It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t

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reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees who fled Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border to abduct women! And there are already many women who have been bullied and abducted. This news report is shocking.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

The Ukrainian-Russian war is still going on, and bombings have plunged the people of Ukraine into unprecedented despair. Everyone ran to the air raid shelter to avoid the shells. The subway has become a temporary refuge for everyone, and it is densely packed with people. Air raid shelters and subways cannot accommodate many people, and people walking on the streets have become homeless.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

A Ukrainian woman couldn't help crying on an empty street.

"What should I do?"

"Where can I escape to?"

People who had some savings fled to surrounding countries. The poor Ukrainians can only wait where they are. They don't know what will be waiting for, death or the dawn of hope?

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

During the war, European trafficking gangs targeted Ukrainian women

Ukraine stipulates that men aged 18-55 cannot leave and need to stay and prepare for war at any time. Most of the women and children have gone to neighboring countries, and these people have long been targeted by multiple criminal gangs in Europe. They took advantage of the vulnerability of refugee Ukrainian women and children who wanted urgent help, approached them proactively, pretended to be good Samaritans, and enticed them.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

In Warsaw, Poland, a woman's shouting attracted a crowd around her.

This woman who lost control on the streets is a refugee from Ukraine. After she arrived at the Polish border, she had nowhere to go and happened to meet a "good Samaritan". This "good Samaritan" knew that she came from Ukraine, expressed his sympathy for their plight, and wanted to provide her with some help within his ability.

She said: "I can take you to Warsaw and provide you with free accommodation." This Ukrainian woman was desperate and had no money. At this time, she seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, so she followed him to Warsaw. But what she didn't expect was that this person was not a "good Samaritan" at all. After arriving in Warsaw, this man changed his face and asked the Ukrainian woman for accommodation fees.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

However, she could no longer afford the money. Otherwise, I wouldn't be fooled by this poor acting. Seeing that the woman had no money, this "good Samaritan" forced her to do "x" work to offset the accommodation fee. As a result, the Ukrainian woman who was desperate and bullied completely collapsed and started shouting on the street. It was her shouts that attracted a large number of onlookers and she was able to escape.

This Ukrainian woman is lucky, she escaped the clutches of the devil. But I don’t know how many Ukrainian women like her have encountered bullying and inhuman treatment. The war has not stopped yet, and these criminal gangs still want to make war profits. They are really crazy!

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

How miserable are the women who were abducted?

This Ukrainian woman is lucky, she escaped from the clutches of the devil. But it’s unknown how many Ukrainian women like her have experienced bullying. Some of the women who have been raped will be transported around the world in large containers. They would lure girls and say they would take them abroad to make money. These innocent girls believed it, and they were kept in the dark when the traffickers even counted money in person and conducted transactions. Women who are raped abroad will have their passports confiscated and be transferred to prostitution venues or used for pregnancy.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

When interviewed, a rescued woman couldn't help crying when she talked about her experience at that time. The girl said that the women who were raped were locked in a room with 3-5 people. The room had no windows and was very dark inside. Each room is guarded by special personnel with guns in their hands.They were powerless and unable to resist, so they could only let themselves be dominated. At night, the girls are given specific outfits and then taken to the hotel to "work."

"Not treated as a human being, just like a mare." These are the original words of the rescued girl.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

At the beginning, there were girls who wanted to escape. If they were caught, they would be beaten severely. Some girls, unable to bear the humiliation, chose to commit suicide. Women who want to continue living admit it and do whatever they tell them to do, becoming emotionless money-making machines. A woman has to take on 15-20 clients a day. Even if she faints, she will be beaten up before working. From one devil's cave to another, this is the fate of abducted women.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

For women who are selected for D pregnancy, when the time comes for caesarean section after pregnancy, the baby will be removed through surgery in advance so that the next order can be received faster.

Even if some of these abducted women are lucky enough to be rescued, they will suffer from lifelong diseases due to long-term exploitation.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

Ukrainian teachers abducted female students

However, one thing that everyone does not know is that Ukrainian women have always been the key targets of European trafficking organizations. There are even Ukrainians joining trafficking organizations.

In 2016, In a local middle school in Ukraine, there were frequent cases of missing female students, which gave the police a headache. After various investigations and evidence collection, the police identified a middle-aged teacher named Linna. However, after a year of tracking, the police found no conclusive evidence. How can we catch the murderer behind this? The police officers acted out a Mission: Impossible drama together.

