The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an

2024/06/2507:55:33 hotcomm 1463

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they have strong skin and good appearance. If you are interested in flowers, come and take a look!

Nicotiana tabacum

Nicotiana tabacum is a perennial herb that can bloom from April to October, especially from May to August, with the largest number of flowers. It is very heat-resistant and drought-tolerant. The flowers will change color at different times and are colorful. They are usually sown with seeds.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Beautiful Evening Primrose

Beautiful Evening Primrose is very heat-resistant. The flowering period is concentrated from June to September every summer. The flowers are a big ball of pink, like a small wine glass. Moreover, the beautiful evening primrose branches have a high survival rate when cut. Just pinch the roots and insert them into the soil and they will survive.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Summer pansy

Summer pansy is also a common flower in summer. The flowering period is concentrated from May to October. It is very heat-resistant. It is often seen in green belts in summer. It can bloom even if it is exposed to the sun. The flowers are large and can be grown indoors. South balcony south window sill maintenance.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Lisianthus blooms from May to July. It is heat and drought tolerant. The more sun and heat it gets, the more beautiful it blooms. The flower shape is beautiful, the petals are delicate, and the flowers are in various colors. Like a rose waiting to bloom, it is fresh and elegant, and It is perennial.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


The flowering period of inverted hibiscus is concentrated in summer and autumn, about June to October. It is very hard-skinned, resistant to sun and heat, drought and cold. It is okay to be exposed to the sun on the road in summer, and now there are many beautiful varieties of hibiscus, such as blueberry smoothie, ice jade, etc. .

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Gladiolus is a flower bulb. It is planted in spring and blooms from July to September in summer and autumn. It is not afraid of heat or sun. It blooms in large clusters and is very domineering. If the indoor light is not good, it will not bloom. Its bulb reproduction ability is very strong. .

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Lily bulbs are planted in spring and bloom from May to July in spring and summer. They are heat and sun tolerant and can bloom 1-2 months after the bulbs are planted. After the flowers bloom, cut off the remaining flowers and continue to grow the leaves. The branches and leaves will wither and become dormant after the cold in autumn and winter.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Dahlia flowering period is from June to December in summer and autumn. It blooms for most of the year. Everyone plants it in the yard. It is not afraid of the sun or heat. Even if gets sunburned occasionally, it will not affect the flowering, but bulbs are afraid of waterlogging in summer. Pay attention to drainage.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Astilbe is also a Spring Festival bulb. It blooms in midsummer from June to September when planted in spring. It is okay to expose it outdoors to the sun and heat. If you water it in time to ensure that the pot soil is moist, you can bloom in bunches like torches. flowers, spectacular.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Wind and Rain Orchid

Wind and Rain Orchid likes summer best. The weather with exposure to the sun, hot weather and heavy rain is very suitable for it. Generally, after a rain, Wind and Rain Orchid will bloom a bunch of flowers. It does not need to be watered frequently, just 1-2 times every half month. If you water it too frequently, it will not bloom.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Cosmos is also called Gesanghua and Qiuying . It blooms mainly in the summer and autumn from June to August. It is heat-resistant and sun-resistant and has a firm skin. After flowering, it will produce seeds. The seeds will be dropped into the soil and self-sow in spring. If it sprouts, it can grow into a large area.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Lotus is a summer flower. It blooms from June to September. It is very heat-resistant and sun-resistant. The more the sun shines at noon, the more beautiful the flowers will bloom. Make sure the potted plants don't lack water. They can bloom a lot if they are grown outdoors, and they can even produce lotus seeds and lotus roots after they bloom.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Water lily

Water lily is the same as lotus. It blooms from June to August in summer. It is heat-resistant and sun-resistant. The water in the pond will be heated by the sun at noon. It will not die from the heat. Just don’t lack water. The difference between water lily and bowl lotus is that there is a gap in the leaves.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

mini Coreopsis

Coreopsis blooms from May to October. It has a long flowering period and is heat and sun-resistant and pruning-resistant. Its root system is strong and can often be seen in green belts. It blooms in large areas in summer and is spectacular. Now there are mini coreopsis. The flowers come in many colors and can be grown in pots.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


As the saying goes, jasmine will not die in the sun. Jasmine usually blooms from June to November, the hottest time in summer. It is very heat-resistant and sun-resistant. It should be promptly trimmed after flowering and supplemented with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. If it is well maintained, it can bloom 3 times a year. -4 times.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Blue Snowflake

Blue Snowflake blooms for a long time, blooming from April to September, and it is very heat and sun tolerant. In Hainan and Guangdong areas in summer, Blue Snowflake still blooms well despite severe heat and sunshine. Water it enough and add some fertilizer. , cut and open after opening.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Lingxiao flower

Embroidered Lingxiao flower blooms from May to August. It is heat-resistant and light-resistant. When the sun is low, it climbs all over the wall. It blooms with small trumpets and a large orange-yellow color. It is very beautiful. Moreover, it is basically free of diseases and insect pests. It is very strong and easy to spread. .

