Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday in advance! Do you know how to say "Chinese Valentine's Day" in English for this wonderful festival? How do you say Chinese Valentine's Day in other Asian countries in English?

2024/06/2622:49:33 hotcomm 1380

Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day. The editor here wishes everyone a happy holiday in advance!

Do you know how to say "Qixi Festival" in English? How do you say Chinese Valentine's Day in other Asian countries in English?

Taking this opportunity today, the editor will take you to understand the "Chinese Valentine's Day culture". Whether it is used in daily communication or in English writing, it is very foreign. If you don't believe it, look at ↓

The authentic English expression of the Chinese Valentine's Day

If you search the English for "Chinese Valentine's Day" on the Internet, you will find that there are many translation methods, such as Qixi Festival, Double Seventh Festival and even Magpie Festival.

So, which translation is correct? If you tell foreigners, can they fully understand and understand it? Let's study a piece of BBC news and see how to translate "Chinese Valentine's Day" better.

Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday in advance! Do you know how to say

Chinese Valentine's Day English introduction

The following is taken from the BBC official website (excerpt):

Celebrated this year on August 25, the Chinese Saint Valentine's Day was created in memory of two ancient lovers who were separated by a goddess and only allowed to meet once a year.

August 25 this year is Chinese Valentine's Day (Qixi Festival), which commemorates two lovers who were separated by the gods and were only allowed to meet once a year.

Many Chinese also commemorate the Western Valentine's Day on February 14, with shop owners and florists cashing on the rush of flowers and gifts for loved or desired ones and restaurants fully booked.

Many Chinese also celebrate the Western Valentine's Day on February 14, Shopkeepers and florists are exchanging flowers and gifts for loved ones or loved ones, and restaurants are fully booked.

Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday in advance! Do you know how to say


①The Begging Festival: Begging for Skillful Festival.

The custom of "begging for skill" on Chinese Valentine's Day has been around for a long time. Young girls beg for not only good craftsmanship on this day, but also for a good marriage. Among them, the "begging" of "begging for skill" can be said beg, or plead: "plead to be endowed with perfect sewing skills."

As for praying for marriage, I'm afraid it still depends on fate. If two people It is predicted to be together, then they will meet and fall in love no matter what. Here I wish all lovers in the world to get married (All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill!) !

TVB dramas often feature women praying for marriage on the night of Chinese Valentine's Day. I wonder how many people will pray silently under the stars on Chinese Valentine's Day this year?

Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday in advance! Do you know how to say

②doing needlework: Needlework

There is a custom of begging for skill on Chinese Valentine's Day. Begging for skill is for girls to improve their craft of nühong, nühong (※Note: The pronunciation of "red" here is "work", don't pronounce it wrong), that is, needlework Living, in English, is doing needlework.

③lunar calendar: Lunar calendar

lunar means "moon" . The English name Luna is actually the name of the moon goddess. Do girls with this name feel very happy? In addition, the solar calendar is "solar calendar".

④cowherd: Cowherd, also known as cowherd

The same word is shepherd, sheepherder , both words have a -herd suffix, herd means "herd", but it is usually used as a suffix to form "XX shepherd" " word.

⑤magpie: Magpie.

Although in the legend of Chinese Valentine's Day, magpies bring happiness to lovers, the word magpie has a derogatory use, which is used to describe people who talk a lot: She chatters like a magpie. It's not over.

Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday in advance! Do you know how to say

The name of "Tanabata" in various countries

1. Japanese Tanabata: Tanabata

This word also means Tanabata, but it refers to the Japanese Tanabata Festival.Wikipedia explains:

Tanabata (meaning "Evening of the seventh"), also known as the Star Festival, is a Japanese festival.

Japan's Tanabata Festival originated from our Chinese Qixi Festival, which is China's Valentine's Day. But in Japan, it has nothing to do with Valentine's Day. Just like the Japanese New Year, you can make a wish on Tanabata, write your wish on a piece of paper, and hang it on the tree.

2. Korean Chinese Valentine's Day: Chilseok

In addition to Japan, South Korea also celebrates Chinese Valentine's Day. The English is: Chilseok. The English explanation is this:

A Korean traditional festival which falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Korean lunisolar calendar.

Let’s take a look at the Chinese Valentine’s Day again. How to express it correctly in English?

3. Chinese Valentine's Day: Chinese Saint Valentine's Day/Qixi Festival

① The most accurate expression of Chinese Valentine's Day: Chinese Saint Valentine's Day (abbreviated as Chinese Valentine's Day)

Today's Chinese Valentine's Day has long become China's traditional Valentine's Day, and therefore, Chinese Valentine's Day is popular among many foreign countries. Named "Chinese Saint Valentine's Day". As we all know, "Saint Valentine's Day" is the traditional Western Valentine's Day, also known as Saint Valentine's Day. According to legend, it is to commemorate the Roman saint Valentine who dedicated his life for justice and pure love.

② There is another authentic English expression for the Chinese Valentine's Day, which is "Qixi Festival". means: Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as the Qixi Festival. The festival comes from the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

Then you can explain to foreigners that it is Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh month on the Chinese calendar:

It falls on the seventh day of the 7th month on the Chinese calendar.

The Chinese Valentine's Day falls on the seventh day of the seventh month on the Chinese calendar.

※Note: When we say that a certain festival falls on a certain day of a certain month, we can use this sentence pattern. Fall here can also be replaced by take place.

Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday in advance! Do you know how to say

In addition, the Chinese Valentine's Day can also be called "The seventh evening of the seventh moon", "Double Seventh Festival", "Double Seventh Night", etc. However, these translations are too close to the farthest. Foreigners who do not understand Chinese culture are I don't understand it, so I don't recommend it.

So the easiest way to understand it is: Chinese Saint Valentine's Day, or simply Chinese Valentine's Day. Isn't it very simple?

【END】Toutiao accounts follow "New Channel Official Account", has high energy and high scores, and learn English together every day;

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