In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li

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In 1969, Gaddafi , who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by the personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. By an unexpected combination of circumstances, he succeeded in one fell swoop and took over the presidential palace and became the Libya country. leader and stayed there for 42 years.

When Gaddafi seized power at the age of 17, he was still a young officer in simple clothes.

After he came to power, he said that he only liked living in tents and regarded gold, silver and jewelry as dirt. The image he established for himself has always been to advocate the natural fairness of tribal society:

He does not smoke, drink, or drink anything else. He is a Bedouin herdsman who only likes to drink mineral water and camel milk and prefers riding camels to luxury cars. He also asked the Libyan people to learn from him, lower their desires and never be extravagant and wasteful.

However, as his reign progressed, his true nature became more and more exposed.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

1. The underground bunker of the Gaddafi family

Gaddafi was actually prepared for his own end. He had already built an underground bunker at an unknown time. This bunker was almost an unbreakable fortress.

This huge building is hidden under the streets of the eastern district of Tripoli. It has 2 protective walls, armored doors, secret passages and a state-of-the-art control room, with a total of 50 rooms.

contains gold, jewelry, antiques and other treasures that the Gaddafi family has accumulated over the years. After the rebellion broke out in Libya, many family members ran into the bunker to take shelter.

After the fall of Gaddafi, many photos were found in his underground bunker revealing the luxurious life of his family.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Gaddafi had many wives and concubines, giving birth to six sons and one daughter..

's eldest son, Ahmed, was born to Gaddafi's original wife. He once served as chairman of the Libyan Olympic Committee and head of the Libyan Postal and Telecommunications Company. He single-handedly monopolized the Libyan telecommunications market for 20 years, making Libya a poor country. , but the communication costs are surprisingly high.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

The second son Saif was born to Gaddafi's second wife. He was deeply loved by Gaddafi since he was a child and gave him the best education. He later graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. Viewed by observers as a Libyan reformer and successor, he has increasingly shown signs of supporting his father's continued rule in Libya.

The third son, Saadi, is the most high-profile of Gaddafi’s sons and lives the most luxurious life. He once served as the chairman of the Libyan Football Federation and was recruited by many professional football teams in Italy. The 38-year-old Saadi originally wanted to be a professional footballer. He was a member of the military, but later followed his father's orders to start a military career and became the leader of an elite force.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Photos show that he lives up to his reputation as a playboy. Linda, a New York woman, said in her dedication message to Saadi: "The most important thing is, I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for the opportunity you gave me this year."

His photos also revealed his love for He has a crush on Nicole, the singer of the female pop group Pussycat Dolls, and he has sexy photos of her singing on stage.

四子Mutasim is a senior army officer. He once served as Libya's national security adviser. He is the spokesperson of the Gaddafi family in the army. He firmly controls the army for Gaddafi. Observers classify him as a conservative.

五子 Hannibal , who once worked for the National Shipping Company, is an unlearned and ignorant playboy, but he has committed many violent incidents in Europe and often spends money like water in Europe.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

The youngest son Khamis is a senior Libyan police officer. As the spokesperson of the Gaddafi family in the police system, he has repeatedly cleared criminal offenses for family members.

's youngest daughter Aisha is a lawyer who manages a Libyan charity foundation. She uses the foundation to line her own pockets. Together with the third brother Saadi, she is the most luxurious member of the Gaddafi family. Aisha, who is in her early 30s, is in her early 30s. The country is known for its elegant posture, long blond hair and often wearing sexy clothes.

She looked like a member of a pop band when she was photographed with her friends.On her wedding day, Elsa shocked the world by wearing a necklace with a large diamond, as such jewelry is rare.

In other photos, she is either wearing fashionable ski clothes, visiting the Louvre in Paris, or strolling on the streets of Prague .

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Gaddafi and his children each have several luxurious rooms in underground bunkers, with a large number of rare treasures hidden in the rooms.

The underground bunker has a strict surveillance system and various agencies. The Gaddafi family tries to use these to protect the family wealth for generations to come.

However, after the fall of Gaddafi, everything became a thing of the past. The underground bunker had long been turned into a shelter for the rebels, and was later requisitioned by the new government.

The rebels mocked Gaddafi's family for worrying about their own safety all the time. They pointed to the underground bunker surveillance system that was more sophisticated than the movie, saying that this place "looks like a James Bond movie."

Maybe it is because Gaddafi has amassed too much wealth and is inconsistent in front of the people that he feels so insecure. However, no matter how solid the fortress is, it cannot prevent the hypocrite and his family from falling. , but became irrefutable evidence of the luxurious life of the Gaddafi family.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

2. The Gaddafi family’s private seaside resort city

After Gaddafi’s death, Libyan opposition soldiers broke into a private seaside resort city owned by the Gaddafi family 12 kilometers west of the capital, Tripoli, and were all attracted by its luxury. Shocking.

