"Central News Agency", "Liberty Times" and other Taiwanese media today are hyping up the so-called "high-level working meeting" held by the United States and Taiwan on March 31 to discuss the possibility of Taiwan expanding its participation in the United Nations and other intern

2024/06/2221:40:33 hotcomm 1141

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Comprehensive Report Reporter Zhao Youping] The 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) will be held next month, and the island is starting to think carefully again. "Central News Agency", "Liberty Times" and other Taiwanese media today (2nd) hyped up the so-called "high-level working meeting" held by the United States and Taiwan on March 31 to discuss the possibility of Taiwan expanding its participation in the United Nations and other international forums, including May this year. World Health Assembly (WHA) in September. In response, some netizens on the island ridiculed the DPP authorities for dreaming all day and not knowing when they would wake up.

Screenshot of Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report

Screenshot of Taiwan's "Liberty Times" report

"Central News Agency" stated that the United States and Taiwan hold regular working meetings to discuss Taiwan's "international participation." The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and Taiwan's "Representative Office in the United States" held the latest meeting in the United States on March 31. Representatives of "senior" officials from the U.S. State Department and Taiwan's "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" attended to discuss "expanding Taiwan's participation in the United Nations and other International Activities”.

According to the "Liberty Times", the U.S. State Department said that representatives from the United States and Taiwan exchanged views on global issues such as public health, environment, development assistance, technology and economic cooperation. The focus of the meeting was whether Taiwan has the opportunity to serve as an observer. identity to participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA), and the possibility of Taiwan participating in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Taiwan’s foreign affairs department was busy expressing its stance on this on the morning of the 2nd.

Taiwan’s foreign affairs department claimed that this working meeting was the first to be held in person since the outbreak, "fully demonstrating the rock-solid and strong partnership between Taiwan and the United States" and "thanks to the United States for its firm friendship and support for Taiwan."

In response, some netizens on the island ridiculed the DPP authorities for dreaming all day and not knowing when they would wake up. ↓

Some netizens believe that the DPP authorities are cheating again. ↓

"Central News Agency" stated that the 75th World Health Assembly will be held from May 22 to May 28. The World Health Assembly is the highest authority of the World Health Organization (WHO) and meets once a year. The report claimed that Taiwan was invited to participate in the WHA as an observer for eight consecutive years from 2009 to 2016. However, due to suppression by the mainland, Taiwan was not invited to participate for five consecutive years starting in 2017.

Regarding Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has emphasized many times before that it must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, once said that from 2009 to 2016, Taiwan participated in the World Health Assembly in the name of "Chinese Taipei" and as an observer for eight consecutive years. " and special arrangements made through cross-strait negotiations. Since taking power in May 2016, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have stubbornly adhered to the separatist stance of "Taiwan independence" and refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus" embodying the one-China principle. This has undermined the political foundation for cross-strait consultations and prevented Taiwan from continuing to participate in the world. . This situation is entirely caused by the DPP authorities.

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