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Tarantula is a creeping flower in summer. The flowering period is from July to September. It is not afraid of the sun or heat. The vines grow wildly and produce five-pointed star flowers, which are red, pink and white. Moreover, it is free from diseases and insect pests. The seeds are scattered Live in the soil.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

The fragrant vine

The fragrant vine is also a climbing flower. It begins to bloom in April and can bloom until October. Especially in the summer and autumn seasons, it is not afraid of the sun or heat, and the number of flowers is the largest. Prune and replenish it in time after flowering, and it will bloom for a long time. One crop after another.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Morning glory

Morning glory is very common on the roadside. Its flowering period is concentrated in the summer and autumn from June to October. It is not afraid of heat or sun and grows quickly. Generally, seeds are sown and planted next to the window railing. They will grow into a large area and be used as curtains to provide shade.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Bougainvillea is a flower that Huahua often mentions to everyone. It blooms from April to November. It is heat-resistant and sun-resistant, has no pests and diseases, and can be pruned. It is a good baby. If you want the bougainvillea to bloom, you need more sunlight and water control. Prune frequently and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Echinacea generally blooms from June to July every year, and is very heat and sun tolerant. Although the flowering period is not long, after it finishes blooming, there will be a round flower head , cut it off In the bottle, it is still beautiful and has a long viewing period.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Sunflower is the sturdiest flower, the most heat-resistant and sun-resistant flower. It ranks second, and no one dares to rank first. It can bloom continuously from May to November, and it can survive by pinching the roots and cutting them into small sections and inserting them into the soil. The seeds can also sow themselves.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Epiphyllum blooms in summer and autumn from June to October, and the flowers are usually planted at 8-9pm. Epiphyllum is very heat-resistant and can grow normally around 35 degrees Celsius, but it is not very sun-resistant and needs to be placed in a semi-shaded place in summer.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Hollyhocks are common in rural areas. When I was a child, I would see them every summer from June to August. They bloom from bottom to top, and a large bunch blooms when they bloom. The flowers are relatively large, very heat-resistant and sun-resistant. After the flowers bloom, the seeds will fall to the ground tomorrow. Keep growing.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Sunflower html blooms from July to August. It is the most representative summer flower. The yellow flower heads rotate with the sun, rising in the east and setting in the west. They are not afraid of the sun or heat. There are many varieties of garden sunflowers such as: Glory Days and Teddy Bear.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Milan has a suitable temperature and can bloom in all seasons, but the main flowering period is from June to October, especially in summer, when the sun gets hotter and hotter, the more flowers bloom and the more fragrant they are. Cut off the remaining flowers in time after blooming, and they will bloom again soon. open.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews


Hemerocallis fulva basically blooms in spring and summer, basically from May to July. It is very hard-skinned and is not afraid of heat or sun. It is often seen in roadside green belts. The green belts basically have yellow flowers, but in fact there are many varieties of Hemerocallis fulva with colorful flowers. Rich.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Lace Golden Dew Flower

Lace Golden Dew Flower has a long flowering period, which can bloom from early summer to late autumn. Its flowers are strings of small lilac flowers, which faintly emit a chocolate-like aroma. In summer, the sun gets hotter and the flowers bloom more. The more, the more fragrant.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Crape myrtle

Lagerstroemia is one of the most common flowers in summer. It usually blooms from June to September. It is unbearable even if the weather is hot. However, the hotter the crape myrtle is, the more it blooms. The purple, white and pink flowers are like silk. Smooth and moisturizing.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Today Huahua recommends 30 kinds of flowers to everyone. They are heat-resistant and sun-resistant and have a long flowering period. The most important thing is that they are strong and beautiful. If you are interested in flowers, come an - DayDayNews

Flowers that are heat-resistant and light-resistant in summer,

Huahua introduces 30 kinds to you today,

If you have friends who want to grow flowers in summer,

then recommend them to grow these!

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