J Cha acted as a "buyer" and contacted the teacher named Linna, offering to buy a beautiful female student for 8,050 euros. Sure enough, after hearing this request, Linna agreed without hesitation. She also eagerly asked the "buyer" when she wanted it, so she went back to make preparations. The policeman and Linna decided on the time and place and were just waiting to close the net.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

At the agreed location, the plainclothes police officer pretended to be a passerby and wandered around. The "buyer" also arrived at the agreed time, waiting for Linna's arrival. Not long after, Lina came with a female student, and the police immediately arrested her. The female student stood aside and watched her teacher being arrested, not knowing what happened. As Lina was caught, the truth about abducting her female classmate also surfaced.

Linna is 52 years old. She has been abducting female students for a year, and countless girls have suffered at her hands. Who would have thought that a female teacher whose husband was a police officer would do such a thing. Her daughter died in a car accident. The family still owes a lot of debt, and her life can be said to be a mess. Because she urgently needed to repay her debt, she began to target her own students, and eventually embarked on this path of crime.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

Even if the buyer made it clear that she needed to remove the organs she needed from the students, she still did not hesitate. For 31 euros, she can provide the buyer with the student's information and health status. Her target group is girls who have lost their parents or whose families are poor. These girls are more likely to be fucked.

Some of the abducted female students were migrated to other countries and engaged in "X" trade; some were bought as wives by others, and some students even had their organs removed. Even if the child disappears, no one will continue to ask questions without the parents. Some students from poor families have no money to support the search after their children go missing, so in the end they have no choice but to let things go.

What’s ridiculous is that Lina, who was caught, was sentenced to 3-12 years in prison, while the abducted students are still in hell.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

Europe is rich, why is female trafficking so rampant?

According to data, nearly 700,000 people in Europe are trafficked every year, and most of them are relatively young women. Although the European economy is relatively developed, there are also many poor people.

According to statistics, nearly 50% of X workers in Ukraine rely on their own flesh and blood business to support their children and families. These people enter this path just to support their families. A small number of people do so voluntarily, but most of the women are abducted and forced to take this road. In 2020, Ukraine's per capita GDP was only US$3,700. Under this economic situation, the development of the sex industry is also growing.

Ukraine's 2011 data shows that there are as many as 50,000 people engaged in the pornographic industry. One in every seven people is a minor. There is no statistics on the number, which may already exceed 100,000. The number of AIDS patients in Ukraine has always been high. Among people aged 15-59, there is one AIDS patient for every 100 people.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

A woman in Ukraine who is engaged in the "X" trade said that her salary for working in a supermarket for a month is US$220. Trying to raise a child and pay for living expenses is tantamount to wishful thinking. But in the flesh business, you can easily get $100 every time. Therefore, they are more willing to work in this industry than to go hungry. This road has also become the only "way" for women at the bottom to survive. Driven by profit, the Ukrainian human trafficking industry has also developed.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

boyfriend m fiancée, the teacher extended his poisonous hand to his students, poverty and chaos led to the tragedy of the Ukrainian girl.

In Europe, the pornographic industry is not banned by the country. From the pornographic industry to prostitutes, the pornographic industry chain has continued. It is in this environment that many criminals see business opportunities. They seduce women and profit from them. Europe has even spawned a dark web for abducted women. Information about abducted girls is posted online as clearly priced merchandise. Because Ukrainian women are beautiful and there are many poor people, they are "treasures" in the eyes of European trafficking organizations.

It was reported on March 7, 2022 that the number of refugees fleeing from Ukraine to other countries exceeded 1.7 million in 10 days. Foreign media said that due to the large influx of Ukrainian refugees into neighboring countries, multiple criminal gangs gathered at the border t - DayDayNews

Slavery in Europe is deeply rooted, and coupled with the high rewards, the prostitution industry and human trafficking have not been eliminated. Although there have been many international crackdowns on m-trafficking, due to the wide scope and many countries involved, there has been no obvious effect.

In fact, the problem of female sex trafficking also exists in many poor countries and unstable areas. If we want to completely eliminate this big "cancer", we not only need the support of governments of various countries, but also need to improve the people's economic level. To eliminate it at the root, we can truly eliminate it. .


The United Nations found that human trafficking exists in 118 countries Population and family planning CNKI 2013-6-08

D Pregnancy: A dark industrial chain across the world - Zhu Qiuyu looks at the world CNKI 2021-02-01

Author: Yijun Proofreading Editor: Li Zi

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