Gaddafi liked living in tents very much, and even received visiting foreign heads of state in tents to show his hardship and simplicity. However, after the opposition occupied Gaddafi's family villa, they discovered that Gaddafi's family liked Italian luxury. Furniture and premium wool carpets . These things are "must haves" in every villa.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

The Gaddafi Family Resort City has a diving center, tennis courts, swimming pools, football fields, restaurants and hospitals. Each of Gaddafi's children has an independent villa, and a row of motorbikes are tied to the beach.

Gaddafi's bedroom is very spacious, with various exquisite furniture. The carpet is from Pierre Cardin, France, the sofa is made by British Burberry (Burberry), and the bed is a famous Italian product. A large bed costs 3,000 euros.

After the opposition occupied this place, they discovered that Gaddafi’s children were even more fond of luxury goods than their father. In the villa of Gaddafi’s son Saadi, there were all kinds of luxury goods. Luxurious suits, tops, ties, shirts and shoes, all made by the world's top designers.

Eyewitnesses said that after Saadi's villa was occupied, a car was filled with treasures found inside. There were countless Lamborghinis and other expensive sports cars in the villa group, all of which were "confiscated" by the opposition, and even There is a surplus.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

The villa of Gaddafi's daughter Aisha has 13 rooms in total and is luxuriously decorated. The solid wood sofa bed in the house comes from Italy. Although the pure white sofa cushion looks inconspicuous, its value is stated on a booklet next to it - 3,000 euros (approximately 30,000 yuan).

In Aisha's villa, the opposition also found a large number of DVDs of Western movies. They began to laugh at Gaddafi's hypocrisy because this "revolutionary" known for his anti-Westernness enacted the "Social Purification Law" in 1994 " prohibits people in this country from watching Western songs, dances and movies, but it opens the door to convenience for their own children.

In the villa of Gaddafi's other son Mutassim, there is an indoor swimming pool with a 70-inch holographic screen and surround sound speakers with great sound effects. There are a large number of exquisite reliefs carved on the interior walls of the villa. In the words of the opposition, it is like a palace in myth.

Gaddafi's son Hannibal, who has fled to neighboring Algeria , studied in Europe and liked European architecture very much. The entrance to his villa is a towering stone door. In the back garden of the villa, there are 10 exquisite female statues from the ancient Roman period, which are priceless.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

What makes the opposition curious is that members of the Gaddafi family claim to like reading, but books are rarely seen in the villas.

One of the few books discovered by the opposition was found in the villa of Gaddafi's eldest son Mohammed. It mainly talks about meditation and is called "Escape of Body and Soul".

After the opposition occupied the villa, they ran around everywhere. Wherever they went, the luxurious scenes were the same. Just outside the high wall not far from this villa group are the dilapidated residences of ordinary Libyans . Many families do not even have toilets.

Abtil Salim al-Kilani, who defected from Gaddafi government forces to the opposition, said that this luxurious building complex is just a drop in the ocean of Gaddafi's many wealth and properties.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Previously, the opposition also discovered traces of Gaddafi's luxurious life in the Aziziya barracks in the capital Tripoli. In addition to luxuriously equipped residences, there are also huge private gyms, golf courses and helicopter pads.

Media has reported that Gaddafi directly controls more than 140 tons of gold reserves in the branch of the Libyan Central Bank in the seaside resort city, which can be converted into cash of nearly 80 billion US dollars.

Gaddafi's third son Saadi Gaddafi loves raising lions. There is also a zoo dedicated to Saadi in the seaside resort town. It is not open to ordinary people, but it is supported by Libyan state funds.

Nine of the 18 lions raised in the park are owned by Saadi. Saadi often squats outside the lion den, watching these big pets with relish.

Zoo director Husni said: "Saadi comes every day. When the lions were young, he would play with them. He would also feed them and greet the lions."

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

3. Kaza The Philippine family's female bodyguard

There have long been rumors in Libya that the Gaddafi family has a secret "sex room."

In October 2011, the hideout of Gaddafi, who had lost power, was exposed. He was surrounded by a large mob and tortured to death. The arrogant ruler was reduced to a street rat. After the fall of Gaddafi's regime, the truth emerged.

During the 42 years of Gaddafi's rule, at least thousands of boys and girls became slaves of the Gaddafi family here.

A teacher who once worked at the University of Tripoli revealed that Gaddafi often "selected concubines" in the name of campus speeches, and then sent his personal guards to kidnap the victims and imprison them in secret rooms in the university. If the family members of the victim resisted or tried to If you look for your daughter's whereabouts, your family will be confiscated and killed.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Seham Sergewa, a psychologist working for the International Tribunal , interviewed about 400 victims who had stayed in sex rooms and sorted out a fixed process.

After that night, Soraka was incorporated into the "Women's Guards" and became a sex slave of Gaddafi's son. Later, she was ravaged by senior government officials and generals in turn for 7 years.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Former high-level government officials revealed that Gaddafi did not even spare young boys in his later years. The total number of victims, both men and women, was at least a thousand.

