Summary: RMB to Euro exchange rate trend on June 5, 2016. Today’s real-time exchange rate of RMB to Euro (updated at 2016-06-05 07:07): Currency conversion RMB to Euro exchange rate trend chart (one week): June 5, 2016 The central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the inte

2024/06/2212:40:32 hotcomm 1397

Summary: RMB to Euro Exchange Rate Quotes on June 5, 2016

RMB to Euro Today’s Exchange Rate Real-Time Quotes (Updated at 2016-06-05 07:07):

Currency Conversion

RMB to Euro Exchange Rate Trend Chart (One Week):

Summary: RMB to Euro exchange rate trend on June 5, 2016. Today’s real-time exchange rate of RMB to Euro (updated at 2016-06-05 07:07): Currency conversion RMB to Euro exchange rate trend chart (one week): June 5, 2016 The central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the inte - DayDayNews

2016 On June 5, 2016, the central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market was: 1 RMB to the euro 0.1369 yuan, and 100 RMB to the euro 13.69 yuan.

Enlight Media (300251) announced on May 28, 2016 that Enlight Holdings planned to exchange its 176 million shares of Enlight Media for the 28.8% stake in Maoyan Culture held by Sankuai Technology. Enlight Holdings planned to transfer to Shanghai Sankuai paid a cash consideration of RMB 1.583 billion to purchase its 19% stake in the target company. After the completion of this transaction, Enlight Holdings holds a 38.4% stake in Maoyan Culture, and Enlight Media holds a 19% stake in the target company.

A banker recently involved in arranging the sale of long-term euro zone government debt said the number of inquiries from hedge funds about supranational debt has surged this year. The funds, mainly from Britain and the United States, regularly called to ask for their views on when the European Central Bank would start buying longer-dated government bonds.

The relevant information on today's exchange rate of RMB against the Euro and above is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the exchange rate of RMB against the Euro, you can follow the daily financial reports of the CICC Financial News Channel. .

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