According to CCTV reports, since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out more than a month ago, the United States has continued to send weapons to Ukraine. However, as the most important extraterritorial power affecting the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States on

2024/06/2005:38:32 hotcomm 1143
According to CCTV reports, since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out more than a month ago, the United States has continued to send weapons to Ukraine. However, as the most important extraterritorial power affecting the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States on  - DayDayNews

Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have made important progress, but the United States has increased arms assistance to Ukraine, exposing its ambition to prolong the conflict between the two sides.

According to CCTV reports, since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out more than a month ago, the United States has continued to send weapons to Ukraine. However, as the most important extraterritorial power affecting the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States on  - DayDayNewshtml On March 29, negotiators from Russia and Ukraine opened a new round of negotiations at the Dolmabahce Palace Presidential Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkish President Erdogan met with representatives of both parties before the start of the peace talks and expressed his willingness to facilitate a meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian presidents in Turkey. Picture/Xinhua News Agency

Text | Tian Guangqiang

According to CCTV reports, since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out more than a month ago, the United States has continued to send weapons to Ukraine. Due to the flow of weapons to Ukraine, the US military's arsenal needs to be replenished, which has brought a lot of business opportunities to US arms dealers. And many Central and Eastern European countries also have the need to strengthen their defense. Some analysts in the United States pointed out that if 1,000 "Stinger" missiles and 1,000 "Javelin" missiles are delivered to Eastern Europe every month next year, the two American military industrial companies may earn US$1-2 billion. The fundamental beneficiary behind this is the United States.

On March 29, Russia and Ukraine made positive progress in a new round of negotiations. Russia and Ukraine made certain compromises and concessions in this negotiation, which marked that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has entered a phase that is committed to peace talks rather than military. In a new stage of resolving differences through various means, peace between the two countries has ushered in the dawn of peace.

However, as the most important foreign power affecting the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States on the surface claims to hope that the Russia-Ukraine conflict can be resolved peacefully, but in fact it continues to send advanced weapons to Ukraine in an attempt to prolong the conflict between the two parties. This is contrary to the advocacy of the international community. Going in the opposite direction.

"Providing money and weapons", the United States is trying to worsen the situation between Russia and Ukraine

In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US government wants to copy the model of "the United States provides money and weapons, and other forces provide people" that was formed in the Cold War to make Russia It was trapped in the quagmire of war, and even when peace emerged between the two countries, it still tried to worsen the situation between the two countries.

In recent years, despite the relative decline in its own national strength, the U.S. government’s hegemony anxiety, misgivings, and paranoia have not diminished at all, and it still does everything possible to adopt various policies and measures to curb the development of China and Russia. For example, it actively promotes the eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led by it and continues to encroach on Russia's security buffer zone.

It can be said that the NATO led by the United States is pressing forward step by step, which has largely caused the current situation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

After Russia took special military actions against Ukraine, the U.S. government immediately jumped out to condemn Russia, and joined forces with the European Union , Japan, Australia, South Korea and other allies to adopt a series of sanctions against Russia in an attempt to weaken Russia's national strength.

At the same time, the U.S. government continues to provide weapons assistance to Ukraine, including laser-guided rocket systems, unmanned aerial vehicle systems, tactical security communication systems, vehicles and ammunition, and other weapons. On April 1, the U.S. Department of Defense once again announced that it will provide $300 million in additional security assistance to Ukraine through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to enhance Ukraine's self-defense capabilities, and plans to complete the provision of $800 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine by mid-April. .

Today, the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have made important progress, but the United States is still increasing its arms assistance to Ukraine. Its ambition to not want the peace talks to succeed but to prolong the conflict has been fully exposed.

The United States is trying to enhance its leadership in the alliance system.

The United States is trying to worsen the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but it is just trying to reap the benefits. And this is related to the current situation he is facing. In recent years, due to the relative decline of its own national strength, the U.S. government has begun to adjust its global strategy, which is specifically reflected in three aspects.

According to CCTV reports, since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out more than a month ago, the United States has continued to send weapons to Ukraine. However, as the most important extraterritorial power affecting the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States on  - DayDayNewshtmlOn March 24, US President Biden (left) and European Council President Michelle arrived at the EU headquarters. Biden supports excluding Russia from the G20. Picture/Xinhua News Agency

The first is "borrowing force", that is, using the power of allies and partners to make up for the relative decline of one's own strategic resources; the second is "gathering force", that is, reducing the consumption of existing strategic resources and concentrating limited strategic resources In order to achieve important strategic goals; the last is "joint force", which refers to integrating domestic and foreign strategic resources to enhance the ability to cope with the strategic competition of major powers.

However, while reducing its strategic commitment to its allies, the U.S. government requires allies to assume greater responsibilities, which has aroused dissatisfaction among allies.

Specifically, while strengthening their own military strength, EU countries continue to improve their collective security capabilities and form joint forces. The Biden administration is deeply concerned about this and has begun to strengthen collaboration with allies, enhance its security commitments to allies, and maintain its own strategic credibility.

In this context, the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict gave the US government an opportunity to rebuild security trust and reinvigorate alliance leadership. Especially after Russia took special military action against Ukraine, the EU felt that Europe's security order had been severely damaged and its own insecurity had increased. It could only turn to the US-led NATO to seek security protection.

The U.S. government seized the opportunity to continuously exaggerate the deterioration of the security environment, highlight the importance of the alliance system, and emphasize the reliability of its own security commitments. Although U.S. allies in other regions have not been directly affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it has also increased their sense of insecurity and their sense of urgency to move closer to the United States.

It can be said that military security protection has become the most important means for the United States to maintain its alliance system. The United States also attempts to use the Russia-Ukraine conflict to revitalize the cohesion, centripetal force, and combat effectiveness of its military alliance system, and consolidate the leadership of its leading alliance.

Taking advantage of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to make a lot of war fortune

On the historical road to becoming a superpower , taking advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of war fortune has always been the only way for the United States.

During World War I, the U.S. government declared strict neutrality, but continued to provide weapons to both warring parties, making it the most economically powerful country in the world. During World War II, the United States repeated its old tricks and exported large quantities of weapons and equipment to the outside world. capital. Therefore, the United States became the world's superpower after World War II.

According to and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute statistics, the United States has always held the top position in arms sales in the world and has occupied a monopoly for a long time. From 2017 to 2021, U.S. foreign arms sales increased by 14%, with the global share rising from 32% to 39%. In fiscal year 2021, the total number of arms exports approved by the U.S. government reached $138 billion.

American arms dealers will undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiaries of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the U.S. government announced that it would provide large-scale weapons assistance to Ukraine, including Stinger shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles and Javelin anti-tank missiles. produced these two weapons. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies are sure to make a lot of money.

In fact, due to the increased insecurity caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, European countries will significantly improve their defense capabilities, which will also provide huge business opportunities for American arms dealers. The United States is likely to continue to make a fortune in war and arms wealth in the future.

In any case, when the international community generally hopes that Russia and Ukraine will achieve peace at an early date, the United States ignores consensus and continues to increase its military support for Ukraine. This is intolerable. Its exposed profit-making ambitions are not beneficial to world peace and development, and the international community should have a clear understanding of this.

Beijing News staff writer | Tian Guangqiang (assistant researcher at the Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

editor | Liu Yunyun

proofreader | Liu Jun

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