"Once we killed 17 female students in one breath." The interviewees who had served as personal bodyguards couldn't help but shed tears in front of the interview camera when they recalled the past. However, they who admired Gaddafi extremely at the time lost their minds. Human nature, often cheering and celebrating after shooting innocent female compatriots.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Since the 1970s, Gaddafi has had a team of about 30 female bodyguards around him. At its peak, the number was said to be 400.

These female bodyguards wear camouflage uniforms, apply nail polish, style their hair, and put on thick mascara. They not only have to take bullets for Gaddafi (Gaddafi was attacked in 1998, resulting in the death of a female bodyguard, Two people were injured) and had to swear that they were virgins.

When the International Criminal Court (ICC) was investigating the war crimes committed by Gaddafi and his accomplices, it sent child psychologist Sergiva to collect evidence for the ICC, including investigating Gaddafi's forces during the crackdown, and completely uncovered the truth about Gaddafi's crimes. The inside story of Zafi’s female bodyguards.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Sergiva said that five female bodyguards complained to her that they were ravaged by the Gaddafi group. One of them said that Gaddafi coerced her to join the bodyguard group on the grounds that her brother was smuggling drugs from Malta to Libya. Otherwise the brother will be in jail for the rest of his life.

She had to undergo a health check including an AIDS test, and was finally taken to Tripoli's "Glorious Gate Barracks" to meet Gaddafi in his pajamas. After refusing his "favor", he was brutally beaten. The female bodyguards

came forward to accuse all had similar experiences: was first sexually assaulted by Gaddafi, then treated as second-hand goods, and allowed to be played and abused by Gaddafi's sons and senior officials in turn, and finally discarded like objects.

The case of the female bodyguards is just the tip of the iceberg of the atrocities committed by the Gaddafi regime.

Sergiva estimates that there may be as many as 6,000 victims of Gaddafi's forces.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

Although Sergiva's research caused controversy, "Amnesty International" also said that there was no evidence to support the inference of systemic atrocities, but her research was supported by the ICC.

ICC Chief Prosecutor Moreno Ocampo said that the investigation into the collective sexual assault of women by Gaddafi's troops has evidence that the Gaddafi authorities provided stimulants to the soldiers to encourage such atrocities.

The atrocities committed against women by the Gaddafi regime also include the actions of Gaddafi’s son Hannibal. The opposition discovered in Gaddafi's beach house that Hannibal's nanny had been beaten, fasted and repeatedly burned. It can be seen that the Gaddafi family regards women as nothing and regards women as the basis of their luxurious life. part.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

4. The Gaddafi family controls Libya’s national wealth

Gaddafi’s son Saifal-Islam Gaddafi was released in 2017 after six years of imprisonment by militia groups. After Saif was freed, a luxury motorcade immediately greeted him and he returned to a luxurious life.

Although the international community initially tried its best to trace the assets of the Gaddafi family, it is estimated that Saif can still control about US$20-30 billion in funds left by the family, which can be used for a comeback at any time.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

According to the British " Times " report, the United Nations Security Council issued a statement stating that the Gaddafi family still has a large amount of funds that have not been seized. Abdelhamid al-Jadi, an investigator appointed by the Libyan interim government, said:

"As far as we know, $50 billion in Libyan national assets stolen by the Gaddafi family are currently in the United Arab Emirates, among which Saif identified It can directly control up to 20 billion U.S. dollars."

Jadi said that although there are media reports that these assets in the United Arab Emirates have been frozen, according to their investigation results, there is no evidence to prove this statement.

He emphasized that even in Switzerland whose assets have been frozen under the United Nations investigation, Saif can still obtain a large amount of funds by using the family's accounts that can still be used.

In 1969, Gaddafi, who was still a colonel at the time, surrounded by personal bodyguards of Arab revolutionaries, began to call for an anti-government movement from his base in Tripoli. He succeeded in one fell swoop and entered the presidential palace and became the leader of Li - DayDayNews

The total illegal funds that Seif can currently control may be as high as 30 billion U.S. dollars. In addition to the above-mentioned areas, Seif’s family still has a lot of funds to use in other Persian Gulf countries. The specific amount is difficult to estimate.

No one knows how much illegal property the Gaddafi family has acquired in total during the 42 years they have ruled in Libya, but the amount must not be underestimated.

Jadi revealed that the estimated amount may be as high as 300 billion US dollars. There are also other survey data showing that there are at least 60 billion US dollars, but this does not include any assets that have been spent or held through government agencies.

The Gaddafi family can really be said to be extremely wealthy. However, what is ridiculous is that Gaddafi has been persuading the Libyan people to learn from him, abide by Islamic precepts and Sharia law, be pure in heart, and must not be extravagant and wasteful. It's extremely shameless.

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