Perennial bushy herbaceous plant. It mostly grows on grasslands or hillside roadsides and forest edges.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Tall fescue

Tall fescue (Festuca elata Keng ex E. Alexeev) Poaceae. Perennial ground cover. It is widely used in sports field lawns and protective lawns. Its lawn color is attractive, its root system is developed, and its survival rate is as high as 100%. It is an indispensable ground cover plant in landscaping.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Puccinellia distans (L. ) Parl. Poaceae. Perennial herbs. It likes lightly saline-alkaline moist grassland, field edges, streams, river valleys, and low meadows with salty sand. Alkali grass is also a favorite pasture for livestock.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

old mang wheat

old mang wheat (Elymus sibiricus Linn) Poaceae. Perennial bushy herbaceous plant. Mostly found on roadsides and hillsides.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Satawang (Leguminosae) Leguminosae. Perennial herbs. The plant is about 2 meters high. It is an excellent pasture for improving barren hills and slopes and fixing sand.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Poa annua

Poa annua L. Poaaceae. Annual or winter grasses. Grows in hilly roadside grasslands, field ditches or shady slope wetlands.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews


Stipa capillata Linn. Poaceae. Perennial dense grass. It is drought-tolerant and is the dominant species or established species on grasslands.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Purple Festuca

Purple Festuca (Festuca rubra L.) Gramineae. Perennial herbaceous plants, growing in sparse or dense clumps, can grow in hillside grasslands, alpine meadows, riverbanks, roadsides, shrubs, understory, etc.

Linxia Prefecture’s greening and beautification recommendations: tree species, grass species and flowers. Plant species and meanings from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. Evergreen trees: refers to trees with green leaves all year round, and - DayDayNews

Editor: Ma Zhongying

Editor: Ma Zhitao Review: Fan Haidong

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